作者:Dean Evans
手机应用顾问Jonathan Stark撰写了两本关于iPhone和Android开发的书籍。在此他陈述如何判定最佳应用制作方式,并分享了若干优秀的开发工具。
手指和拇指触控彻底改变了台式机的操作惯例。互动设计师Josh Clark强调了在针对触屏装置设计内容时应该注意的重要问题。并比较了iPhone,iPad以及Android的灵活触屏界面。
高级用户体验顾问Simon Duke及User Vision高级可用性顾问Mark Westwater解释了智能手机游戏的一些限制性因素,并强调了一款成功游戏所具备的重要属性。
在PhoneGap的新手指南摘录中,我们可以看到Nitobi/Adobe Andrew Lunny仔细研究了开发者在手机游戏开发过程中遇到的最大阻碍:首先面向iOS,Android以及黑莓平台制作简单的应用。
对于任何开发者来说顺利创造出一款应用真的很让人激动。但是在你的应用发行前你需要做好万全的准备。iOS和Mac开发者/设计师Daniel Bramhall向我们解释了相关细节。
开发者总是不擅于推销自己的作品。在此,Huw David Design的首席iOS开发者Craig Lockwood提供10个秘诀,以帮助你的游戏在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。对于应用教程来说,这一技能非常重要。
Android应用也能够像iOS界面一样美观。Bitmode Ltd创始人Richard Leggett深入研究了Android应用的样式和主题,并陈述如何单凭XML(游戏邦注:可扩展标示语言)和图像文件赋予应用新的外观和感觉。
不要对那些帮助你测试应用的人怀抱太大的信心,即使对方是专家。来自MokaSocial的John Senner、Koa Metter及Emory Myers跟我们解释了如何执行这一苦活(测试)。
Android给开发者带来了许多很棒的发展机遇。Android开发咨询公司Novoda总监Kevin McDonagh总结了10大诀窍,以帮助开发者最大限度地利用自己的开发时间。
你需要意识到,针对于iOS设备的设计与针对网页设计内容是截然不同的。Sarah Parmenter向我们阐述了如何为你的应用创造完美的用户界面。
11.如何使用Sencha Touch(游戏邦注:专门服务移动设备应用开发的Javascrt框架)创建iPad应用
学习如何通过Sencha Touch数据库创造一款能够植入iPad及其它手机设备的网络应用。手机设计专家Robert Douglas对此做出了详细的解释。
在本教程中,Apposing Dave Brown将向你展示如何创造iPad应用的两个基本用户界面以及如何给它们创建原型。
学前儿童总是很挑剔。Spelly iPhone/iPad应用制作人Alex Morris阐述了如何设计能够吸引这类玩家注意的应用。
这一教程是关于如何将游戏理念发展成一个有用的概念并将其具体化——也就是设计成应用。利用ActionScript 3.0,了解其中的复杂细节或者学习Google Static Map API,并将Adobe AIR整合进你的工作流程中。
针对于Windows Phone的应用教程
15.如何创造你的第一款Windows Phone7应用
虽然只有一点,但这是接触微软Metro UI-based Windows Phone 7操作系统的最佳方式。从如何找到最丰富的工具到如何编写XAML和C#语言内容,微软最有价值的专家Michael Crump都一一囊括在内。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
App tutorials: 15 design dos (and don’ts) for Android, iOS and Windows Phone
by Dean Evans
Jump into mobile development with this collection of app tutorials that includes how to design for touchscreen devices and the secrets to creating a successful mobile game.
General app tutorials
1. The developer’s guide to mobile frameworks
Mobile app consultant Jonathan Stark is the author of two iPhone and Android development books. Here, he explains his process for determining the best development approach for an application and discusses the best tools available.
2. How to design for ‘touch’
Fingers and thumbs turn desktop conventions on their head. Interaction designer Josh Clark explains what you need to keep in mind when designing for touch-sensitive screens. Includes a comparison of finger-friendly touch interfaces for iPhone, iPad and Android.
3. How to build a killer mobile game
Simon Duke, senior UX consultant, and Mark Westwater, senior usability consultant of User Vision, explain some of the key constraints to gaming on a smartphone and highlight the key attributes of a successful game.
App tutorials: Learn the secrets of killer games like Fruit Ninja.
4. Getting started with PhoneGap
In this excerpt from the PhoneGap Beginner’s Guide, Nitobi/Adobe’s Andrew Lunny goes over the biggest roadblock developers find with the mobile development framework: getting started and building simple apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry.
5. How to prepare an application for distribution
Creating an application can be extremely exciting for any developer. But before you get your application published, you need to get it ready. iOS and Mac developer/designer Daniel Bramhall explains the nitty gritty.
6. How to market the hell out of your mobile app
Developers can be shy when it comes to promoting their work. Here Craig Lockwood, lead iOS developer at Huw David Design, provides 10 tips to help you stand out from the crowd and get your apps noticed. As app tutorials go, this is essential know-how.
App tutorials: Marketing your app is essential for success. But how do you do it?
App tutorials for Android
7. User interface design for Android apps
Android apps can be just as beautiful as their iOS counterparts. Richard Leggett, co-director of Bitmode Ltd, digs deep into the styling and theming and explains how to use just XML and image files to add a fresh look and feel to your app.
8. How to automate your Android app testing
Don’t trust humans to do all of your testing. Not even experts. John Senner, Koa Metter and Emory Myers of MokaSocial reveal how to delegate the dirty work.
9. Amazing Android development tips
Android promises many exciting opportunities. Kevin McDonagh, director of Android development consultancy Novoda, rounds up 10 essential tips that will help you make the most of your development time.
App tutorials: Discover 10 amazing tips for Android development.
App tutorials for Apple iOS
10. User interface design for iPhone apps
If you haven’t realised by now, designing for iOS devices is totally different from designing for the web. Sarah Parmenter explains how to create the perfect user interface for your app.
11. How to build an iPad app with Sencha Touch
Learn how to create a web app that feels native on the iPad and other mobile devices, using the Sencha Touch library. Robert Douglas of mobile design specialists ribot, explains the what, where, why and how.
12. How to design an iPad app UI
In this tutorial, Apposing’s Dave Brown shows you how to create two basic user interfaces for an iPad app and develop them to a prototyping level.
App tutorials: Watch Dave Brown as he constructs an iPad-friendly design.
13. How to design iPad apps for pre-school kids
Pre-school kids can be a tough audience. Alex Morris, the creator of the Spelly iPhone/iPad app, reveals how to design applications for them that will hold their fragile attention.
14. How to build a simple iPhone arcade game
This tutorial is about turning an idea into a useful concept and transforming that into something tangible – in this case, an app. Get to grips with ActionScript 3.0, learn the in’s and out’s or the Google Static Map API and integrate Adobe AIR into your workflow.
App tutorials for Windows Phone
15. How to build your first Windows Phone 7 app
Just the one so far. But it’s a great way to get started with Microsoft’s Metro UI-based Windows Phone 7 OS. From discovering the rich toolset, to writing XAML and C#, Microsoft MVP Michael Crump has everything covered.(source: creativebloq)