


 2 #ifndef NULL  3 #define  NULL 0
 4 #endif
 6 template<class T>
 7 class CSQList  8 {  9 public:  10     CSQList();                                 //构造函数
 11     CSQList(const CSQList& sqList);            //拷贝构造函数
 12     CSQList& operator=(const CSQList& sqList); //重载赋值运算符
 13     T* InitSQList();                           //初始化线性表
 14     T* IncreaseSQList();                       //再次为线性表分配内存
 15     virtual ~CSQList();                        //析构函数
 16     inline unsigned int Capacity() const;      //获得最大容量
 17     inline unsigned int Size() const;          //当前元素个数
 18     bool Insert(unsigned int pos, T& element); //在第pos个位置插入元素
 19     T Delete(unsigned int pos);                //删除指定位置的元素,返回删除的元素
 20     unsigned int Clear();                      //清楚所有元素(并非释放内存)
 22 protected:  23     T* m_pSQList;  24     const unsigned int m_ncInitLength;     //初始可以放的元素个数
 25     const unsigned int m_ncIncreaseLength; //增长大小
 26     unsigned int m_nCapacity;              //当前线性表总可以放的元素个数
 27     unsigned int m_nSize;                  //当前线性表中实际元素个数
 28 };  29 
 30 template<class T>
 31 T CSQList<T>::Delete( unsigned int pos )  32 {  33     if (pos > m_nSize - 1)  34  {  35         return T(0); //这里是一个潜在问题, potential problem
 36  }  37  
 38     T temp = m_pSQList[pos];  39 
 40     //当删除的元素为最后一个元素时,循环条件不成立,直接更改m_nSize的值即可;
 41     for (unsigned int index = pos; index < m_nSize - 1; ++ index)  42  {  43         m_pSQList[index] = m_pSQList[index + 1];  44  }  45 
 46     -- m_nSize;  47 
 48     return temp;  49 }  50 
 52 template<class T>
 53 CSQList<T>::CSQList() : m_pSQList(NULL), m_ncInitLength(20), m_ncIncreaseLength(10), m_nCapacity(0), m_nSize(0){}  54 
 56 template<class T>
 57 T* CSQList<T>::InitSQList()  58 {  59     if (NULL != m_pSQList)  60  {  61         return m_pSQList;  62  }  63 
 64     m_pSQList = (T*)(malloc(m_ncInitLength * sizeof(T)));  65     if (NULL == m_pSQList)  66  {  67         m_nCapacity = 0;  68  }  69     else
 70  {  71         m_nCapacity = m_ncInitLength;  72  }  73 
 74     return m_pSQList;  75 }  76 
 77 template<class T>
 78 T* CSQList<T>::IncreaseSQList()  79 {  80     if (NULL == m_pSQList)  81  {  82         return NULL;  83  }  84 
 85     m_pSQList = (T*)realloc(m_pSQList, (m_ncIncreaseLength + m_nCapacity) * sizeof(T));  86 
 87     m_nCapacity += (NULL == m_pSQList? 0 : m_ncIncreaseLength);  88 
 89     return m_pSQList;  90 }  91 
 92 template<class T>
 93 CSQList<T>::~CSQList()  94 {  95     if (NULL != m_pSQList)  96  {  97  free(m_pSQList);  98         m_pSQList = NULL;  99         m_nCapacity = 0; 100         m_nSize = 0; 101  } 102 } 103 
104 template<class T>
105 unsigned int CSQList<T>::Capacity() const
106 { 107     return m_nCapacity; 108 } 109 
110 template<class T>
111 unsigned int CSQList<T>::Size() const 
112 { 113     return m_nSize; 114 } 115 
116 template<class T>
117 bool CSQList<T>::Insert(unsigned int pos, T& element) 118 { 119     if (pos < 0 || pos > m_nSize) 120  { 121         return false; 122  } 123 
124     //当 当前个数 + 1 大于 最大容量的时候,必须分配空间 125     //如果分配失败,则不能插入元素
126     if (m_nSize + 1 > m_nCapacity) 127  { 128         if (NULL == IncreaseSQList()) 129  { 130             return false; 131  } 132  } 133     //如果插入一个元素 不会超过最大容量,则即使再分配不成功也没有太大问题
134     else if (m_nSize + 1 >= (m_nCapacity * 0.8F)) 135  { 136  IncreaseSQList(); 137  } 138 
139     for (unsigned int iBegin = m_nSize; iBegin > pos; -- iBegin) 140  { 141         m_pSQList[iBegin] = m_pSQList[iBegin - 1]; 142  } 143     m_pSQList[pos] = element; 144 
145     ++ m_nSize; 146 
147     return true; 148 } 149 
150 template<class T>
151 unsigned int CSQList<T>::Clear() 152 { 153     unsigned int size = m_nSize; 154     m_nSize = 0; 155 
156     return size; 157 } 158 
159 template<class T>
160 CSQList<T>::CSQList(const CSQList& sqList) 161 { 162     T* pt = (T*)malloc(sqList.m_nCapacity * sizeof(T)); 163     if (NULL != pt) 164  { 165         if (0 == memcpy_s(pt, sizeof(T) * sqList.Size(), sqList.m_pSQList, sizeof(T) * sqList.Size())) 166  { 167             this->m_pSQList = pt; 168             this->m_nSize = sqList.Size(); 169             this->m_nCapacity = sqList.Capacity(); 170  } 171  } 172 } 173 
174 template<class T>
175 CSQList<T>& CSQList<T>::operator =(const CSQList& sqList) 176 { 177     T* pt = (T*)malloc(sqList.m_nCapacity * sizeof(T)); 178     if (NULL != pt) 179  { 180         if (0 == memcpy_s(pt, sizeof(T) * sqList.Size(), sqList.m_pSQList, sizeof(T) * sqList.Size())) 181  { 182             if (this->m_pSQList != NULL) 183  { 184  free(m_pSQList); 185  } 186 
187             this->m_pSQList = pt; 188             this->m_nSize = sqList.Size(); 189             this->m_nCapacity = sqList.Capacity(); 190  } 191  } 192  
193     return *this; 194 }



 1 #include "stdafx.h"
 2 #include <iostream>
 3 using namespace std;  4 #include "SQList.h"
 7 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  8 {  9     CSQList<int> sqList; 10  sqList.InitSQList(); 11     int num1 = 0x0a; 12     int num2 = 0x01020304; 13 
14     sqList.Insert(0, num1); 15     sqList.Insert(1, num2); 16 
17     for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++ i) 18  { 19         sqList.Insert(0, num1); 20  } 21 
22     int value = sqList.Delete(sqList.Size() - 1); 23 
24     CSQList<int> sqList2; // = sqList; //直接用sqList初始化sqList2时编译错误
25     sqList2 = sqList; 26 
27     sqList2 = sqList; 28 
29     return 0; 30 }


上面第24行如果写为 CSQList<int> sqList2 = sqList; 则编译错误如下:

1>e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.h(161) : error C2758: “CSQList<T>::m_ncInitLength”: 必须在构造函数基/成员初始值设定项列表中初始化
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1> e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.h(24) : 参见“CSQList<T>::m_ncInitLength”的声明
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1> e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.h(161): 编译类 模板 成员函数“CSQList<T>::CSQList(const CSQList<T> &)”时
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1> e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.cpp(12): 参见对正在编译的类 模板 实例化“CSQList<T>”的引用
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1>e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.h(161) : error C2758: “CSQList<T>::m_ncIncreaseLength”: 必须在构造函数基/成员初始值设定项列表中初始化
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1> e:\files\datastruct\sqlist\sqlist\sqlist.h(25) : 参见“CSQList<T>::m_ncIncreaseLength”的声明
1> with
1> [
1> T=int
1> ]
1>SQList - 2 个错误,0 个警告
========== 生成: 0 已成功, 1 已失败, 0 最新, 0 已跳过 ==========




