Groupon 进入中国的部分细节

昨天我们独家披露了 Groupon 的中国计划,其他媒体动作也不慢,Techcrunch 从很特别的途径得到了这个计划的一部分细节(大学的工作招聘网站)。

  • 几天前 Groupon 刚刚结束了 9.5 亿美元的新一轮募资,而这笔钱的很大一部分将会砸在中国市场上,这意味着大量的资金跟很有竞争力的薪水;
  • 核心管理层由十个人组成,部分是 Groupon 的老员工,不少人有顶级投行及咨询公司的工作经历;
  • 上周日他们正式在国内开工,已经招聘了 50 名员工,主要是中层管理职位,到三月份将扩展到一千人。


“I do not want to disclose too much information here, just some rough facts:

- Groupon has secured 950mn. EUR, large parts of which are used for penetration of the Chinese market. That means near to endless funding. Compensation is highly, highly competitive.

- The core management team consists of 10 people (including me), all of which (exept me :) ) have worked for Groupon before and/or have experience at leading consultancies / investment banks.

- This is the fastest growing venture of all times. Since we landed here on Sunday we hired 50 employees (middle management level, mostly Chinese McK), by March we’ll grow to 1000 employees.

- We are recruiting on all positions / functions / levels. If you hold a Masters degree from an internationally leading university, have working experience from a reputable bank/consultancy, have startup experience you will be able to join the management team, otherwise we will also find a suitable position for you.

Send me your CVs to [REDACTED] – the sooner the better.

Vice President Groupon China”


© 宁剑 for 爱范儿: 拇指资讯小众讨论, 2011. | Permalink | 11 comments | Add to
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