Your application is being uploaded 打包上传卡住了ios

iOS打包上传的时候提示 :“Your application is being uploaded “,肿么办尼 ?如下图:

Your application is being uploaded 打包上传卡住了ios

下面是我摘自”Stack Overflow“的,时间有限 我就不翻译了 相信看到的人能看懂 么么哒

Then just keep your head cool and check this first method:

  • Check your firewall protection is off. If not then make it off. Otherwise it can block you to connect your computer with iTunes Store.

  • Try a different internet connection. You might find that there is a port that Apple uses that is blocked.

If it doesn't not help you then follow the second method:

Xcode needs java runtime for uploading your apps to the App Store.

enter 'java -version' in the terminal, java version should be 1.6 .if not download lastes compatible java only from apple download center:

If it doesn't not help you then follow the third method:

  • This enables the application loader to use the HTTP port for HTTPS. Go to Application Loader java folder : /Applications/

  • Open file using text mate application

  • Change this particuler line : #https.proxyPort=443 proxy port to https.proxyPort=80

  • Save the file. And that's it. You can upload your binary file to App store easily now.

If it also doesn't not help you then follow the fourth method: Regenerate your certificate

  • Goto iOS developer portal (

  • Remove current certificate, used by your App for signing.

  • Revoke your distribution certificate download it to your mac.

  • Install it.

  • Remove current "iOS distribution provision profile" from Developer portal.

  • Regenerate "iOS distribution provision profile" for app store distribution and download to mac.

  • Install it.

  • Try again using xcode/application loader to upload the build.

