/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * usingdeclare.h * * Usually used name declaration. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-08, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef USINGDECLARE_H #define USINGDECLARE_H namespace splab { using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::complex; using std::ostream; using std::istream; using std::min; using std::max; using std::swap; using std::ceil; using std::abs; using std::cos; using std::sin; using std::tan; using std::acos; using std::asin; using std::atan; using std::exp; using std::log; using std::log10; using std::sqrt; using std::pow; } // namespace splab #endif // USINGDECLARE_H
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * constants.h * * Some constants often used in numeric computing. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-01, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CONSTANTS_H #define CONSTANTS_H namespace splab { const double EPS = 2.220446049250313e-016; const double PI = 3.141592653589793; const double TWOPI = 6.283185307179586; const double HALFPI = 1.570796326794897; const double D2R = 0.017453292519943; const double EXP = 2.718281828459046; const double RT2 = 1.414213562373095; const double IRT2 = 0.707106781186547; const int FORWARD = 1; const int INVERSE = 0; const int MAXTERM = 20; const int INITSIZE = 20; const int EXTFACTOR = 2; } // namespace splab #endif // CONSTANTS_H
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * vector.h * * Class template of vector which is designed for basic linear algebra * operations such as: * v + k k + v v += k v1 + v2 v1 += v2 * v - k k - v v -= k v1 - v2 v1 -= v2 * v * k k * v v *= k v1 * v2 v1 *= v2 * v / k k / v v /= k v1 / v2 v1 /= v2 * mum, min, max swap reverse * norm dotProd * These operators and functions can be applied to both real vector and * complex vector. * * The class also provides the basic math functions such as: * cos sin tan acos asin atan * abs exp log log10 sqrt pow * This should include "matrixmath.h" file. * * When debugging, use #define BOUNDS_CHECK above your "#include vector.h" * line. When done debugging, comment out #define BOUNDS_CHECK for better * performance. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-01 (revised 2010-12), Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef VECTOR_H #define VECTOR_H #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <complex> #include <usingdeclare.h> #include <constants.h> namespace splab { template <typename Type> class Vector { public: typedef Type* iterator; typedef const Type* const_iterator; // constructors and destructor Vector(); Vector( const Vector<Type> &v ); Vector( int length, const Type &x = Type(0) ); Vector( int length, const Type *array ); ~Vector(); // assignments Vector<Type>& operator=( const Vector<Type> &v ); Vector<Type>& operator=( const Type &x ); // accessors Type& operator[]( int i ); const Type& operator[]( int i ) const; Type& operator()( int i ); const Type& operator()( int i ) const; // iterators iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; iterator end(); const_iterator end() const; // type conversion operator Type*(); operator const Type*() const; // others int size() const; int dim() const; Vector<Type>& resize( int length ); // computed assignment Vector<Type>& operator+=( const Type& ); Vector<Type>& operator-=( const Type& ); Vector<Type>& operator*=( const Type& ); Vector<Type>& operator/=( const Type& ); Vector<Type>& operator+=( const Vector<Type>& ); Vector<Type>& operator-=( const Vector<Type>& ); Vector<Type>& operator*=( const Vector<Type>& ); Vector<Type>& operator/=( const Vector<Type>& ); private: // data pointer for 0-offset indexing Type *pv0; // data pointer for 1-offset indexing Type *pv1; // the row number of vector int nRow; void init( int length ); void copyFromArray( const Type *v ); void setByScalar( const Type &x ); void destroy(); }; // class Vector // input and output template<typename Type> ostream& operator<<( ostream&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> istream& operator>>( istream&, Vector<Type>& ); // arithmetic operators template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator+( const Vector<Type>&, const Type& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator+( const Type&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator+( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type>&, const Type& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator-( const Type&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator*( const Vector<Type>&, const Type& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator*( const Type&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator*( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator/( const Vector<Type>&, const Type& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator/( const Type&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> operator/( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); // dot product template<typename Type> Type dotProd( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> complex<Type> dotProd( const Vector<complex<Type> >&, const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); // utilities template<typename Type> Type sum( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Type min( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Type max( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Type norm( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Type norm( const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); template<typename Type> void swap( Vector<Type>&, Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> linspace( Type, Type, int ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> abs( const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> arg( const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> real( const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); template<typename Type> Vector<Type> imag( const Vector<complex<Type> >& ); template<typename Type> Vector<complex<Type> > complexVector( const Vector<Type>& ); template<typename Type> Vector<complex<Type> > complexVector( const Vector<Type>&, const Vector<Type>& ); #include <vector-impl.h> } // namespace splab #endif // VECTOR_H
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * vector-impl.h * * Implementation for Vector class. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-01 (revised 2010-12), Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ /** * initialize */ template <typename Type> void Vector<Type>::init( int length ) { assert( pv0 == NULL ); pv0 = new Type[length]; assert( pv0 != NULL ); pv1 = pv0 - 1; nRow = length; } /** * copy vector from normal array */ template <typename Type> inline void Vector<Type>::copyFromArray( const Type *v ) { for( int i=0; i<nRow; ++i ) pv0[i] = v[i]; } /** * set vector by a scalar */ template <typename Type> inline void Vector<Type>::setByScalar( const Type &x ) { for( int i=0; i<nRow; ++i ) pv0[i] = x; } /** * destroy the vector */ template <typename Type> void Vector<Type>::destroy() { if( pv0 == NULL ) return; delete []pv0; pv0 = NULL; pv1 = NULL; } /** * constructors and destructor */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>::Vector() : pv0(0), pv1(0), nRow(0) { } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>::Vector( const Vector<Type> &v ) : pv0(0), pv1(0), nRow(0) { init( v.nRow ); copyFromArray( v.pv0 ); } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>::Vector( int length, const Type &x ) : pv0(0), pv1(0), nRow(0) { init( length ); setByScalar( x ); } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>::Vector( int length, const Type *array ) : pv0(0), pv1(0), nRow(0) { init( length ); copyFromArray( array ); } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>::~Vector() { destroy(); } /** * overload evaluate operator= from vector to vector */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator=( const Vector<Type> &v ) { if( pv0 == v.pv0 ) return *this; if( nRow == v.nRow ) copyFromArray( v.pv0 ); else { destroy(); init( v.nRow ); copyFromArray( v.pv0 ); } return *this; } /** * overload evaluate operator= from scalar to vector */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator=( const Type &x ) { setByScalar( x ); return *this; } /** * overload operator [] for 0-offset access */ template <typename Type> inline Type& Vector<Type>::operator[]( int i ) { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK assert( 0 <= i ); assert( i < nRow ); #endif return pv0[i]; } template <typename Type> inline const Type& Vector<Type>::operator[]( int i ) const { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK assert( 0 <= i ); assert( i < nRow ); #endif return pv0[i]; } /** * overload operator () for 1-offset access */ template <typename Type> inline Type& Vector<Type>::operator()( int i ) { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK assert( 1 <= i ); assert( i <= nRow ); #endif return pv1[i]; } template <typename Type> inline const Type& Vector<Type>::operator()( int i ) const { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK assert( 1 <= i ); assert( i <= nRow ); #endif return pv1[i]; } /** * iterators */ template <typename Type> inline typename Vector<Type>::iterator Vector<Type>::begin() { return pv0; } template <typename Type> inline typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator Vector<Type>::begin() const { return pv0; } template <typename Type> inline typename Vector<Type>::iterator Vector<Type>::end() { return pv0 + nRow; } template <typename Type> inline typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator Vector<Type>::end() const { return pv0 + nRow; } /** * type conversion functions */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type>::operator Type*() { return pv0; } template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type>::operator const Type*() const { return pv0; } /** * get the vector's total size */ template <typename Type> inline int Vector<Type>::size() const { return nRow; } /** * get the vector's dimension */ template <typename Type> inline int Vector<Type>::dim() const { return nRow; } /** * reallocate vector's size */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::resize( int length ) { if( nRow == length ) return *this; destroy(); init( length ); return *this; } /** * compound assignment operators += */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator+=( const Type &x ) { iterator itr = (*this).begin(); while( itr != (*this).end() ) *itr++ += x; return *this; } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator+=( const Vector<Type> &rhs ) { assert( nRow == rhs.dim() ); iterator itrL = (*this).begin(); const_iterator itrR = rhs.begin(); while( itrL != (*this).end() ) *itrL++ += *itrR++; return *this; } /** * compound assignment operators -= */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator-=( const Type &x ) { iterator itr = (*this).begin(); while( itr != (*this).end() ) *itr++ -= x; return *this; } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator-=( const Vector<Type> &rhs ) { assert( nRow == rhs.dim() ); iterator itrL = (*this).begin(); const_iterator itrR = rhs.begin(); while( itrL != (*this).end() ) *itrL++ -= *itrR++; return *this; } /** * compound assignment operators *= */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator*=( const Type &x ) { iterator itr = (*this).begin(); while( itr != (*this).end() ) *itr++ *= x; return *this; } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator*=( const Vector<Type> &rhs ) { assert( nRow == rhs.dim() ); iterator itrL = (*this).begin(); const_iterator itrR = rhs.begin(); while( itrL != (*this).end() ) *itrL++ *= *itrR++; return *this; } /** * compound assignment operators /= */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator/=( const Type &x ) { iterator itr = (*this).begin(); while( itr != (*this).end() ) *itr++ /= x; return *this; } template <typename Type> Vector<Type>& Vector<Type>::operator/=( const Vector<Type> &rhs ) { assert( nRow == rhs.dim() ); iterator itrL = (*this).begin(); const_iterator itrR = rhs.begin(); while( itrL != (*this).end() ) *itrL++ /= *itrR++; return *this; } /** * Overload the output stream function. */ template <typename Type> ostream& operator<<( ostream &out, const Vector<Type> &v ) { int N = v.dim(); out << "size: " << N << " by 1" << "\n"; for( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) out << v[i] << " " << "\n"; return out; } /** * Overload the input stream function. */ template <typename Type> istream& operator>>( istream &in, Vector<Type> &v ) { int N; in >> N; if( !( N == v.dim() ) ) v.resize( N ); for( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) in >> v[i]; return in; } /** * get negative vector */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type> &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v.dim() ); typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = tmp.begin(); typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itrR = v.begin(); while( itrL != tmp.end() ) *itrL++ = -(*itrR++); return tmp; } /** * vector-scalar addition. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator+( const Vector<Type> &v, const Type &x ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v ); return tmp += x; } template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator+( const Type &x, const Vector<Type> &v ) { return v+x; } /** * vector-scalar substraction. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type> &v, const Type &x ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v ); return tmp -= x; } template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator-( const Type &x, const Vector<Type> &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v ); return -tmp += x; } /** * vector-scalar multiplication. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator*( const Vector<Type> &v, const Type &x ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v ); return tmp *= x; } template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator*( const Type &x, const Vector<Type> &v ) { return v*x; } /** * vector-scalar division. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator/( const Vector<Type> &v, const Type &x ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v ); return tmp /= x; } template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator/( const Type &x, const Vector<Type> &v ) { int N = v.dim(); Vector<Type> tmp( N ); for( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) tmp[i] = x / v[i]; return tmp; } /** * vector-vector addition. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator+( const Vector<Type> &v1, const Vector<Type> &v2 ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v1 ); return tmp += v2; } /** * vector-vector substraction. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator-( const Vector<Type> &v1, const Vector<Type> &v2 ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v1 ); return tmp -= v2; } /** * vector-vector multiplication. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator*( const Vector<Type> &v1, const Vector<Type> &v2 ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v1 ); return tmp *= v2; } /** * vector-vector division. */ template <typename Type> inline Vector<Type> operator/( const Vector<Type> &v1, const Vector<Type> &v2 ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v1 ); return tmp /= v2; } /** * Inner product for vectors. */ template <typename Type> Type dotProd( const Vector<Type> &v1, const Vector<Type> &v2 ) { assert( v1.dim() == v2.dim() ); Type sum = 0; typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itr1 = v1.begin(); typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itr2 = v2.begin(); while( itr1 != v1.end() ) sum += (*itr1++) * (*itr2++); return sum; } /** * Inner product for vectors. */ template <typename Type> complex<Type> dotProd( const Vector<complex<Type> > &v1, const Vector<complex<Type> > &v2 ) { assert( v1.dim() == v2.dim() ); complex<Type> sum = 0; typename Vector<complex<Type> >::const_iterator itr1 = v1.begin(); typename Vector<complex<Type> >::const_iterator itr2 = v2.begin(); while( itr1 != v1.end() ) sum += (*itr1++) * conj(*itr2++); return sum; } /** * Vector's sum. */ template <typename Type> Type sum( const Vector<Type> &v ) { Type sum = 0; typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itr = v.begin(); while( itr != v.end() ) sum += *itr++; return sum; } /** * Minimum value of vector. */ template <typename Type> Type min( const Vector<Type> &v ) { Type m = v[0]; for( int i=1; i<v.size(); ++i ) if( m > v[i] ) m = v[i]; return m; } /** * Maximum value of vector. */ template <typename Type> Type max( const Vector<Type> &v ) { Type M = v[0]; for( int i=1; i<v.size(); ++i ) if( M < v[i] ) M = v[i]; return M; } /** * Vector's norm in Euclidean space. */ template <typename Type> Type norm( const Vector<Type> &v ) { Type sum = 0; typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itr = v.begin(); while( itr != v.end() ) { sum += (*itr) * (*itr); itr++; } return Type(sqrt(1.0*sum)); } /** * Vector's norm in Euclidean space. */ template <typename Type> Type norm( const Vector<complex<Type> > &v ) { Type sum = 0; typename Vector<complex<Type> >::const_iterator itr = v.begin(); while( itr != v.end() ) sum += norm(*itr++); return Type(sqrt(1.0*sum)); } /** * return vector's reversion */ template <typename Type> void swap( Vector<Type> &lhs, Vector<Type> &rhs ) { typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = lhs.begin(), itrR = rhs.begin(); while( itrL != lhs.end() ) std::swap( *itrL++, *itrR++ ); } /** * Generates a vector of n points linearly spaced between and * including a and b. */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> linspace( Type a, Type b, int n ) { if( n < 1 ) return Vector<Type>(); else if( n == 1 ) return Vector<Type>( 1, a ); else { Type dx = (b-a) / (n-1); Vector<Type> tmp(n); for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) tmp[i] = a + i*dx; return tmp; } } /** * Get magnitude of a complex vector. */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> abs( const Vector< complex<Type> > &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v.dim() ); typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = tmp.begin(); typename Vector< complex<Type> >::const_iterator itrR = v.begin(); while( itrL != tmp.end() ) *itrL++ = abs(*itrR++); return tmp; } /** * Get angle of a complex vector. */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> arg( const Vector< complex<Type> > &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v.dim() ); typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = tmp.begin(); typename Vector< complex<Type> >::const_iterator itrR = v.begin(); while( itrL != tmp.end() ) *itrL++ = arg(*itrR++); return tmp; } /** * Get real part of a complex vector. */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> real( const Vector< complex<Type> > &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v.dim() ); typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = tmp.begin(); typename Vector< complex<Type> >::const_iterator itrR = v.begin(); while( itrL != tmp.end() ) *itrL++ = (*itrR++).real(); return tmp; } /** * Get imaginary part of a complex vector. */ template <typename Type> Vector<Type> imag( const Vector< complex<Type> > &v ) { Vector<Type> tmp( v.dim() ); typename Vector<Type>::iterator itrL = tmp.begin(); typename Vector< complex<Type> >::const_iterator itrR = v.begin(); while( itrL != tmp.end() ) *itrL++ = (*itrR++).imag(); return tmp; } /** * Convert real vector to complex vector. */ template <typename Type> Vector<complex<Type> > complexVector( const Vector<Type> &rv ) { int N = rv.dim(); Vector<complex<Type> > cv( N ); typename Vector<complex<Type> >::iterator itrL = cv.begin(); typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itrR = rv.begin(); while( itrR != rv.end() ) *itrL++ = *itrR++; return cv; } template <typename Type> Vector<complex<Type> > complexVector( const Vector<Type> &vR, const Vector<Type> &vI ) { int N = vR.dim(); assert( N == vI.dim() ); Vector<complex<Type> > cv( N ); typename Vector<complex<Type> >::iterator itrC = cv.begin(); typename Vector<Type>::const_iterator itrR = vR.begin(), itrI = vI.begin(); while( itrC != cv.end() ) *itrC++ = complex<Type>( *itrR++, *itrI++ ); return cv; }
/***************************************************************************** * vector_test.cpp * * Vector class testing. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-01 (revised 2010-12), Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #define BOUNDS_CHECK #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <complex> #include <vector.h> using namespace std; using namespace splab; const int M = 3; void display( const int *p, int length ) { for( int i=0; i<length; ++i ) cout << p[i] << "\t" ; cout << endl; } int main() { int k; int arrays[3] = {1,2,3}; Vector<int> v1( M,arrays ); k = 1; Vector<int> v2( M,k ); Vector<int> v3( M ); k = 0; v3 = k; Vector<int> v4( v1 ); cout << "vector v1 : " << v1 << endl; cout << "vector v2 : " << v2 << endl; cout << "vector v3 : " << v3 << endl; cout << "vector v4 : " << v4 << endl; display( v4, M ); cout << endl; v4.resize( 5 ); Vector<int>::iterator itr = v4.begin(); while( itr != v4.end() ) *itr++ = 1; cout << "new vector v4 : " << v4 << endl; v4 = v1; cout << "new vector v4 : " << v4 << endl; k = 2; v3 = k+v1; cout << "v3 = k + v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 += k; cout << "v3 += k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1-k; cout << "v3 = v1 - k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = k-v1; cout << "v3 = k - v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 -= k; cout << "v3 -= k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = k*v1; cout << "v3 = k * v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 *= k; cout << "v3 *= k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1/k; cout << "v3 = v1 / k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = k/v1; cout << "v3 = k / v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 /= k; cout << "v3 /= k : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1+v2; cout << "v3 = v1 + v2 : " << v3 << endl; v3 += v1; cout << "v3 += v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1-v2; cout << "v3 = v1 - v2 : " << v3 << endl; v3 -= v1; cout << "v3 -= v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1*v2; cout << "v3 = v1 * v2 : " << v3 << endl; v3 *= v1; cout << "v3 *= v1 : " << v3 << endl; v3 = v1/v2; cout << "v3 = v1 / v2 : " << v3 << endl; v3 /= v1; cout << "v3 /= v1 : " << v3 << endl; cout << "minimum element of v1 : " << min(v1) << endl << endl; cout << "maximum element of v1 : " << max(v1) << endl << endl; cout << "L2 norm of v3 : " << norm( v3 ) << endl << endl; cout << "inner product of v1 and v2 : " << dotProd( v1, v2 ) << endl << endl; complex<double> z = -1.0; Vector< complex<double> > v( M ); v[0] = polar( 1.0,PI/4 ); v[1] = polar( 1.0,PI ); v[2] = complex<double>( 1.0,-1.0 ); Vector< complex<double> > u = v*z; cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4); cout << "convert from real to complex vector: " << complexVector(v3) << endl; cout << "convert from real to complex vector: " << complexVector(v3,-v1) << endl; cout << "complex vector v : " << v << endl; cout << "complex vector u = -v : " << u << endl; cout << "norm of coplex vector v : " << norm(v) << endl << endl; cout << "dot product of complex vector v and 1+u: " << dotProd(v,u-z) << endl << endl; int N = 5; Vector<double> x = linspace( 0.0, TWOPI, N ); Vector< complex<float> > cv(N); for( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) cv[i] = complex<float>( float(sin(x[i])), float(cos(x[i])) ); cout << "Complex vector vc : " << cv << endl; cout << "Absolute of vc : " << abs(cv) << endl; cout << "Angle of vc : " << arg(cv) << endl; cout << "Real part of vc : " << real(cv) << endl; cout << "Imaginary part of vc : " << imag(cv) << endl; cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed); Vector< Vector<double> > v2d1( M ); for( int i=0; i<M; ++i ) { v2d1[i].resize( M ); for( int j=0; j<M; ++j ) v2d1[i][j] = double( i+j ); } cout << "two dimension vector v2d1 : " << endl; Vector< Vector<double> >::const_iterator itrD2 = v2d1.begin(); int rowNum = 0; while( itrD2 != v2d1.end() ) cout << "the " << rowNum++ << "th row : " << *itrD2++ << endl; Vector< Vector<double> > v2d2 = v2d1+v2d1; cout << "two dimension vector v2d2 = v2d1 + v2d1 : " << v2d2; return 0; }
size: 5 by 1 0.0000 1.5708 3.1416 4.7124 6.2832 sin of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000 cos of x : size: 5 by 1 1.0000 0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000 1.0000 tan of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 16331778728383844.0000 -0.0000 5443926242794615.0000 -0.0000 asin of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 nan nan nan nan acos of x : size: 5 by 1 1.5708 nan nan nan nan atan of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 1.0039 1.2626 1.3617 1.4130 exp of x : size: 5 by 1 1.0000 4.8105 23.1407 111.3178 535.4917 log of x : size: 5 by 1 -inf 0.4516 1.1447 1.5502 1.8379 log10 of x : size: 5 by 1 -inf 0.1961 0.4971 0.6732 0.7982 sqrt of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 1.2533 1.7725 2.1708 2.5066 pow of x : size: 5 by 1 1.0000 2.0327 36.4622 1487.9012 103540.9204 pow of x : size: 5 by 1 0.0000 2.4674 9.8696 22.2066 39.4784 pow of x : size: 5 by 1 1.0000 2.9707 8.8250 26.2162 77.8802 The standard normal distribution : size: 5 by 1 0.0604 0.0633 0.0625 0.0578 0.0503 Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.078 s Press any key to continue.