Joomla! 是一个具有丰富特性的内容管理系统。但是如果你要使用它建立一个站点,并且有些功能是Joomla本身没有提供的,你就需要使用扩展。在Joomla中五种类型的扩展:组件(Components), 模块(Modules), 插件(Plugins), 模板(Templates)和语言(Languages).每种扩展完成不同的功能。
组件是最大最复杂的扩展,类似于一个小的应用。一个组件分为两部分:后台管理部分和前台部分. 每次Joomla页载入时,组件被调出渲染页面的主体。例如:com_registration是一个处理用户注册的组件。用户可以在前端注册为一个会员;在管理端,你能编辑这些会员。组件是页面的主要组成,组件被菜单项驱动,每个菜单对应一个组件.
例如: com_content, com_registration
Admin head menu >Components
Modules are more lightweight and flexible extensions used for page rendering. Sometimes modules are linked to components such as the “latest news” module which links to the com_content and displays links to the newest content items. These modules are mostly known as the “boxes” that are arranged around a component, for example: the login module. The footer is a module. Modules are assigned per menu item. So, you can decide to show or hide the logon module depending on which component (menu item) is used. However, modules do not need to be linked to components, as a matter of fact they don't even need to be linked to anything and can be just static HTML or text.
例如: mod_banners, mod_mainmenu
Admin head menu > Extensions > Module Manager
插件是更高级的扩展用来事件处理。In the execution of any part of Joomla, be it the core, a module or a component, an event can be triggered. When an event is triggered, plugins that are registered with the application to handle that event execute. Plugins were also known as mambots.
For example: content.searchbot, tinymce
Admin head menu > Extensions > Plugin Manager
模板是Joomla!的基本设计。 With a template you can change the look and feel of your website. Templates have certain fields in which components and modules will be shown. Templates are easy to build or customize and they provide maximum flexibility in how you style your site.
Admin head menu > “Extensions” > “Template Manager”
可能最基本的扩展就是语言了. Languages can be packaged in two ways, either as a core package or as an extension package. In essence, these files consist key/value pairs, these pairs provide the translation of static text strings which are assigned within the Joomla! source code. These language packs will affect both the front and administrator side. Note: these language packs also include an XML meta file which describes the language and font information to use for PDF content generation.
Admin head menu > “Extensions” > “Language Manager”