





scanner入口是RegionScanner,代表扫描一个region,其实现RegionScannerImpl有一个属性KeyValueHeap,这个KeyValueHeap又包装了多个StoreScanner。每个StoreScanner对应一个column family,而每个StoreScanner又对应一个MemStoreScanner和多个StoreFileScanner。MemStoreScanner代表对memstore进行scan,StoreFileScanner对应一个storefile。其类图如下





private List<KeyValue> get(Get get, boolean withCoprocessor)
  throws IOException {
    long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();

    List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();

    Scan scan = new Scan(get);

    RegionScanner scanner = null;
    try {
      scanner = getScanner(scan);
    } finally {
      if (scanner != null)
    return results;
    RegionScannerImpl(Scan scan, List<KeyValueScanner> additionalScanners) throws IOException {

      this.maxResultSize = scan.getMaxResultSize();
      this.filter = scan.getFilter();
      this.batch = scan.getBatch();
      if (Bytes.equals(scan.getStopRow(), HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW)) {
        this.stopRow = null;
      } else {
        this.stopRow = scan.getStopRow();
      // If we are doing a get, we want to be [startRow,endRow] normally
      // it is [startRow,endRow) and if startRow=endRow we get nothing.
      this.isScan = scan.isGetScan() ? -1 : 0;

      // synchronize on scannerReadPoints so that nobody calculates
      // getSmallestReadPoint, before scannerReadPoints is updated.
      IsolationLevel isolationLevel = scan.getIsolationLevel();
      synchronized(scannerReadPoints) {
        if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED) {
          // This scan can read even uncommitted transactions
          this.readPt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
          this.readPt = MultiVersionConsistencyControl.resetThreadReadPoint(mvcc);
        scannerReadPoints.put(this, this.readPt);

      for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry :
          scan.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) {
        Store store = stores.get(entry.getKey());
        StoreScanner scanner = store.getScanner(scan, entry.getValue());
      this.storeHeap = new KeyValueHeap(scanners, comparator);
  StoreScanner(Store store, Scan scan, final NavigableSet<byte[]> columns)
                              throws IOException {
    this(store, scan.getCacheBlocks(), scan, columns, store.scanInfo.getTtl(),
    if (columns != null && scan.isRaw()) {
      throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
          "Cannot specify any column for a raw scan");
    matcher = new ScanQueryMatcher(scan, store.scanInfo, columns,
        ScanType.USER_SCAN, Long.MAX_VALUE, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP,

    // Pass columns to try to filter out unnecessary StoreFiles.
    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = getScannersNoCompaction();


    // Seek all scanners to the start of the Row (or if the exact matching row
    // key does not exist, then to the start of the next matching Row).
    // Always check bloom filter to optimize the top row seek for delete
    // family marker.
    if (explicitColumnQuery && lazySeekEnabledGlobally) {
      for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
        scanner.requestSeek(matcher.getStartKey(), false, true);
    } else {
      for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {

    // Combine all seeked scanners with a heap
	//所有scanner组合成一个KeyValueHeap,按照seek的第一个keyvalue排序,结果是按照column family顺序scan
    heap = new KeyValueHeap(scanners, store.comparator);

  protected List<KeyValueScanner> getScanners(boolean cacheBlocks,
      boolean isGet,
      boolean isCompaction,
      ScanQueryMatcher matcher) throws IOException {
    List<StoreFile> storeFiles;
    List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScanners;
    try {
      storeFiles = this.getStorefiles();
      memStoreScanners = this.memstore.getScanners();
    } finally {

    // First the store file scanners

    // TODO this used to get the store files in descending order,
    // but now we get them in ascending order, which I think is
    // actually more correct, since memstore get put at the end.
    List<StoreFileScanner> sfScanners = StoreFileScanner
      .getScannersForStoreFiles(storeFiles, cacheBlocks, isGet, isCompaction, matcher);
    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners =
      new ArrayList<KeyValueScanner>(sfScanners.size()+1);
    // Then the memstore scanners
    return scanners;
  public KeyValueHeap(List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners,
      KVComparator comparator) throws IOException {
    this.comparator = new KVScannerComparator(comparator);
    if (!scanners.isEmpty()) {
      this.heap = new PriorityQueue<KeyValueScanner>(scanners.size(),
      for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
        if (scanner.peek() != null) {
        } else {
      this.current = pollRealKV();
   public int compare(KeyValueScanner left, KeyValueScanner right) {
      int comparison = compare(left.peek(), right.peek());
      if (comparison != 0) {
        return comparison;
      } else {
        // Since both the keys are exactly the same, we break the tie in favor
        // of the key which came latest.
        long leftSequenceID = left.getSequenceID();
        long rightSequenceID = right.getSequenceID();
        if (leftSequenceID > rightSequenceID) {
          return -1;
        } else if (leftSequenceID < rightSequenceID) {
          return 1;
        } else {
          return 0;
 以上就是scanner构造过程,RegionScannerImpl开始next取数据,注意这里是'Grab the next row's worth of values',就是取下一行,因为get操作只会涉及单行数据
private boolean nextInternal(int limit) throws IOException {
      RpcCallContext rpcCall = HBaseServer.getCurrentCall();
      while (true) {
        if (rpcCall != null) {
          // If a user specifies a too-restrictive or too-slow scanner, the
          // client might time out and disconnect while the server side
          // is still processing the request. We should abort aggressively
          // in that case.
        byte [] currentRow = peekRow();
        if (isStopRow(currentRow)) {
          if (filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {
          if (filter != null && filter.filterRow()) {

          return false;
	else if (filterRowKey(currentRow)) {
        } else {
          byte [] nextRow;
          do {
            this.storeHeap.next(results, limit - results.size());
            if (limit > 0 && results.size() == limit) {
              if (this.filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {
                throw new IncompatibleFilterException(
                  "Filter with filterRow(List<KeyValue>) incompatible with scan with limit!");
              return true; // we are expecting more yes, but also limited to how many we can return.
          } while (Bytes.equals(currentRow, nextRow = peekRow()));

          final boolean stopRow = isStopRow(nextRow);

          // now that we have an entire row, lets process with a filters:

          // first filter with the filterRow(List)
          if (filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {
          return !stopRow;
 RegionScannerImpl的KeyValueHeap取数,这个KeyValueHeap里的scanner都是StoreScanner,按照seek之后的第一个keyvalue排序,就是按照column family顺序从小到大排序
public boolean next(List<KeyValue> result, int limit) throws IOException {
    if (this.current == null) {
      return false;
    InternalScanner currentAsInternal = (InternalScanner)this.current;
    boolean mayContainMoreRows = currentAsInternal.next(result, limit);
    KeyValue pee = this.current.peek();
     * By definition, any InternalScanner must return false only when it has no
     * further rows to be fetched. So, we can close a scanner if it returns
     * false. All existing implementations seem to be fine with this. It is much
     * more efficient to close scanners which are not needed than keep them in
     * the heap. This is also required for certain optimizations.
    if (pee == null || !mayContainMoreRows) {
	else {
    this.current = pollRealKV();
    return (this.current != null);
public synchronized boolean next(List<KeyValue> outResult, int limit) throws IOException {


    // only call setRow if the row changes; avoids confusing the query matcher
    // if scanning intra-row
    if ((matcher.row == null) || !peeked.matchingRow(matcher.row)) {

    KeyValue kv;
    KeyValue prevKV = null;
    List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();

    // Only do a sanity-check if store and comparator are available.
    KeyValue.KVComparator comparator =
        store != null ? store.getComparator() : null;

    LOOP: while((kv = this.heap.peek()) != null) {
      // Check that the heap gives us KVs in an increasing order.
      if (prevKV != null && comparator != null
          && comparator.compare(prevKV, kv) > 0) {
        throw new IOException("Key " + prevKV + " followed by a " +
            "smaller key " + kv + " in cf " + store);
      prevKV = kv;
      ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode qcode = matcher.match(kv);
      switch(qcode) {
        case INCLUDE:
          Filter f = matcher.getFilter();
          results.add(f == null ? kv : f.transform(kv));
          if (qcode == ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW) {
            if (!matcher.moreRowsMayExistAfter(kv)) {
              return false;
	else if (qcode == ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_COL) {
	else {

          RegionMetricsStorage.incrNumericMetric(metricNameGetSize, kv.getLength());
          if (limit > 0 && (results.size() == limit)) {
            break LOOP;

        case DONE:
          // copy jazz
          return true;

        case DONE_SCAN:

          // copy jazz

          return false;


    if (!results.isEmpty()) {
      // copy jazz
      return true;

    // No more keys
    return false;
 public MatchCode match(KeyValue kv) throws IOException {
    int ret = this.rowComparator.compareRows(row, 0, row.length,
        bytes, offset, rowLength);
	//如果当前row比开始row大,表示开始row scan结束
    if (ret <= -1) {
      return MatchCode.DONE;
	else if (ret >= 1) {
      // could optimize this, if necessary?
      // Could also be called SEEK_TO_CURRENT_ROW, but this
      // should be rare/never happens.
      return MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW;
    // optimize case.
    if (this.stickyNextRow)
        return MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW;
    if (this.columns.done()) {
      stickyNextRow = true;
      return MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW;

    //Passing rowLength
    offset += rowLength;

    //Skipping family
    byte familyLength = bytes [offset];
    offset += familyLength + 1;

    int qualLength = keyLength + KeyValue.ROW_OFFSET -
      (offset - initialOffset) - KeyValue.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_SIZE;

    long timestamp = kv.getTimestamp();
    // check for early out based on timestamp alone
    if (columns.isDone(timestamp)) {
        return columns.getNextRowOrNextColumn(bytes, offset, qualLength);

    int timestampComparison = tr.compare(timestamp);
    if (timestampComparison >= 1) {
      return MatchCode.SKIP;
	else if (timestampComparison <= -1) {
      return columns.getNextRowOrNextColumn(bytes, offset, qualLength);

    MatchCode colChecker = columns.checkColumn(bytes, offset, qualLength,
        timestamp, type, kv.getMemstoreTS() > maxReadPointToTrackVersions);
     * According to current implementation, colChecker can only be
     * SEEK_NEXT_COL, SEEK_NEXT_ROW, SKIP or INCLUDE. Therefore, always return
     * the MatchCode. If it is SEEK_NEXT_ROW, also set stickyNextRow.
    if (colChecker == MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW) {
      stickyNextRow = true;
    return colChecker;

public ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode checkColumn(byte [] bytes, int offset,
      int length, long timestamp, byte type, boolean ignoreCount) {
    // delete markers should never be passed to an
    // *Explicit*ColumnTracker
    assert !KeyValue.isDelete(type);
    do {
      // No more columns left, we are done with this query
      if(this.columns.size() == 0) {
        return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW; // done_row

      // No more columns to match against, done with storefile
      if(this.column == null) {
        return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW; // done_row

      // Compare specific column to current column
      int ret = Bytes.compareTo(column.getBuffer(), column.getOffset(),
          column.getLength(), bytes, offset, length);

      // Column Matches. If it is not a duplicate key, increment the version count
      // and include.
      if(ret == 0) {
        if (ignoreCount) return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE;

        //If column matches, check if it is a duplicate timestamp
        if (sameAsPreviousTS(timestamp)) {
          //If duplicate, skip this Key
          return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.SKIP;
        int count = this.column.increment();
        if(count >= maxVersions || (count >= minVersions && isExpired(timestamp))) {
          // Done with versions for this column
          // Note: because we are done with this column, and are removing
          // it from columns, we don't do a ++this.index. The index stays
          // the same but the columns have shifted within the array such
          // that index now points to the next column we are interested in.

          if (this.columns.size() == this.index) {
            // We have served all the requested columns.
            this.column = null;
            return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW;
	else {
            // We are done with current column; advance to next column
            // of interest.
            this.column = this.columns.get(this.index);
            return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_COL;
        } else {
        return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE;
      if (ret > 0) {
        // The current KV is smaller than the column the ExplicitColumnTracker
        // is interested in, so seek to that column of interest.
        return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_COL;

      // The current KV is bigger than the column the ExplicitColumnTracker
      // is interested in. That means there is no more data for the column
      // of interest. Advance the ExplicitColumnTracker state to next
      // column of interest, and check again.
      if (ret <= -1) {
        if (++this.index >= this.columns.size()) {
          // No more to match, do not include, done with this row.
          return ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW; // done_row
        // This is the recursive case.
        this.column = this.columns.get(this.index);
    } while(true);
public KeyValue next()  throws IOException {
    if(this.current == null) {
      return null;
    KeyValue kvReturn = this.current.next();
    KeyValue kvNext = this.current.peek();
    if (kvNext == null) {
      this.current = pollRealKV();
	else {
      KeyValueScanner topScanner = this.heap.peek();
      if (topScanner == null ||
          this.comparator.compare(kvNext, topScanner.peek()) >= 0) {
        this.current = pollRealKV();
    return kvReturn;
    public synchronized KeyValue next() {
      if (theNext == null) {
          return null;
      final KeyValue ret = theNext;

      // Advance one of the iterators
      if (theNext == kvsetNextRow) {
        kvsetNextRow = getNext(kvsetIt);
	else {
        snapshotNextRow = getNext(snapshotIt);

      // Calculate the next value
      theNext = getLowest(kvsetNextRow, snapshotNextRow);

      //long readpoint = ReadWriteConsistencyControl.getThreadReadPoint();
      //DebugPrint.println(" MS@" + hashCode() + " next: " + theNext + " next_next: " +
      //    getLowest() + " threadpoint=" + readpoint);
      return ret;

