But what the customer basically wanted was to include a filter and table view by default (i.e filter view instead of title view). The method is given in the bookshelf. But unfortunately it does not work as specified due to a documentation bug. In order to make this work, go to {OracleBI}\web\msgdb\messages folder and you would find a file called answerstemplates.xml. Copy this file to {OracleBIData}\web\msgdb\customMessages. If you dont have this folder then create it. Now edit this file and search for kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements. This is the message that handles all the default values possible in Answers. Now add the the following tags to this message after the HTML tags,
<view signature=”compoundView” >
<cv signature=”tableView” />
<cv signature=”filtersView” />
Once this is done restart your presentation services. Now you would see that by default you would have got Table and Filter views within your compound layout.
oc4j vs iAS
有哥们obiee原装standalone oc4j,后需要部署到iAS上,因为要集成sso和portal,可是又不想重装obiee,直接重新部署analytics.war包到as的oc4j上。如果iAS和biee presentation在同一机器上,问题不大。不在呢,也不大。
- <init-param>
- <init-param>
oc4j or iAS (p17)具体不说了,补充2点,
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" you will notice that an entry named "oc4j" is created during the installation, which starts up OC4J.
javaservice -install "Oracle BI: OC4J Service" "x:\jdk1.5.0_09\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512m "-Djava.class.path=x:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar" -start oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap -description "Oracle BI Oc4J Service"之类
b31769.pdf-Web Service Guide
What is Oracle BI Web Services?
Oracle BI Web Services is an application programming interface (API) that implements SOAP. Oracle
BI Web Services allows you to perform three types of function:
■ Extract results from Oracle BI Presentation Services and deliver them to external applications.
■ Perform Oracle BI Presentation Catalog management functions.
■ Execute Oracle Business Intelligence alerts (known as iBots).
Oracle BI Web Services allows external applications such as J2EE and .NET to use Oracle Business
Intelligence as an analytical calculation and data integration engine. It provides a set of Presentation
Services that allow external applications to communicate with Oracle BI Presentation Services. You
can use Oracle BI Web Services to extract results from Oracle BI Presentation Services and deliver
them to external applications and Web application environments. You can reference a saved report
or send the criteria for the report to Oracle BI Web Services.
The formal definition of services and methods in Oracle BI Web Services can be retrieved in WSDL
(Web Services Definition Language) format. Proxy classes for the services can be generated
The XML Schema Definition (XSD) file for the services is the file SawServices.xsd, which is located
in the \Web\App\Res\Wsdl\Schemas directory in the Oracle Business Intelligence Platform
installation directory. The XSD file is used internally and cannot be used separately. You can access
the WSDL document at the following Oracle BI Web Services URL:
Oracle BI Web Services is supported on Oracle JDeveloper, Apache Axis, and the Microsoft .NET
应该都是<WebMessage name="kmsgLicenseSOAPAccess"><TEXT>Oracle Engineering</TEXT></WebMessage>
关于soap访问权限问题倒是有意思,默认是所有用户都能的。可以在administration的previledge设置中显式deny。然后据说抛错“Access Denied”(么亲眼见过哈)。
HtmlViewService Service on page 33
iBotService Service on page 39
MetadataService Service on page 40
ReplicationService Service on page 44
ReportEditingService Service on page 46
SAWSessionService Service on page 47
SecurityService Service on page 52
WebCatalogService Service on page 57
XMLViewService Service on page 71
最后有一个code sample,我么跑起来呵呵。错误和sawbridge配置有关。