[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1


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CS193P Lecture 1


  • the most important prerequisite is that you must be a competent, comfortable object-oriented programmer( Java-CS106B, C++-CS107)
  • one should be familiar with such terms (listed in slides: class, instance, message, method, instance variable, superclass/subclass, protocol)
  • in iOS, you can build a big APP in 6 weeks (for competent coder)
  • object-oriented is called a design paradigm and swim downstream with this design paradigm
  • M-Model
  • V-View: controller’s minions
  • C-Control: how model is presented
  • not know clearly about thread safe,(wiki)
  • access instance variables: go through setters and getters for properties

explanations of codes

basic syntax
[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第1张图片

declare a method[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第2张图片

@synthesize and @property[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第3张图片

send a message[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第4张图片

dot notation[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第5张图片

all of the code[Day2]Stanford Course Lecture 1_第6张图片

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