2021-03-01 词缀记忆系列2_Sub-

前缀 sub- 含义为 under

其变形有suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-等。(其中c,f,g,m,p,r,s为辅音字母前的变形,比如suggestion为 sug- gestion)



1.submissive [(sub( =under) +miss( =send)把自己向下派送]

  adj. be~to   yielding to the control or authority of another; meek 服从的,顺从的;柔顺的,温顺的  submit 服从,投降,屈服;提交   submission 服从,投降

  ex) Rather than being submissive or aggressive, it's healthier to be assertive.


2.subordinate [(sub( =under) +ordin( =order)在下面接受命令]

adj. be~to  inferior to or placed below another in rank, power, importance, etc. 地位、阶级等低的;下级的;从属的

n. person in a subordinate position 下级,从属者,部下

vt. place in a subordinate position  把…列入下级,使从属

subordination 下级,从属  subordinative  从属的

ex) If you speak to my subordinate, he can get the answer for you.


3.subsequent [(sub( =under) +sequ(=follow)在下面(尾部)接着发生]

adj. be~to  coming after; following in time, place, or order 后续的;以后的

subsequently  此后,其后,随后  subsequence  后继

ex) Subsequent tests revealed that she was suffering from pleurisy.


4.suffrage  [(suf

n. franchise, right of voting in political elections; vote, consent expressed by voting 授票权,选举权;投票;赞成票

ex) Suffrage is constitutionally guaranteed to all non-criminal adults.


5.supplement [sup

vt. sth+with+sth  make up for a lack or deficiency  补充

n. something added  补充,增补;附录,增刊

supplementary  补充的,追加的;补角的

ex) Most breakfast cereals contain a host of vitamin and mineral supplements.


6.substantial  [sub( =under) +st( =stand)站在下面]

adj. virtual; having physical existence; essential; solidly or strongly built or made;large; ample; considerable; well-to-do 实质的,本质上的;健壮的,结实的;大量的,丰富的,丰足的;富裕的

substantiate 证实;使实体化  substance 物质:本质;要旨;坚固;财产

substantive 独立的;实际的

ex) He promised me a substantial salary raise around the first of the yerar.


7.sustain  [sus

vt. keep from falling or sinking; keep up; maintain; suffer, undergo; support;

uphold-admit 支撑;维持;遭受、蒙受损失等;经历,承受:供养,维持(生命等);确认;认可  sustenance 生计;食品,营养品;维持

ex) During the lean years, egg sales alone sustained our farm.


8.subjugate  [sub (=under) +jug (=bind, join)在下面捆]

vt. bring under control or subjection; conquer  使服从;使从属;征服

subjugation 从属;征服

ex) Rapists subjugate women not only physically but also emotionally.


9.succumb  [suc

vt. to+sth  give way to; yield to temptation, flattery, etc.; die  屈服,屈从于;死

ex) He succumbed to malaria after several long nights of chills and fevers.


10.supplant  [sup

vt. take the place of; take the place of someone, especially after getting him out of office 取代;把…排挤掉  supplanter  取而代之的人

ex) Lasers supplanted the use of scalpels for eye surgery decades ago.



 前缀sub-来源拉介词sub,意为“under,from under”等,表示“在下”的位置或“自下而上”的运动。作为原生前缀,sub-出现在许多12世纪后引进的拉丁借词中,sub-依然遵守拉丁读音规则,接受词根首字母的同化产生出suc-,suf-,sug-,sum-,sup-,sur-,sus-,su-等变形异体。但在16世纪以后,sub-可作为活性派生词缀与各种语源的单词结合构成新词。在这些派生词中,sub-没有异体,而意思却有所引申。除under之外,它还可以表示“secondary, slightly,in place of, precisely"等含义。派生前缀sub-可以与名词、形容词、动词等结合。当他作为介词性前缀与名词结合时,可能改变词基单词的词性。与包含sub- 的拉丁借词相比,由派生前缀sub- 构成单词数量更多。


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