选择性必修三 Unit 9 Lesson 2 Brain Power语篇解读


        本课是本单元的听力课,两则听力分别介绍大脑和改善大脑能力的方法,属于“人与自然”主题。“ Every human brain is different—— the brain makes each human unique and defines who he or she is.( Stanley B Prusiner) ”(每个人的大脑都是不同的,大脑使每个人都是独特的并定义了他或他是谁。——斯坦利.普鲁西纳)本课的主题意义让学生更加了解人类大脑,让学生更好地了解自我,了解世界,更好地改造自己,发展自己,不断完善自我。





[主要内容/ What]

        听力一介绍人类大脑六个方面的知识,包括大脑组成物质、重量、消耗人体的能量比、所含脑细胞的数量以及头脑传递信息的方式;根据最近10年研究得知,大脑不同区域负责不同功能,由不同区域负责不同思维。( The brain consists of gray and white matter. The brain weighs just over a kilo. The brain contains about 100 billion cells. The brain uses 20% of the body's energy. The brain sends messages in the same way as a computer works. There are more possible connections in your brain than there are atoms in the universe.)( There are different areas in the brain which are responsible for different functions. We now know which parts of the brain are related to different parts of our body and feelings from them. The brain also has different areas for different kinds of thinking. you have one area for your first language and another area for a foreign language that you learn when you are older.)

        听力二由三个学生分别咨询自己的问题,并获得大脑专家Professor Kim的专业建议。 Anna thinks her memory isn't as good as it used to be. So she is wondering  whether brain exercises really work. Professor Kim suggests challenging their brain with learning new things they are not good.

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