Cloud Drivers开发


Cloud driver是一个开放的接口,用户可实现该接口开发自己的cloud diver,以支持特定的私有云,或者对公共云环境创建更多细粒度的配置。在创建自己的cloud driver 时,需要考虑或调整已有cloud driver配置中的一些项,如下。

加载自定义类文件——cloud driver 的实现类必须相对启动云的客户端和Cloudify ESM 管理组件是可用的。当前,对于cloud driver开发者的工作是,保证组件需要的类在相应的类路径中。例如,添加包含相应类的jar包到Cloudify distribution( <cloudifyRoot>/lib/required),这些jar文件会自动地添加到所有组件的类路径下。并且添加到distribution之后,在启动新的machines时,这些类都是可用的。典型地,distribution从本地网络文件存储中下载(e.g. Amazon S3 in the case of Amazon)。

加载自定义启动脚本——一旦bootstrap或横向展成功的启动一个新的machine,启动脚本就会通过SSH在远程machine上执行。这个脚本负责下载和安装Cloudify,并启动Cloudify agent。在一些实施中,可能需要调整这个过程来适应特定环境的需求(比如系统代理 、挂载点、和paths)。可以使用默认的启动脚本(,适用于内置的cloud driver,也可作为自定义cloud driver的基本启动脚本。简单的将修改后的脚本放置到upload文件夹,它将会自动上传到每一个新的machine中。

How does the Cloud Driver Work? (A Technical Overview)

为了解释cloud driver的情景,我们使用Openstack cloud driver(OpenstackCloudDriver)继承CloudDriverSupport基类,并且实现ProvisioningDriver接口。

1)Cloudify cloud driver(接口名:ProvisioningDriver)是一个Java POJO,使用一个配置文件来定义cloud特定的属性,和在以下主要场景有相对应的方法。

2)启动云——分配machines,安装Cloudify controller。

安装应用——为应用服务分配machines,安装应用程序的服务(包括Cloudify agent)。在这种场景下,在management machine上的cloud driver作为Cloudify controller的一部分。

注: Cluster healing的场景会被Cloudify当作与安装应用的场景一样。

3)卸载应用——关闭应用服务,并通过服务命令cloud driver关闭相应的machines。


Bootstrapping a Cloud

Cloud Drivers开发_第1张图片

这种情况下,cloud driver在client machine上,并不在 Cloudify controller的management machines上存在。在Cloudify shell提示符,用户运行bootstrap命令以指定cloud driver的实现。Cloud driver被shell实例化,同时she通过调用setConfig方法传递Driver中的引用配置对象(


public void setConfig(final Cloud cloud, final String templateName, final boolean management) {


cloud, templateName, management);

if ( {

this.serverNamePrefix =;

} else {

this.serverNamePrefix =;


this.tenant = (String)


if (tenant == null) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_TENANT + "' must be set");


this.pathPrefix = "v1.1/" + tenant + "/";

this.endpoint = (String);

if (this.endpoint == null) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT + "' must be set");


this.service = client.resource(this.endpoint);

this.identityEndpoint = (String);

if (this.identityEndpoint == null) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_OPENSTACK_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT + "' must be set");


final String wireLog = (String)


if (wireLog != null) {

if (Boolean.parseBoolean(wireLog)) {

this.client.addFilter(new LoggingFilter(logger));




view rawsetConfig.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

下一步,shell调用cloud driver的startManagementMachines方法,该方法会调用IaaS API(使用API安全设置)来获取management machines。然后Cloud API会返回一个Machime明细数组对象(org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.MachineDetails),这个对象是新分配的每一个management machines细节。这些细节将被shell用于连接到这些machines,安装Cloudify management 组件。最后,Cloudify启动以下Cloudify controller组件:ESM、GSM、LUS各Management Space。它也会启动web management container和REST API container。

private String createServer(final String token, final CloudTemplate serverTemplate)

throws OpenstackException {

final String serverName = this.serverNamePrefix + System.currentTimeMillis();

final String securityGroup = getCustomTemplateValue(

serverTemplate, OPENSTACK_SECURITYGROUP, null, false);

final String keyPairName = getCustomTemplateValue(

serverTemplate, OPENSTACK_KEY_PAIR, null, false);

// Start the machine!

final String json =

"{\"server\":{ \"name\":\"" + serverName + "\",\"imageRef\":\"" + serverTemplate.getImageId()

+ "\",\"flavorRef\":\"" + serverTemplate.getHardwareId() + "\",\"key_name\":\"" + keyPairName

+ "\",\"security_groups\":[{\"name\":\"" + securityGroup + "\"}]}}";

String serverBootResponse = null;

try {

serverBootResponse = service.path(

this.pathPrefix + "servers").header(

"Content-Type", "application/json").header(

"X-Auth-Token", token).accept(


String.class, json);

} catch (final UniformInterfaceException e) {

throw new OpenstackException(e);


try {

// if we are here, the machine started!

final Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(serverBootResponse)));

final String status = xpath.evaluate(

"/server/@status", doc);

if (!status.startsWith("BUILD")) {

throw new IllegalStateException("Expected server status of BUILD(*), got: " + status);


final String serverId = xpath.evaluate(

"/server/@id", doc);

return serverId;

} catch (XPathExpressionException e) {

throw new OpenstackException("Failed to parse XML Response from server. Response was: "

+ serverBootResponse + ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e);

} catch (SAXException e) {

throw new OpenstackException("Failed to parse XML Response from server. Response was: "

+ serverBootResponse + ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e);

} catch (IOException e) {

throw new OpenstackException("Failed to send request to server. Response was: " + serverBootResponse

+ ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e);



view rawcreateServer.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

Installing an Application

Cloud Drivers开发_第2张图片

在这个情节,cloud driver存在于server machine。当controller得到安装一个应用的指示时,它将指示cloud driver按recipe描述启动相应数量的machine。为了达到此目的,cloud driver首先获取Admin对象来报告分配应用的machines的公共IP地址和其它详细信息。Admin对象是通过controller调用setAdmin方法来设置的。

然后,只要有machime需要供应,controller调用cloud driver的startMachine方法,直到所有请求的machines开启并运行通过LUS注册的Cloudify agent,或者直到请求超时。


  1. 调用IaaS API
  2. 为machine细节投票出API 。
  3. Pings相应的machine确定它是可用的。
  4. 通过SSH连接到machine
  5. 安装和开启Cloudify agent组件: GSA 和 GSC

Driver从configuration Object中定义的的template 的属性获取machine信息。


Cloud Drivers开发_第3张图片

Customizing the Agent Installation

Cloud Drivers开发_第4张图片



/* example #1 */

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed,

but before Cloudify is started.


initializationCommand "echo this is an init command"


/* example #2 */

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed,

but before Cloudify is started.

In the following example, should be placed in the same folder

as the - (usually the upload folder).


initializationCommand "chmod +x; ./"


view rawinline.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.


可以指定如何传输文件到远程机器上: SCP, SFTP or Windows protocol.

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* File transfer mode. Optional, defaults to SCP. */




view rawfileTransfer.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.


可以指定好何执行远程脚本: SSH or WinRM

SMALL_LINUX : template{


/* Remote execution mode. Options, defaults to SSH. */




view rawremoteExec.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

参数化Cloud Driver

为了将配置信息传递到Cloud Driver,在Cloudify shell提示符中,输入 :

install-application -cloudConfiguration PATH_TO_CONF PATH_TO_APPLICATION
cloudConfiguration 包括一个路径(相对或绝对)指向一个文件或目录,里面包含用于该应用的cloud driver的配置信息。如以下代码块所示:

public void setCustomDataFile(File file) {

try {

//read text/property file with the service-id (a.k.a deployment-id)

Properties props = new Properties();

props.load(new FileInputStream(file));

// Do stuff ...


catch (Exception e) {

//log exception



view rawsetCustomDataFile.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

Uninstalling an Application

Cloud Drivers开发_第5张图片

在此景情下,cloud driver存在于server machine。当controller接收到卸载一个已部署的应用的指示时,它会停掉这个应用的服务,并指示cloud driver卸载掉运行该服务的machines。这是通过调用cloud driver的stopMachine方法实现的,此方法会调用cloud的IaaS API,以指示相应的Cloud停止相关machines。


public boolean stopMachine(final String ip, final long duration, final TimeUnit unit)

throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {

final long endTime = calcEndTimeInMillis(

duration, unit);

if (isStopRequestRecent(ip)) {

return false;


final String token = createAuthenticationToken();

try {

terminateServerByIp(ip, token, endTime);

return true;

} catch (final Exception e) {

throw new CloudProvisioningException(e);



view rawstopMachine.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

以下代码段为调用cloud’s IaaS API:

try {


this.pathPrefix + "servers/" + serverId).header(

"X-Auth-Token", token).accept(


} catch (final UniformInterfaceException e) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);


view rawterminateServerAPI.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.

Tearing Down a Cloud

Cloud Drivers开发_第6张图片

在该情景,cloud driver存在于Client machine。在Cloudify shell 提示符中,用户运行tear down命令,指定一个cloud driver的实现来卸载management machines。这是通是controller调用cloud driver的stopManagementMachies方法实现的。该方法调用cloud的IaaS API,并指示它停止相关的machines。


public void stopManagementMachines()

throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException {

final String token = createAuthenticationToken();

final long endTime = calcEndTimeInMillis(


List<Node> nodes;

try {

nodes = listServers(token);

} catch (final OpenstackException e) {

throw new CloudProvisioningException(e);


final List<String> ids = new LinkedList<String>();

for (final Node node : nodes) {

if (node.getName().startsWith(

this.serverNamePrefix)) {

try {


} catch (final Exception e) {

throw new CloudProvisioningException(e);




try {


ids, token, endTime);

} catch (final TimeoutException e) {

throw e;

} catch (final Exception e) {

throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to shut down managememnt machines", e);



view rawstopManagement.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
