
“谷歌今日宣布,其已在Android Market上加入了一个自动扫描服务进程, 以阻止恶意应用的流入。这一新的服务代号‘Bouncer(保镖)’,能扫描应用以发现已知的恶意软件、间谍软件和木马,并且能找到应用的可疑行为并将它们与先前分析过的应用相比对。每一个应用都将在谷歌的云平台上运行,以仿真出其在真实安卓设备上的操作。已有应用也在被不断分析。”


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Google Now Scanning Android Apps for Malware
posted by Thom Holwerda on Thu 2nd Feb 2012 23:11 UTC, submitted by fran
"Google has added an automated scanning process that is designed to keep malicious apps out of the Android Market , the company announced today. The new service, code-named 'Bouncer', scans apps for known malware, spyware, and Trojans, and looks for suspicious behaviors and compares them against previously analyzed apps. Every app is then run on Google's cloud infrastructure to simulate how the software would operate on an Android device, he said. Existing apps are continuously analyzed, too."   
