
1. @dynamic到底是什么意思?


Some accessors are created dynamically at runtime,  such as certain ones used in CoreData's NSManagedObject class. If you want to declare and use properties for these cases, but want to avoid warnings about methods missing at compile time, you can use the @dynamic directive instead of @synthesize. For example:

// Movie.h
@interface Movie : NSManagedObject {
@property (retain) NSString* title;

// Movie.m
@implementation Movie
@dynamic title;

The other subtle note here is that there's no title instance variable defined. This is because NSManagedObject has its own data store. Since we're using @dynamic , there will be no warnings or errors about the missing instance variable.

Using the @dynamic directive essentially tells the compiler " don't worry about it, a method is on the way.

2. 和@synthesize的区别:

@dynamic :是开发者自已提供相应的属性声明:对于只读属性需要提供 setter,对于读写属性需要提供 setter 和 getter。


