智能Web算法/NLP 参考图书

集体智慧编程(中文版)4398512.0807169186 / Programming Collective Intelligence (Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications)

algorithms of the intelligent web 0957152839

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ISBN 978-0-85729-298-8


Collective Intelligence in Action

Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing 4399819.2514142186

The Elements of Statistical Learning Data Mining,Inference,and Prediction4391385.3068872220

The Design of Approximation Algorithms 4399803.0249242782

Using R for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics4394791.9154619759

R is a general purpose package that includes support for a wide variety of modern statistical and graphical methods (many of which are included through user contributed packages).

Those with an understanding of statistics at the level of multiple-regression analysis should _nd this book helpful. This group includes professional analysts who use statistical packages almost every day as well as statisticians, epidemiologists, economists, engineers, physicians, sociologists, and others engaged in research or data analysis.

Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing 4398690.7558658076

There are many tasks in information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP), for which the central problem is ranking.


Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python  4399618.5381908548

Natural Language Processing with Python 4392332.4408821546

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). NLTK includes extensive software, data, and documentation, all freely downloadable from http://www.nltk.org/.

tagging, classification, and information extraction (Chapters 5–7).

ways to parse a sentence, recognize its syntactic structure, and construct representations of meaning (Chapters 8–10).

linguistic data and how it can be managed effectively (Chapter 11).

游戏人工智能编程案例精粹 4398232.1920921300.pdf
