


 *                                    stack.h
 * A C++ template class implemented stack.
 * The defualt initial size of the stack is set to 20. If the elements number
 * exceed initial size, then it will be extended by a factor of 2.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10

#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <constants.h>

using namespace std;

namespace itlab

    template <typename Type>
    class Stack


        explicit Stack( int maxSize = INITSIZE );

//        Stack( const Stack<Type> & );
//        Stack<Type>& operator=( const Stack<Type> & );

        inline bool isEmpty() const;
        inline void makeEmpty();

        inline void push( const Type &x );
        inline void pop( Type &x );
        inline void getTop( Type &x );


        int top;
        int capacity;

        Type *elements;

        void handleOverflow();
        inline void handleUnderflow();

    // class Stack

    #include <stack-impl.h>

// namespace itlab





 *                               stack-impl.h
 * Implementation for Stack class.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10

 * constructors and destructor
template <typename Type>
Stack<Type>::Stack( int maxSize ) : top (-1), capacity(maxSize)
    elements = new Type[maxSize];
    if( !elements )
        cerr << "Out of memory!" << endl;

template <typename Type>
    top = -1;
    capacity = INITSIZE;
    delete []elements;

 * If the stack is empty, return true.
template <typename Type>
inline bool Stack<Type>::isEmpty() const
    return ( top == -1 );

 * Make the stack empty.
template <typename Type>
inline void Stack<Type>::makeEmpty()
    top = -1;

 * Push an element into the stack.
template <typename Type>
inline void Stack<Type>::push( const Type &x )
    elements[++top] = x;
    if( top == capacity-1 )

 * Pop an element out of stack.
template <typename Type>
inline void Stack<Type>::pop( Type &x )
    if( !isEmpty() )
        x = elements[top--];

 * Get the top element of the stack.
template <typename Type>
inline void Stack<Type>::getTop( Type &x )
    if( !isEmpty() )
        x = elements[top];

 * If the capability of the stack exceeds the initial size, make it double.
template <typename Type>
void Stack<Type>::handleOverflow()
    capacity = EXTFACTOR * capacity ;

    Type *newArray = new Type[capacity];
    if( newArray == NULL )
        cerr << "Out of memory!" << endl;

    for( int i=0; i<=top; ++i )
        newArray[i] = elements[i];

    delete []elements;
    elements = newArray;

 * Handle the error of get element from an empty stack.
template <typename Type>
inline void Stack<Type>::handleUnderflow()
    cerr << "The stack is empty!" << endl << endl;
    exit( 1 );




 *                               stack_test.cpp
 * Stack class testing.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <stack.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace itlab;

int main()
    pair<int, string > stu;

    Stack< pair<int, string> > s;

    s.push( make_pair(1, "XiaoMing") );
    s.push( make_pair(2, "XiaoHong") );
    s.push( make_pair(3, "XiaoLing") );

    s.getTop( stu );
    cout << stu.first << "\t" << stu.second << endl;

    cout << endl;
    while( !s.isEmpty() )
        s.pop( stu );
        cout << stu.first << "\t" << stu.second <<endl;
    cout << endl;

    s.getTop( stu );
    cout << stu.first << "\t" << stu.second <<endl;

    cout << endl;
    return 0;

