

Shocks of lightning split a cloud formation over Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. Tanzania's neighbor, the Democratic Republic of Congo, is home to the world's most lightning-pelted region, which, according to NASA, absorbs 158 thunderbolts per square kilometer (0.4 square miles) every year.
viMory:  lightning-pelted  易发生闪电的
Tendrils of lightning snake across a stormy sky in Madeira Beach, Florida. A stretch of Interstate 4 between Orlando and St. Petersburg is known as "lightning alley," because the area reportedly sees more lightning streaks than any other U.S. region.
viMory: tendril  卷须状    streaks  一狭窄条光线


Lightning streaks across the sky over Vinales Valley, Cuba. Lightning can travel up to 93,000 miles (150,000 kilometers) per second and reach temperatures of 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (30,000 degrees Celsius), more than four times hotter than the surface of the sun.

