本节使用类似于OGC规范的格式描述了简单几何(Simple Geometry)类型的内存布局,它建立在C++结构体内存布局之上,所有的数组是inline的,具有可计算的大小,不指向内存中不同的位置,这样的格式允许将几何数据转换为一个二进制流。
enum GeometryType : int
None = 0,
Point = 1,
LineString = 2,
Polygon = 3,
MultiPoint = 4,
MultiLineString = 5,
MultiPolygon = 6,
MultiGeometry = 7,
CurveString = 10,
CurvePolygon = 11,
MultiCurveString = 12,
MultiCurvePolygon = 13
1) 坐标类型(Coordinate Types)
enum CoordinateDimensionality : FdoInt32
XY = 0,
Z = 1,
M = 2
2) 基本几何图形(Basic Geometry)
struct Geometry
int geomType;
CoordinateDimensionality type;
3) 符号定义(Notation Definition)
// Define a notation within this specification
// int PositionSize(geometry)
// {
// if (geometry.type == CoordinateDimensionality.XY | CoordinateDimensionality.M ||
// geometry.type == CoordinateDimensionality.XY | CoordinateDimensionality.Z)
// return 3;
// if (geometry.type == CoordinateDimensionality.XY |CoordinateDimensionality.M |
// CoordinateDimensionality.Z)
// return 4;
// return 2;
// }
struct Point // : Geometry
int geomType; // == GeometryType.Point;
CoordinateDimensionality type; // all types allowed
double[] coords; // size = PositionSize(this)
struct LineString
int geomType;
CoordinateDimensionality type;
int numPts; // >0
double[] coords; // size = numPts* PositionSize(this)
struct MultiPoint
int geomType;
int numPoints; // > 0
Point[] points; // size = numPoints
struct MultiLineString
int geomType;
int numLineStrings; // >= 0
LineString[] lineStrings; // size = numLineStrings
// building block for polygons, not geometry by itself
struct LinearRing
int numPts; // >0
double[] coords; // size = numPts* PositionSize(polygon)
struct Polygon
int geomType;
CoordinateDimensionality type;
int numRings; // >= 1 as there has to be at least one ring
LinearRing[] lineStrings; // size = numRings
struct MultiPolygon
int geomType;
int numPolygons; // >= 0
Polygon[] polygons; // size = numPolygons
struct MultiGeometry
int geomType;
int numGeom; // >= 0
Geometry[] geometry; // size = numGeom
enum CurveElementType : int
LineString = 1,
CircularArc = 2
struct CurveStringElement
int CurveElementType;
struct LinearCurveStringElement
int CurveElementType;
int length;
double[] coords; // size = this.length * PositionSize (this)
struct CircularArcCurveStringElement
int CurveElementType; // == CurveElmentType.Arc
double[] coords; // size = 2 * PositionSize(this)
struct CurveString
int geomType;
CoordinateDimensionality type; // all types allowed
double[] startPoint; // size = PositionSize(this)
int numElements; // >=0
CurveStringElement[] elements; // size = numElements
struct Ring
double[] startPoint; // size = PositionSize(this)
int numElements; // >=0
CurveStringElement[] elements; // size = numElements
struct MultiCurveString
int geomType;
int numCurveStrings; // >= 0
CurveString[] curveStrings; // size = numCurveStrings
struct CurvePolygon
int geomType; ;
CoordinateDimensionality type;
int numRings; // >=1 as there has to be at least one ring
Ring[] rings; // size = numRings
struct MultiCurvePolygon
int geomType;
int numPolygons; // >=0
CurvePolygon[] polygons; // size = numElements
图1 按照FGF格式存储的多边形
l T=3表示GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon
l CT = 0代表CoordinateDimensionality == CoordinateDimensionality.XY
l NR = 2代表ring的数目为2
l NP = 3代表点的数目为3