
[root@AY140716161543837722Z ~]# find / -name mime.types


[root@AY140716161543837722Z ~]# cat /alidata/server/httpd-2.2.2/conf/mime.types                            

# This file maps Internet media types to unique file extension(s).
# Although created for httpd, this file is used by many software systems
# and has been placed in the public domain for unlimited redisribution.
# The table below contains both registered and (common) unregistered types.
# A type that has no unique extension can be ignored -- they are listed
# here to guide configurations toward known types and to make it easier to
# identify "new" types.  File extensions are also commonly used to indicate
# content languages and encodings, so choose them carefully.
# Internet media types should be registered as described in RFC 4288.
# The registry is at <http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/>.
# MIME type (lowercased)                        Extensions
# ============================================  ==========
# application/1d-interleaved-parityfec
# application/3gpp-ims+xml
# application/activemessage
application/andrew-inset                        ez
# application/applefile
application/applixware                          aw
application/atom+xml                            atom
application/atomcat+xml                         atomcat
# application/atomicmail
# video/1d-interleaved-parityfec
video/3gpp                                      3gp
# video/3gpp-tt
video/3gpp2                                     3g2
# video/bmpeg
# video/bt656
# video/celb
# video/dv
# video/example
video/h261                                      h261
video/h263                                      h263
# video/h263-1998
# video/h263-2000
video/h264                                      h264
# video/h264-rcdo
# video/h264-svc
video/jpeg                                      jpgv
# video/jpeg2000
video/jpm                                       jpm jpgm
video/mj2                                       mj2 mjp2
# video/mp1s
# video/mp2p
# video/mp2t
video/mp4                                       mp4 mp4v mpg4
# video/mp4v-es
video/mpeg                                      mpeg mpg mpe m1v m2v
# video/mpeg4-generic
# video/mpv
# video/nv
video/ogg                                       ogv
# video/parityfec
# video/pointer
video/quicktime                                 qt mov
