TMG2010与Symantec BE的Remote Agent兼容问题!

上周末将ISA2006成功迁移到了TMG2010,同时一并将操作系统由Win2003R2升级到了Win2008R2,升级过程一波三折,但还算顺利。完成后开始安装BE的Remote Agent至TMG2010服务器,安装成功完成。但之后Remote Agent服务无法正常启动,经过更改服务启动账号也无法解决问题。在symantec网站查找问题关键词找到解决方法,如下链接:



The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers service fails to start with the message "The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service."


The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service.

Application Error :

Event ID: 58117
The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service did not start. The application failed to listen on the NDMP TCP/IP port. Check the network configuration.


The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) service by default uses port 10000.  This is the industry standard for the NDMP protocol which Backup Exec uses when communicating with the remote agent.  The errors may be seen if Port 10000 is already in use by another application on the system.


1. Confirm that there is an another application using port 10000 by first opening a command prompt:

Go to Start > Run...
Type CMD and press ENTER
2.  At the command prompt type:
Then press ENTER
This will give a list of all ports that are in use on the system along with the name of the process that is utilizing the port.  The ports are listed in the format of IP Address:Port.
Example: would indicate that a process is listening on port 10000.
Look through the list generated by the NETSTAT command in the Local Address column for any process displaying 10000 after the IP address.. If there is another process that is using the port 10000, one of the following must be done:
Change the port used by this application/process or remove it if not needed
Change the NDMP port for the Backup Exec Remote Agent service by doing the following steps:

3.  Edit the SERVICES file located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ using a text editor like Notepad

4. Add an entry that reads like the following example ( 12000 is just an example port.  Pick any available port that did not show as in use in the NETSTAT results):
ndmp          12000/tcp
At the end of the line press ENTER so that the cursor goes down to the next blank line.  If the ENTER key is not pressed at the end of the NDMP line, the change will not take effect.

5. After making the change, save the file and restart the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers service.
NOTE: Backup Exec for Windows Servers version 10 and prior required the NDMP port on the Media server and the one used by the Backup Exec Remote Agent to be the same. For Backup Exec for Windows Servers version 11 and later the NDMP ports for Media Server and Remote Agent can be different if publishing is enabled for the Backup Exec Remote Agent.  After changing the NDMP port on a remote server, ensure that the firewall on the remote server allows both inbound and outbound access for the new port.  The Remote Agent publishes its identity to the media server using the NDMP port.

Event ID




The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers Service did not start. The application failed to listen on the NDMP TCP/IP port. Check the network configuration.

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