【我所認知的BIOS】—>PCI 配置空間拾趣

【我所認知的BIOS】—>PCI 配置空間拾趣




上一篇有專門對PCI deviceconfiguration space提法。那麼在這一節中我先做一個大體介紹,然後再對於一些特殊的比較有用的register做比較詳細的理解總結。


2.1 configuration space的面貌

正如截圖1.1所示,這裡就是configuration space的面貌。

【我所認知的BIOS】—>PCI 配置空間拾趣

1.1 PCI配置空間的map

2.2 configuration space存在的原因

為了不產生歧義,我copyspec里的原文,後面加上我自己的翻譯。“The intent of the PCI Configuration Space definition is to provide an appropriate set of configuration "hooks" which satisfies the needs of current and anticipated system configuration mechanisms, without specifying those mechanisms or otherwise placing constraints on their use. The criteria for these configuration "hooks" are:

Sufficient support to allow future configuration mechanisms to provide:

• Full device relocation, including interrupt binding

• Installation, configuration, and booting without user intervention

• System address map construction by device independent software

Minimize the silicon burden created by required functions

Leverage commonality with a template approach to common functions, without precluding devices with unique requirements








(發覺真想直譯過來還挺麻煩的 ^.^)有點辭不達意,如果不是外行人我建議還是看英文原文比較好。起碼我是這麼想。



3.1 Device ID and Vendor IDoffset 00H~03H


3.2 Class Codeoffset 09H~0BH

這個寄存器是爲了標誌PCI設備用途的。分為這三個byte分別有各自的意義,詳細可以查一下spec。它是read only的。

3.3 Header Typeoffset 0EH

這個字節里的各個bit都有相應的用處,只是為了提高PCI scan才在這裡提一下,如果不用這個方法以現在的計算機速度,只用3loopsPCI scan也不會有很大的延時的。

3.4 Base Address RegisterBAR


這些寄存器是重中之重。這次我懶得翻譯了,引用一下原文spec 2.3 page 205One of the most important functions for enabling superior configurability and ease of use is the ability to relocate PCI devices in the address spaces. At system power-up, device independent software must be able to determine what devices are present, build a consistent address map, and determine if a device has an expansion ROM.”我想過了四級的人應該都能看的懂的。


那麼在build的過程中,BIOS怎麼才能知道pci設備需要多大的空間呢?在做PCI設備的時候,人們很聰明。當往BAR中寫0xFFFFFFFFH的后,再讀取BAR數值就會得到一個double word的數值。若返回是全“F”說明該BAR是不需要空間的,若返回非全F那麼從低位開始數,遇到第一個非“0”的bit時為止,從bit0~這位bitnn<31)代表的大小就是PCI設備需要的空間大小了。


當讀回來的數值是0xFFFFFC00H時,0xFFFFFC00H=1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000B相信應該容易算出來了。



3.5 Interrupt Pinoffset 3CH

引用一下Spec原文,因為我覺得他們說的比我說的清楚多了“The Interrupt Pin register tells which interrupt pin the device (or device function) uses. A value of 1 corresponds to INTA#. A value of 2 corresponds to INTB#. A value of 3 corresponds to INTC#. A value of 4 corresponds to INTD#. Devices (or device functions) that do not use an interrupt pin must put a 0 in this register. The values 05h through FFh are reserved. This register is read-only. Refer to Section 2.2.6. for further description of the usage of the INTx# pins.PCI設備要處理數據,它的數據也肯定最終是要讓CPU來處理的,與CPU的通信的話PCI設備是通過中斷來實現的。而Interrupt Pin只是標誌了HW上用了INTx中的哪一個。這個與PCI IRQ routing table有關係了。後續篇章里我會繼續談到。

至此,configuration space中我覺得重要點的寄存器就算講的差不多了。以上均是我在學習的過程中都遇到過問題的,再次做一次小結。不對之處在所難免,望各位指正。這篇講概念性的東西比較多,但是卻都是必備的東東。
