1. we will first generate a micropost model.
$ rails generate model Micropost content:string user_id:integer
note, if you the content is longer, you can use type "text" instead of string
2. next, since we expect to retrieve all microposts associated with a user, we need to add index on user_id and created_at columns.
add_index :microposts, [:user_id, :created_at]
also, note this line
4. next, we will specify attr_accessible attrs.
we don't want user to edit the user_id attr through web, so we only add :content to attr_accessible
attr_accessible :content
5. but this will create a difficulty for us, how to assign the user id when create a micropost?
go on with this question.
we will create user/micropost associations.
we start from test, TDD, yes.
describe Micropost do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) @attr = { :content => "value for content" } end it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do @user.microposts.create!(@attr) end describe "user associations" do before(:each) do @micropost = @user.microposts.create!(@attr) end it "should have a user attribute" do @micropost.should respond_to(:user) end it "should have the right associated user" do @micropost.user_id.should == @user.id @micropost.user.should == @user end end end
describe User do . . . describe "micropost associations" do before(:each) do @user = User.create(@attr) end it "should have a microposts attribute" do @user.should respond_to(:microposts) end end end
6. all this test can pass after we add belongs_to and has_many methods to user.rb and micropost.rb.
after adding the two methods, we will have these methods for use:
micropost.user Return the User object associated with the micropost. user.microposts Return an array of the user’s microposts. user.microposts.create(arg) Create a micropost (user_id = user.id). user.microposts.create!(arg) Create a micropost (exception on failure). user.microposts.build(arg) Return a new Micropost object (user_id = user.id).
note the last method, it will return a new object that is not saved yet, but the user_id is already assigned.
7. to test the microposts that belong to a user, we need to factory some sample micropost records:
Factory.define :micropost do |micropost| micropost.content = "foo bar" micropost.association = :user end
then in the test code, we can
@mp1 = Factory(:micropost, :user => @user, :created_at => 1.day.ago) @mp2 = Factory(:micropost, :user => @user, :created_at => 1.hour.ago)
you can see, factory not only allow us to mass assign to bypass attr_accessible,
it also allow us to assign created_at and updated_at.
for normal ActiveRecord, it won't alow us to do so, rails magic will assign the timestamp automatically.
here is the test code in user_spec.rb:
describe "micropost associations" do before(:each) do @user = User.create(@attr) @mp1 = Factory(:micropost, :user => @user, :created_at => 1.day.ago) @mp2 = Factory(:micropost, :user => @user, :created_at => 1.hour.ago) end it "should have a microposts attribute" do @user.should respond_to :microposts end it "should have the right microposts in the right order" do @user.microposts.should == [@mp2, @mp1] end end
to make it pass, we need to order the microposts:
default_scope :order => 'microposts.created_at DESC'
this is the first time we encounter scope, we will get familiar later.
note, we use
instead of
8. next, we will add test code to test that after destroying a user, the related micropost will be destroed automatically too.
it "should destroy associated microposts" do @user.destroy [@mp1, @mp2].each do |micropost| Micropost.find_by_id(micropost.id).should be_nil end end
will return nil if not found.
will raise an exception
lambda do Micropost.find(micropost.id) end.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
9. the code to make the dependent destroy is very simple:
has_many :microposts, :dependent => :destroy
10. micropost validations:
again, start from test:
describe "validations" do it "should require a user id" do Micropost.new(@attr.should_not be_valid) end it "should require nonblank content" do @user.Microposts.build(:content => " ").should_not be_valid end it "reject long content" do @user.Microposts.build(:content => "a" * 141).should_not be_valid end end
note, when contruct a new micropost object using associated user, we use
instead of