a problem of boot freebsd6.2

Morning,a client phone that all of them can't receive or sent emails.I ping the mail-server,it was request time out!I think that the mail-server must have some problem,so I tell them to reboot the mail-server.but them say them don't know how to reboot the server.So I have to go to deal with it !when I got there,I ping the mail-server's IP address on mail-server machine,it request time out too!So I reboot mail-server,when rebooting,it view the errors as follows:

Trying  to mount rout from ufs:/dev/ad6s1a
WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
Loading configuration files.
Entropy harvesting: interrupts ethernet point_to_point kickstart.
swapon:adding /dev/ad6s1b as swap device
Starting file system checks:
/dev/ad6s1a:LINK COUNT DIR I=7065600 OWNER=root MODE=41777
/dev/ad6s1a:SIZE=20480 MTIME=Sep 17 07:34: 2007 COUNT 8 SHOULD BE 13
Automatic file system check failed;help!
Sep 17 19:13:14 init:/bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally,going to single user mode
Enter full pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin:

So,I had a try just as what it said.press RETURN,and then run fsck ad6s1a
#fsck ad6s1a
and then it will have a lot of options request you to make YES or NO,all of them you must make YES!
when finished,reboot the system.
But views the errors as before,so I press RETURN,and then run fsck ad6s1a again.when it finished,reboot.if it still view the errors,just do like that again........

本文出自 “doff” 博客,谢绝转载!
