
“经过一系列的单方面听证,奢侈品制造商香奈儿(Chanel,服装、香水品牌) 赢胜了最近几起对上百家进行假冒奢侈品交易的网站的诉讼。 一位内华达(Nevada,美国州名)的联邦法官授予了香奈儿收集这些问题网站的域名并将它们移交至美国登记处的权利。该法官还责令‘所有互联网搜索引 擎’和‘所有社会媒体网络’——明确地说,Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Bing, Yahoo, 以及Google ——‘不索引’那些域名,并将它们从搜索结果中移除。”

US judge orders hundreds of sites "de-indexed" from Google, Facebook

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US Judge Orders Hundreds of Sites 'De-indexed' from Google
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 29th Nov 2011 21:28 UTC
"After a series of one-sided hearings, luxury goods maker Chanel has won recent court orders against hundreds of websites trafficking in counterfeit(假冒的) luxury goods. A federal judge in Nevada has agreed that Chanel can seize the domain names in question and transfer them all to US-based registrar GoDaddy. The judge also ordered 'all Internet search engines' and 'all social media websites' - explicitly naming Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Bing, Yahoo, and Google - to 'de-index' the domain names and to remove them from any search results."       
