
《纽约时报》的一篇深度报导证实美国和以色列政府联合开发了著名的Stuxnet蠕虫。文章摘录自David Sanger的新书《Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power》, 证实是美国和以色列开发和部署了Stuxnet,蠕虫的目标是通过向工业控制系统发送特定指令改变转速破坏伊朗铀浓缩离心机。

两 国政府希望此举能推迟伊朗 核计划,美国同时希望阻止以色列发动先发制人的军事攻击。Stuxnet针对的是伊朗Natanz核工厂,虽然工厂内部系统与外网物理隔绝,但计算机和便 捷式设备可以在外网和内网之间架起桥梁。美以首先利用“信标”代码绘制出工厂内所有网络连接,然后发送回NSA。
小布什总统授权批准了该计 划,美国国家实验室测试了破坏离心机的不同方案,然后通过双重间谍利用U盘将蠕虫带进Natanz核工厂。奥巴马上台后,继续了这项名为Olympic Games的计划。然而到了2010年,Stuxnet可能通过笔记本传播到了Natanz之外,情况失去了控制。奥巴马担心蠕虫会破坏外部工厂,美国的 官员将此归罪于以色列,拜登副总统说,“他们走得太远了”。

US, Israel created Stuxnet, lost control over it
posted by Thom Holwerda on Fri 1st Jun 2012 22:53 UTC
"Mr. Obama decided to accelerate the attacks - begun in the Bush administration and code-named Olympic Games - even after an element of the program accidentally became public in the summer of 2010 because of a programming error that allowed it to escape Iran's Natanz plant and sent it around the world on the Internet. Computer security experts who began studying the worm, which had been developed by the United States and Israel, gave it a name: Stuxnet." And we're letting these people have unmanned drones. Seems legit.
