


The extremely unmagical way that Liu Qian pulled off his “magic pot” trick at the Spring Festival Gala?

It’s said that a true magician never reveals his secret. But what about one that makes the trickobvious to most of his audience?


表示“戏法,把戏”,英文解释为“a skilful set of actions that seem like magic, done to entertain people”,如:a magic trick 魔术,举个:

My uncle was always showing me card tricks when I was a kid.


Chinese magician Liu Qian (aka Lu “Louis” Chen) is a veteran of the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage. On Monday night, his act involved a magic pot that was able to conjure up whatever kind of beverage you so desired. At one point, Liu went out into the audience to ask one gentleman what he would like to drink.


表示“老手,(在某方面)经验丰富的人”,英文解释为“someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity”,如:veteran journalist/actor/goalkeeper etc 资深记者/资深演员/经验丰富的守门员等。

conjure up

conjure /ˈkʌndʒə/

表示“魔术般地变出(某物)”,英文解释为“to make something appear when it is not expected, as if by magic”,举个:

Somehow we have to conjure up another $10,000.



表示“饮料”,英文解释为“a hot or cold drink formal”,如:alcoholic beverages 含酒精的饮料。

The man replied that he would like a glass of douzhi or fermented mung bean milk, a Beijing classic. While the request may have appeared impossible, Liu focused on the pot for a few seconds and out poured some douzhi.


fermented mung bean milk 豆汁

ferment作动词表示“发酵”,英文解释为“if fruit, beer, wine etc ferments, or if it is fermented, the sugar in it changes to alcohol”,如:fermented fruit juice 发酵果汁。

mung bean表示“绿豆”,英文解释为“a small green bean, usually eaten as a beansprout”。

Following the performance, a clip leaked onto the Chinese internet purporting to show the shockingly clumsy way that Liu pulled this trick off. In the clip, an assistant is seen kneeling down in front of the aisle and switching the pot in Liu’s hand — a move that would have been obvious to most in the audience, particularly those sitting higher up.


表示“声称是…,据称是…,像是…”,英文解释为“to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true”,用法:purport to do sth,举个:

Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.



表示“(行为或说话)笨拙的,不得体的 ”,英文解释为“a clumsy action or statement is said or done carelessly or badly, and likely to upset someone”,举个:

He made a clumsy attempt to comfort us. 他笨嘴拙舌地安慰我们。


表示“通道,过道”,英文解释为“a long passage between rows of seats in a church, plane, theatre etc, or between rows of shelves in a shop”。


go/walk down the aisle表示“步入婚姻的殿堂,结婚”(to get married informal)

Online, some have defended Liu’s honor, charging that the video was obviously edited, pointing at how the clip jumps twice as the assistant allegedly makes the switch. Liu himself is unlikely to comment on the matter so the truth of the matter will probably remain a mystery.


However, either way, the act has got a number of people interested in turning water into wine. Soon after the performance, viewers started going online and buying the “magic pot” prop that Liu used. The pot’s price started at 3,305 yuan ($490) but quickly was cut in half.


作名词,表示“道具”,英文解释为“an object used by the actors performing in a play or film”,举个:

The set is minimal and the only props used in the show are a table, a chair, and a glass of water.



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