<!doctype html> <html lang="en" data-framework="backbonejs"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Backbone.js • TodoMVC</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.css"> </head> <body> <section id="todoapp"> <header id="header"> <h1>todos</h1> <input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus> </header> <section id="main"> <input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox"> <label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label> <ul id="todo-list"></ul> </section> <footer id="footer"></footer> </section> <footer id="info"> <p>Double-click to edit a todo</p> <p>Written by <a href="https://github.com/addyosmani">Addy Osmani</a></p> <p>Part of <a href="http://todomvc.com">TodoMVC</a></p> </footer> <!-- Templates --> <script type="text/template" id="item-template"> <div class="view"> <input class="toggle" type="checkbox" <%= completed ? 'checked' : '' %>> <label><%- title %></label> <button class="destroy"></button> </div> <input class="edit" value="<%- title %>"> </script> <script type="text/template" id="stats-template"> <span id="todo-count"><strong><%= remaining %></strong> <%= remaining === 1 ? 'item' : 'items' %> left</span> <ul id="filters"> <li> <a class="selected" href="#/">All</a> </li> <li> <a href="#/active">Active</a> </li> <li> <a href="#/completed">Completed</a> </li> </ul> <% if (completed) { %> <button id="clear-completed">Clear completed (<%= completed %>)</button> <% } %> </script> <script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/underscore/underscore.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/backbone/backbone.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/backbone.localStorage/backbone.localStorage.js"></script> <script src="js/models/todo.js"></script> <script src="js/collections/todos.js"></script> <script src="js/views/todo-view.js"></script> <script src="js/views/app-view.js"></script> <script src="js/routers/router.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
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Can't use it globally since it destroys checkboxes in Firefox and Opera */ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { #toggle-all, #todo-list li .toggle { background: none; } #todo-list li .toggle { height: 40px; } #toggle-all { top: -56px; left: -15px; width: 65px; height: 41px; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); -webkit-appearance: none; appearance: none; } } .hidden { display: none; } hr { margin: 20px 0; border: 0; border-top: 1px dashed #C5C5C5; border-bottom: 1px dashed #F7F7F7; } .learn a { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #b83f45; } .learn a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #787e7e; } .learn h3, .learn h4, .learn h5 { margin: 10px 0; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.2; color: #000; } .learn h3 { font-size: 24px; } .learn h4 { font-size: 18px; } .learn h5 { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 14px; } .learn ul { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 30px 25px; } .learn li { line-height: 20px; } .learn p { font-size: 15px; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.3; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .quote { border: none; margin: 20px 0 60px 0; } .quote p { font-style: italic; } .quote p:before { content: '“'; font-size: 50px; opacity: .15; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: 3px; } .quote p:after { content: '”'; font-size: 50px; opacity: .15; position: absolute; bottom: -42px; right: 3px; } .quote footer { position: absolute; bottom: -40px; right: 0; } .quote footer img { border-radius: 3px; } .quote footer a { margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle; } .speech-bubble { position: relative; padding: 10px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04); border-radius: 5px; } .speech-bubble:after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 100%; right: 30px; border: 13px solid transparent; border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04); } .learn-bar > .learn { position: absolute; width: 272px; top: 8px; left: -300px; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .6); -webkit-transition-property: left; transition-property: left; -webkit-transition-duration: 500ms; transition-duration: 500ms; } @media (min-width: 899px) { .learn-bar { width: auto; margin: 0 0 0 300px; } .learn-bar > .learn { left: 8px; } .learn-bar #todoapp { width: 550px; margin: 130px auto 40px auto; } }
//app对象 var app = app || {}; (function () { 'use strict'; // Todo 模型 // ---------- //我们基本的Todo模型有`title`,`order`,`completed`,属性 app.Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({ //todo默认属性,确保每个对象都拥有`title` and `completed`. defaults: { title: '', completed: false }, //改变todo中`completed`属性为反向状态 toggle: function () { this.save({ completed: !this.get('completed') }); } }); })();
在todo app我们实现要实现的功能中,一个基本待办事项就是最基本的数据模型,它拥有title,completed,order,三个属性,分别表示显示的标题,是否完成和顺序,其中title,completed为默认属性。
//app对象 var app = app || {}; (function () { 'use strict'; // Todo 集合 // --------------- // 这里数据集合将存储到本地存储,替代服务器存储 var Todos = Backbone.Collection.extend({ //引用这个集合的模型 model: app.Todo, // 集合中所有的todo 模型都将存在本地 localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage('todos-backbone'), // 过滤为所有完成的todo模型 completed: function () { return this.where({completed: true}); }, // 过滤为所有为完成的todo模型 remaining: function () { return this.where({completed: false}); }, // 我们将保持Todos有序,不管是不是被无序存储 // 生成下个todo模型的顺序ID nextOrder: function () { return this.length ? this.last().get('order') + 1 : 1; }, // 所有的todo将以最初插入的顺序保存到Todos当中。 comparator: 'order' }); // 创建一个todos集合。 app.todos = new Todos(); })();
var app = app || {}; (function ($) { 'use strict'; // todo 单个模型的视图 // -------------- // 一个todo模型的DOM元素 app.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({ // 整个视图在一个li标签中 tagName: 'li', // 缓存单个模型的模板函数 template: _.template($('#item-template').html()), // 定义单个模型页面视图中指定DOM元素触发事件时调用的函数 events: { 'click .toggle': 'toggleCompleted', 'dblclick label': 'edit', 'click .destroy': 'clear', 'keypress .edit': 'updateOnEnter', 'keydown .edit': 'revertOnEscape', 'blur .edit': 'close' }, // 监听其对应模型的事件,这是一对一的,这个视图,监听其模型。 initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.remove); this.listenTo(this.model, 'visible', this.toggleVisible); }, // 生成模型的标题。 render: function () { //Backbone LocalStorage保存模型时,会增加一个ID属性,这将引起render事件再次发生。我们想过滤由此引起的第二次render,因此增加了一段功能。 // 这是localStorage.js的一个BUG,相关信息可以查看 https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/issues/469 if (this.model.changed.id !== undefined) { return; } this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); this.$el.toggleClass('completed', this.model.get('completed')); this.toggleVisible(); this.$input = this.$('.edit'); return this; }, toggleVisible: function () { this.$el.toggleClass('hidden', this.isHidden()); }, isHidden: function () { return this.model.get('completed') ? app.TodoFilter === 'active' : app.TodoFilter === 'completed'; }, // 改变模型completed状态 toggleCompleted: function () { this.model.toggle(); }, // 转到编辑状态 edit: function () { this.$el.addClass('editing'); this.$input.focus(); }, // 关闭编辑模式,存储对模型的改变 close: function () { var value = this.$input.val(); var trimmedValue = value.trim(); // 在非编辑状态下直接返回 if (!this.$el.hasClass('editing')) { return; } if (trimmedValue) { this.model.save({ title: trimmedValue }); if (value !== trimmedValue) { // 只增加了两边的空格的更改并不会存入服务器中,在此情况下,我们重新渲染视图, // 达到显示和后台统一的目的。 this.model.trigger('change'); } } else { this.clear(); } this.$el.removeClass('editing'); }, // 如果你按下回车键,将跳到编辑状态 updateOnEnter: function (e) { if (e.which === ENTER_KEY) { this.close(); } }, // 如果你按下esc键,将恢复视图为模型的数据,并离开编辑状态 revertOnEscape: function (e) { if (e.which === ESC_KEY) { this.$el.removeClass('editing'); // 重置输入框为模型中的数据 this.$input.val(this.model.get('title')); } }, // 删除条目,并从localStorage中销毁,并删除视图(事件监听destroy) clear: function () { this.model.destroy(); } }); })(jQuery);
var app = app || {}; (function ($) { 'use strict'; // 程序 // --------------- // 整体的程序视图 app.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({ // 视图绑定为已经存在的页面节点 el: '#todoapp', // 缓存状态模板 statsTemplate: _.template($('#stats-template').html()), events: { 'keypress #new-todo': 'createOnEnter', 'click #clear-completed': 'clearCompleted', 'click #toggle-all': 'toggleAllComplete' }, // 在初始化时,我们绑定相关的事件到集合实例上, // 重置时,重新添加所有模型。 initialize: function () { this.allCheckbox = this.$('#toggle-all')[0]; this.$input = this.$('#new-todo'); this.$footer = this.$('#footer'); this.$main = this.$('#main'); this.$list = $('#todo-list'); this.listenTo(app.todos, 'add', this.addOne); this.listenTo(app.todos, 'reset', this.addAll); this.listenTo(app.todos, 'change:completed', this.filterOne); this.listenTo(app.todos, 'filter', this.filterAll); this.listenTo(app.todos, 'all', this.render); // 抑制由于每个add事件引起的视图生成。从本地存储获取到模型时,触发reset事件,添加所有的模型到集合中。 app.todos.fetch({reset: true}); }, // reset并不会引起视图的生成。 render: function () { var completed = app.todos.completed().length; var remaining = app.todos.remaining().length; if (app.todos.length) { this.$main.show(); this.$footer.show(); this.$footer.html(this.statsTemplate({ completed: completed, remaining: remaining })); this.$('#filters li a') .removeClass('selected') .filter('[href="#/' + (app.TodoFilter || '') + '"]') .addClass('selected'); } else { this.$main.hide(); this.$footer.hide(); } this.allCheckbox.checked = !remaining; }, // 为新增的模型创建视图,添加到页面中去 addOne: function (todo) { var view = new app.TodoView({ model: todo }); this.$list.append(view.render().el); }, // 一次添加所有模型视图 addAll: function () { this.$list.html(''); app.todos.each(this.addOne, this); }, filterOne: function (todo) { todo.trigger('visible'); }, filterAll: function () { app.todos.each(this.filterOne, this); }, // 生成新模型的属性 newAttributes: function () { return { title: this.$input.val().trim(), order: app.todos.nextOrder(), completed: false }; }, // 回车键保存模型,且保存到localStorage createOnEnter: function (e) { if (e.which === ENTER_KEY && this.$input.val().trim()) { app.todos.create(this.newAttributes()); this.$input.val(''); } }, // 清除所有完成的模型, clearCompleted: function () { _.invoke(app.todos.completed(), 'destroy'); return false; }, toggleAllComplete: function () { var completed = this.allCheckbox.checked; app.todos.each(function (todo) { todo.save({ completed: completed }); }); } }); })(jQuery);
var app = app || {}; (function () { 'use strict'; // Todo 路由 // ---------- var TodoRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { '*filter': 'setFilter' }, setFilter: function (param) { // 存储目前的过滤参数。 app.TodoFilter = param || ''; // 触发过滤事件,改变视图的隐藏显示。 app.todos.trigger('filter'); } }); app.TodoRouter = new TodoRouter(); Backbone.history.start(); })();
var app = app || {}; var ENTER_KEY = 13; var ESC_KEY = 27; $(function () { 'use strict'; // 创建App实例,初始化所有功能 new app.AppView(); });