微软从安卓那里获取的盈利比重WinPhone 7还多

Microsoft Earns More from Android than Windows Phone 7
微软从安卓那里获取的盈利比重WinPhone 7还多
posted by Thom Holwerda on Sun 29th May 2011 21:29 UTC, submitted by teigetje
发表于:2011年5月30日 北京时间05:29

It turns out that a lot of people haven't been paying attention. Over the weekend, a story about how Microsoft is earning more from HTC's Android devices than from its own Windows Phone 7 sales spread all across the web, with surprised reactions everywhere. Anyone who has been paying attention to Microsoft's recent patent trolling regarding Android could've seen this coming.
看来很多人都还没有注意。上周,一个关于 微软是如何从HTC的安卓设备里赢得了比从自己的WinPhone 7更多收益的故事传遍了网络,惊讶声一片哗然。任何关注到微软近期有关安卓的专利案件的人,都可能已经预见到了这一幕的来临。

Citi analyst Walter Pritchard revealed that HTC pays Microsoft $5 for every Android device it sells, as part of the patent deal between the two companies. Microsoft is currently suing other Android phone makers, and is seeking $7.50 to $12.50 per device, according to Pritchard. This is what Steve Ballmer referred to as 'Android's patent fee'.
Citi分析家Walter Pritchard揭露, 每部安卓设备,HTC向微软付费5美元,作为两家公司专利生意的一部分。据Pritchard所言,微软当前正诉讼其他安卓电话制造商,并向每个设备索取7.50到12.50美元不等的费用。这便是Steve Ballmer所指的‘安卓的专利费’。(后文略)

英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/24800/Microsoft_Earns_More_from_Android_than_Windows_Phone_7
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=61656&forum=72
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