





        self.accept(self.guiItem.getTypeEvent(), self._handleTpye)
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getOverflowEvent(), self._handleOverFlow)
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getEraseEvent(), self._handleEease)




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Daivd
# Date  : 2012-09-02
# E-Mail: [email protected]   
#         If you have any questions or better solution, let me know.
#         Thanks.
# State:  This class is not the perfect solution for Chinese input in Panda3D.
#         You have to use Microsoft Pinyin or Smart ABC as IME.
#         You'd better not use the Shift key to switch Chinese input to English input, 
#         which may make the type listener out of operation.
#     Panda3D is Open Source and free for any purpose, so is this file.
#         Enjoy it!

__all__ = ['ChiDirectEntry']

from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectEntry
from pandac.PandaModules import *
import direct.gui.DirectGuiGlobals as DGG
from direct.gui.DirectFrame import *
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject

# ChiDirectEntry States:
ENTRY_FOCUS_STATE    = PGEntry.SFocus      # 0
ENTRY_NO_FOCUS_STATE = PGEntry.SNoFocus    # 1
ENTRY_INACTIVE_STATE = PGEntry.SInactive   # 2

class ChiDirectEntry(DirectEntry):
    ChiDirectEntry(parent) - Create a DirectGuiWidget which responds
    to keyboard buttons

    directWtext = ConfigVariableBool('direct-wtext', 1)

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
        # Inherits from DirectFrame
        # A Direct Frame can have:
        # - A background texture (pass in path to image, or Texture Card)
        # - A midground geometry item (pass in geometry)
        # - A foreground text Node (pass in text string or Onscreen Text)
        # For a direct entry:
        # Each button has 3 states (focus, noFocus, disabled)
        # The same image/geom/text can be used for all three states or each
        # state can have a different text/geom/image
        # State transitions happen automatically based upon mouse interaction
        optiondefs = (
            # Define type of DirectGuiWidget
            ('pgFunc',          PGEntry,          None),
            ('numStates',       3,                None),
            ('state',           DGG.NORMAL,       None),
            ('entryFont',       None,             DGG.INITOPT),
            ('width',           10,               self.setup),
            ('numLines',        1,                self.setup),
            ('focus',           0,                self.setFocus),
            ('cursorKeys',      1,                self.setCursorKeysActive),
            ('obscured',        0,                self.setObscureMode),
            # Setting backgroundFocus allows the entry box to get keyboard
            # events that are not handled by other things (i.e. events that
            # fall through to the background):
            ('backgroundFocus', 0,                self.setBackgroundFocus),
            # Text used for the PGEntry text node
            # NOTE: This overrides the DirectFrame text option
            ('initialText',     '',               DGG.INITOPT),
            # Command to be called on hitting Enter
            ('command',        None,              None),
            ('extraArgs',      [],                None),
            # Command to be called when enter is hit but we fail to submit
            ('failedCommand',  None,              None),
            ('failedExtraArgs',[],                None),
            # commands to be called when focus is gained or lost
            ('focusInCommand', None,              None),
            ('focusInExtraArgs', [],              None),
            ('focusOutCommand', None,             None),
            ('focusOutExtraArgs', [],             None),
            # Sounds to be used for button events
            ('rolloverSound',   DGG.getDefaultRolloverSound(), self.setRolloverSound),
            ('clickSound',      DGG.getDefaultClickSound(),    self.setClickSound),
            ('autoCapitalize',  0,                self.autoCapitalizeFunc),
            ('autoCapitalizeAllowPrefixes', ChiDirectEntry.AllowCapNamePrefixes, None),
            ('autoCapitalizeForcePrefixes', ChiDirectEntry.ForceCapNamePrefixes, None),
        # Merge keyword options with default options
        self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

        # Initialize superclasses
        DirectEntry.__init__(self, parent)

        if self['entryFont'] == None:
            font = DGG.getDefaultFont()
            font = self['entryFont']

        # Create Text Node Component
        self.onscreenText = self.createcomponent(
            'text', (), None,
            (), parent = hidden,
            # Pass in empty text to avoid extra work, since its really
            # The PGEntry which will use the TextNode to generate geometry
            text = '',
            align = TextNode.ALeft,
            font = font,
            scale = 1,
            # Don't get rid of the text node
            mayChange = 1)

        # We can get rid of the node path since we're just using the
        # onscreenText as an easy way to access a text node as a
        # component

        # Bind command function
        self.bind(DGG.ACCEPT, self.commandFunc)
        self.bind(DGG.ACCEPTFAILED, self.failedCommandFunc)

        self.accept(self.guiItem.getFocusInEvent(), self.focusInCommandFunc)
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getFocusOutEvent(), self.focusOutCommandFunc)

        # listen for auto-capitalize events on a separate object to prevent
        # clashing with other parts of the system
        self._autoCapListener = DirectObject()

        # Call option initialization functions

        if not hasattr(self, 'autoCapitalizeAllowPrefixes'):
            self.autoCapitalizeAllowPrefixes = ChiDirectEntry.AllowCapNamePrefixes
        if not hasattr(self, 'autoCapitalizeForcePrefixes'):
            self.autoCapitalizeForcePrefixes = ChiDirectEntry.ForceCapNamePrefixes

        # Update TextNodes for each state
        for i in range(self['numStates']):
            self.guiItem.setTextDef(i, self.onscreenText.textNode)

        # Now we should call setup() again to make sure it has the
        # right font def.

        # Update initial text
        self.unicodeText = 0
        if self['initialText']:
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getTypeEvent(), self._handleTpye)
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getOverflowEvent(), self._handleOverFlow)
        self.accept(self.guiItem.getEraseEvent(), self._handleEease)
        if self['initialText']:
            self.showingContent = unicode(self['initialText'], 'utf-8')
            self.showingContent = u''
        self.tempchar = None
    def _handleOverFlow(self, guiEvent):
        self.tempchar = None
    def _handleTpye(self, guiEvent):
        pos = self.guiItem.getCursorPosition()
        addition = ''
        if guiEvent.getKeycode() <= 0:
            self.tempchar = None
        if guiEvent.getKeycode() < 128:
            addition = unichr(guiEvent.getKeycode())
        elif self.tempchar == None:
            self.tempchar = guiEvent.getKeycode()
            s = '\\x%x\\x%x'%(self.tempchar, guiEvent.getKeycode())
            tempC = ''
            try :
                exec("tempC = unicode('%s', 'gb2312')"%s)
            addition = tempC
            self.tempchar = None
        if len(self.get()) != len(self.showingContent):
            diff = len(self.get()) - len(self.showingContent)
            pos -= diff
        if addition != '':
            self.showingContent = self.showingContent[:pos] + addition + self.showingContent[pos:]
            pos += 1
    def _handleEease(self, guiEvent):
        self.tempchar = None
        pos = self.guiItem.getCursorPosition()
        self.showingContent = self.showingContent[:pos] + self.showingContent[pos+1:]
    def set(self, text):
        self.showingContent = text
        DirectEntry.set(self, self.showingContent)
    def get(self):
        return DirectEntry.get(self)




   E-mail:[email protected]

