苹果的 无损ALAC 被开源

苹果 开源了ALAC !“苹果无损音频编解码(Apple Lossless Audio Codec ,ALAC)是由苹果开发出的一个音频编解码技术,为iPhone, iPad, most iPods, Mac 和 iTunes等设备所支持。ALAC是一个数据压缩方法,能无损压缩音频文件体积。一个解码过的ALAC流在位(比特)级等同于未经压缩的音频文件。 ALAC项目持有ALAC编码器和解码器的源代码。同样被持有的,是一个样例命令行工具,名叫alacconvert,用来从(向)Core Audio Format 和Wave文件读(写)音频数据。同样地,一个对一种‘magic cookie’(用于基于ISO基础媒体文件格式如MP4和M4A的文件上)的描述也为该项目持有。ALAC源代码在Apache许可下可用。”

苹果的 无损ALAC 被开源_第1张图片
Apple Lossless Audio Codec

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Apple's Lossless ALAC Open Sourced
posted by Thom Holwerda on Fri 28th Oct 2011 20:42 UTC, submitted by poundsmack
Apple has open sourced ALAC. "The Apple Lossless Audio Codec is an audio codec developed by Apple and supported on iPhone, iPad, most iPods, Mac and iTunes. ALAC is a data compression method which reduces the size of audio files with no loss of information. A decoded ALAC stream is bit-for-bit identical to the original uncompressed audio file. The Apple Lossless Audio Codec project contains the sources for the ALAC encoder and decoder. Also included is an example command line utility, called alacconvert, to read and write audio data to/from Core Audio Format and WAVE files. A description of a 'magic cookie' for use with files based on the ISO base media file format (e.g. MP4 and M4A) is included as well. The Apple Lossless Audio Codec sources are available under the Apache license."   

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