


jQuery provides two approaches to select elements. The first uses a combination of CSS and XPath selectors passed as a string to the jQuery constructor (eg. $("div > ul a")). The second uses several methods of the jQuery object. Both approaches can be combined.

jQuery提供两种方式来选择元素。一种是结合CSS和XPath选择器的方式,它只需向jQuery构造器传递一个字符串即可(如,$(“div > ul a”);另一种则使用jQuery对象的多种方法。两种方式均可结合使用。

To try some of these selectors, we select and modify the first ordered list in our starterkit.


To get started, we want to select the list itself. The list has an ID "orderedlist". In classic JavaScript, you could select it by using document.getElementById("orderedlist"). With jQuery, we do it like this:


 $(document).ready(function() {

The starterkit provides a stylesheet with a class "red" that simply adds a red background. Therefore, when you reload the page in your browser, you should see that the first ordered list has a red background. The second list is not modified.


Now lets add some more classes to the child elements of this list.


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("#orderedlist > li").addClass("blue");

This selects all child lis of the element with the id orderedlist and adds the class "blue".


Now for something a little more sophisticated: We want to add and remove the class when the user hovers the li element, but only on the last element in the list.


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("#orderedlist li:last").hover(function() {

There are many other selectors similar to CSS and XPath syntax. More examples and a list of all available expressions can be found here.


For every onxxx event available, like onclick, onchange, onsubmit, there is a jQuery equivalent.Some other events, like ready and hover, are provided as convenient methods for certain tasks.


You can find a complete list of all events in the jQuery Events Documentation.

在jQuery Events Documentation可以找到完整的事件列表。

With those selectors and events you can already do a lot of things, but there is more.


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("#orderedlist").find("li").each(function(i) {
     $(this).append( " BAM! " + i );

find() allows you to further search the descendants of the already selected elements, therefore$("#orderedlist").find("li") is mostly the same as $("#orderedlist li").

find()方法允许你在选中的元素中进行更深入的查找,因此$(“#orderedlist”).find(“li”)和$(“#orderedlist li”)功能其实是一样的。

each() iterates over every element and allows further processing. Most methods, likeaddClass(), use each() themselves.


In this example, append() is used to append some text to it and set it as text to the end of each element.


Another task you often face is to call methods on DOM elements that are not covered by jQuery. Think of a form you would like to reset after you submitted it successfully via AJAX.

此外,你也会经常遇到要调用DOM(Document Object Model,文档对象模型)元素方法却不能用jQuery的情况,想想用AJAX该怎么提交成功后重置一个表单(form)。

 $(document).ready(function() {
   // use this to reset a single form
   $("#reset").click(function() {

This code selects the first form element and calls reset() on it. In case you had more than one form, you could also do this:


 $(document).ready(function() {
   // use this to reset several forms at once
   $("#reset").click(function() {
     $("form").each(function() {

This would select all forms within your document, iterate over them and call reset() for each. Note that in an .each() function, this refers to the actual element. Also note that, since the reset() function belongs to the form element and not to the jQuery object, we cannot simply call $("form").reset() to reset all the forms on the page.


An additional challenge is to select only certain elements from a group of similar or identical ones. jQuery provides filter() and not() for this. While filter() reduces the selection to the elements that fit the filter expression, not() does the contrary and removes all elements that fit the expression. Think of an unordered list where you want to select all li elements that have no ul children.


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("li").not(":has(ul)").css("border", "1px solid black"); 

This selects all li elements that have a ul element as a child and removes all elements from the selection. Therefore all li elements get a border, except the one that has a child ul.


The [expression] syntax is taken from XPath and can be used to filter by attributes. Maybe you want to select all anchors that have a name attribute:


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("a[name]").css("background", "#eee" );

This adds a background color to all anchor elements with a name attribute.


More often than selecting anchors by name, you might need to select anchors by their "href" attribute. This can be a problem as browsers behave quite inconsistently when returning what they think the "href" value is (Note: This problem was fixed recently in jQuery, available in any versions after 1.1.1). To match only a part of the value, we can use the contains select "*=" instead of an equals ("="):


 $(document).ready(function() {
   $("a[href*='/content/gallery']").click(function() {
     // do something with all links that point somewhere to /content/gallery

Until now, all selectors were used to select children or filter the current selection. There are situations where you need to select the previous or next elements, known as siblings. Think of a FAQ page, where all answers are hidden first, and shown, when the question is clicked. The jQuery code for this:

到此为止,所有示例中的选择器都用来选择子元素或者过滤当前的选择。还有一些别的情景下需要选择前一个或者后一个元素,即兄弟关系的元素。想想FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题解答)页面,问题的答案先是被隐藏着的,当点击时出现。相应的jQuery代码如下:

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#faq').find('dd').hide().end().find('dt').click(function() {

Here we use some chaining to reduce the code size and gain better performance, as '#faq' is only selected once. By using end(), the first find() is undone, so we can start search with the next find() at our #faq element, instead of the dd children.

这里使用代码链的形式,以减少代码量并提高性能,因为‘#faq’只被选择过一次。end()方法的使用,结束了对前面找到“dd”时返回的元素对象的引用而直接回到#faq的引用($(‘#fap’)是.find(‘dd’)的外层,.end()只取消了.find(‘dd’)这层而跳回到$(‘#fap’)这层,参见:http://www.jquery001.com/jquery-end-method.html,jQuery end()方法详解;及官方API文档:http://api.jquery.com/end/)。

Within the click handler, the function passed to the click() method, we use $(this).next() to find the next sibling starting from the current dt. This allows us to quickly select the answer following the clicked question.


In addition to siblings, you can also select parent elements (also known as ancestors for those more familiar with XPath). Maybe you want to highlight the paragraph that is the parent of the link the user hovers. Try this:



For all hovered anchor elements, the parent paragraph is searched and a class "highlight" added and removed.


Lets go one step back before continuing: jQuery is a lot about making code shorter and therefore easier to read and maintain. The following is a shortcut for the $(document).ready(callback) notation:


 $(function() {
   // code to execute when the DOM is ready

Applied to the Hello world! example, we end with this:

应用于Hello world!例子如下:

 $(function() {
   $("a").click(function() {
     alert("Hello world!");
