- Description
- Kong belongs to a huge family. Recently he got a family name list which lists all men (no women) in his family over many generations. The list shows that the whole family has a common ancestor, let's call him Mr. X. Of course, everybody except Mr.X in the list is Mr. X's descendant. Everybody's father is shown in the list except that Mr. X's father is not recorded. We define that Mr.X's generation number is 0. His son's generation number is 1.His grandson's generation number is 2, and so on. In a word, everybody's generation number is 1 smaller than his son's generation number. Everybody's generation number is marked in some way in the list.
- Now Kong is willing to pay a lot of money for a program which can re-arrange the list as he requires ,and answer his questions such as how many brothers does a certain man have, etc. Please write this program for him.
- Input
- There are no more than 15 test cases.
- For each test case:
- The first line is an integer N( 1 <= N <= 30,000), indicating the number of names in the list.
- The second line is the name of Mr. X.
- In the next N-1 lines, there is a man's name in each line. And if the man's generation number is K, there are K dots( '.') before his name.
- Please note that :
- 1) A name consists of only letters or digits( '0'-'9').
- 2) All names are unique.
- 3) Every line's length is no more than 60 characters.
- 4) In the list, a man M's father is the closest one above M whose generation number is 1 less
- than M.
- 5) For any 2 adjacent lines in the list, if the above line's generation number is G1 and the lower
- line' s generation number is G2, than G2 <= G1 +1 is guaranteed.
- After the name list, a line containing an integer Q(1<=Q<=30,000) follows, meaning that there are
- Q queries or operations below.
- In the Next Q lines, each line indicates a query or operation. It can be in the following 3 formats:
- 1) L
- Print the family list in the same format as the input, but in a sorted way. The sorted way
- means that: if A and B are brothers(cousins don’t count), and A's name is alphabetically
- smaller than B's name, then A must appear earlier than B.
- 2) b name
- Print out how many brothers does "name" have, including "name" himself.
- 3) c name1 name2
- Print out the closest common ancestor of "name1" and "name2". "Closest" means the
- generation number is the largest. Since Mr. X has no ancestor in the list, so it's guaranteed
- that there is no question asking about Mr. X's ancestor.
- The input ends with N = 0.
- Output
- Already mentioned in the input.
- Sample input
- 9
- Kongs
- .son1
- ..son1son2
- ..son1son1
- ...sonkson2son1
- ...son1son2son2
- ..son1son3
- ...son1son3son1
- .son0
- 7
- L
- b son1son3son1
- b son1son2
- b sonkson2son1
- b son1
- c sonkson2son1 son1son2son2
- c son1son3son1 son1son2
- 0
bool operator<(const Node &a) const
return a.age < age;
bool operator<(const Node& left,const Node& right)
return left.age < right.age;
struct cmp_age{
inline bool operator()(const Node& left,const Node& right) const
return left.age < right.age;
priority_queue<Node, vector<Node> ,cmp_age> q;
- /*
- * set_struct_sort.cpp
- *
- * Created on: 2012-9-23
- * Author: Administrator
- */
- #include<iostream>
- #include<set>
- #include<string>
- #include<queue>
- #include<vector>
- using namespace std;
- struct Node{
- int age;
- string name;
- //method 1
- // bool operator<(const Node &a) const
- // {
- // return a.age < age;
- // }
- };
- //method 2
- bool operator<(const Node& left,const Node& right)
- {
- return left.age < right.age;
- }
- struct cmp_age{
- inline bool operator()(const Node& left,const Node& right) const
- {
- return left.age < right.age;
- }
- };
- struct cmp_name{
- inline bool operator()(const Node& left,const Node& right) const
- {
- return left.name.compare(right.name)<=0;
- }
- };
- set<Node,cmp_age> s1;
- set<Node,cmp_name> s2;
- set<Node> s3;
- priority_queue<Node ,vector<Node> ,cmp_age > q;
- void init_data_for_s_and_q(){
- Node n1,n2,n3,n4;
- n1.age=1; n1.name="jack";
- n2.age=6; n2.name="john";
- n3.age=5; n3.name="Tom";
- n4.age=12;n4.name="hank";
- s1.insert(n1);
- s1.insert(n2);
- s1.insert(n3);
- s1.insert(n4);
- s2.insert(s1.begin(),s1.end());
- s3.insert(s1.begin(),s1.end());
- q.push(n1);q.push(n2);q.push(n3);q.push(n4);
- }
- void print_data_for_s(){
- set<Node,cmp_name>::iterator it;
- cout<<"\ns1 sort by age:"<<endl;
- it=s1.begin();
- while(it!=s1.end()){
- cout<<it->age<<", "<<it->name<<endl;
- it++;
- }
- cout<<"\ns2 sort by name:"<<endl;
- it=s2.begin();
- while(it!=s2.end()){
- cout<<it->age<<", "<<it->name<<endl;
- it++;
- }
- cout<<"\ns3 sort by age:"<<endl;
- it=s3.begin();
- while(it!=s3.end()){
- cout<<it->age<<", "<<it->name<<endl;
- it++;
- }
- cout<<"\nprint priority_queue:"<<endl;
- Node n;
- while(!q.empty()){
- n=q.top();q.pop();
- cout<<n.age<<", "<<n.name<<endl;
- }
- }
- int main(){
- init_data_for_s_and_q();
- print_data_for_s();
- }
struct Node{
string name;
int parent,id;
vector<int> sons;
- //============================================================================
- /*
- * 2012 金华区网络赛 Problem J Family Name List
- * */
- //============================================================================
- #include <iostream>
- #include<string>
- #include<vector>
- #include<set>
- #include<map>
- using namespace std;
- #define M 30000
- struct Node{
- string name;
- int parent,id;
- vector<int> sons;
- };
- bool operator< (const Node & lhs, const Node & rhs){
- return lhs.name.compare( rhs.name)<=0;
- }
- map<string,int> ma;
- Node r[M];
- int father[M],idx;
- int level[M];
- //把家谱图排序后输出,这里用set解决
- void L(int cur){
- cout<<r[cur].name<<endl;
- int len=r[cur].sons.size();
- if(len!=0){
- set<Node> s;
- set<Node>::iterator it;
- for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
- s.insert(r[r[cur].sons.at(i)]);
- }
- it=s.begin();
- while(it!=s.end()){
- L(it->id);
- it++;
- }
- }
- }
- //计算兄弟的个数
- int calBrother(const string &name){
- map<string,int>::iterator it;
- it=ma.find(name);
- if(it!=ma.end()){
- int id=ma.find(name)->second;
- return r[r[id].parent].sons.size();
- }
- return -1;
- }
- //查找公共祖先
- void commonAnestor(const string &name1,const string &name2){
- if(name1.compare(name2)==0){
- cout<<name1<<endl;
- return;
- }
- int id1=ma.find(name1)->second,id2=ma.find(name2)->second;
- if(id1==-1||id2==-1){
- cout<<"error"<<endl;
- return;
- }
- string c1,c2;
- c1=r[r[id1].parent].name.substr(level[id1]-1);
- c2=r[r[id2].parent].name.substr(level[id2]-1);
- if(level[id1]==level[id2]){
- commonAnestor(c1,c2);
- }else if(level[id1]<level[id2]){
- commonAnestor(name1,c2);
- }else{
- commonAnestor(c1,name2);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- int n;
- while(1){
- cin>>n;
- if(n==0)break;
- string name;
- idx=-1;
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
- cin>>name;
- int j=0;
- while(name.at(j)=='.'){
- ++j;
- }
- level[i]=j;
- r[i].name=name;
- string cname=name.substr(j);
- ma.insert(pair<string,int>(cname,i));
- r[i].id=i;
- if(idx!=-1){
- if(j==level[father[idx]]){
- father[idx]=i;
- }else if(j>level[father[idx]]){
- father[++idx]=i;
- }else{//j<level[idx]
- idx-=(level[father[idx]]-j);
- father[idx]=i;
- }
- r[i].parent=father[idx-1];
- r[father[idx-1]].sons.push_back(i);
- }else{
- r[i].parent=-1;
- father[++idx]=i;
- }
- }
- int m;
- cin>>m;
- string name1,name2;
- for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
- cin>>name;
- if(name.compare("L")==0){
- L(0);
- }else if(name.compare("b")==0){
- cin>>name1;
- cout<<calBrother(name1)<<endl;
- }else{
- cin>>name1>>name2;
- commonAnestor(name1,name2);
- }
- }
- ma.clear();
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
- r[i].sons.clear();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }