不知不觉已经开始写了,看来只要下定决心,速度还是不赖的嘛。这样看来本人的行动力还行,就是翻译的水平差了点,大家也就将就将就吧,反正大致意思是 不会错的!呵呵!!E文好的牛人们呢,有心的你就直接看原文,有心的你就帮忙改改(有点象走江湖的口吻,有钱的捧个钱场,无钱的捧个人场,^-^)如果您 老实在看不下来,那就自己再译一个,我这也算是间接为文档中文化做出了点贡献,呵呵!
It seems that for large or complex situations, this 'access matrix' approach is clearly unsuitable. We need a better system that maintains the advantages (fine-grain control and a clear idea of who has access to what) but removes the disadvantages (difficult to summarize, and difficult to manage large groups of people at once). One solution is phpGACL.
phpGACL doesn't describe access from the 'bottom-up' like the Access Matrix above. Instead, it describes it 'top-down', like the textual description of Han's access policy. This is a very flexible system that allows you to manage access in large groups, it neatly summarizes the access policy, and it's easy to see who has access to what.
An ARO tree defines a hierarchy of Groups and AROs (things that request access). This is very similar to a tree view of folders and files. The 'folders' are the Groups and the 'files' are AROs.
Let's make an ACL tree for the people on Han's ship. First we define some categories for the people. It's clear that Han and Chewie run the ship, and the rest of them are just passengers:
Millennium Falcon Passengers(千年隼号乘客) Group(组)
├─Crew(船 员) Group(组)
│ ├─Han ARO
│ └─Chewie ARO
└─Passengers (乘客) Group(组)
├─Obi-wan ARO
├─Luke ARO
├─R2D2 ARO
This tree by itself doesn't specify any access policy; it just shows how we're grouping the people who might request access (AROs).
Millennium Falcon Passengers(千年隼号乘客)
├─Crew (船员) [ALLOW: ALL(允许:全部)]
│ ├─Han
│ └─Chewie
└─Passengers (乘客) [ALLOW: Lounge(允许:休息室)]
Firstly, the default policy is always to deny access. Permissions have been overridden for the "Crew", so they have access to everywhere ("ALL" is a synonym for all rooms: "Cockpit, Lounge, Guns, Engines"). The "Passengers" have access only to the Lounge.
Oops! What about Chewie? By grouping him in "Crew", Han has indirectly given him access to the Engines! He doesn't want that after what Chewie recently did to the hyperdrive, so he adds a rule to disallow this:
Groups can be extended to any level in the ARO tree. For example, you could add a Group "Jedi" to "Passengers". Most passengers would be categorized under "Passengers", but Luke and Obi-wan would be under "Jedi" and therefore might be extended extra privileges (like access to the Cockpit):
When the ship's computer (running phpGACL of course) checks access, the only question it can ask itself is "Does person X have access to room Y?" In phpGACL terms, this is rephrased as "Does ARO 'X' have access to ACO 'Y'?"
phpGACL determines whether a specific person has access to a specific room by working from the top of the ARO tree towards the specified person, noting explicit access controls for that place along the way. When it reaches that person, it uses the last explicit access control it encountered as the result to return. In this way, you can define access controls for groups of people, but over-ride them further down the tree if you need to.
Set the default result, "DENY".
Work out a path to Luke:
Start at the top of the tree and move towards Luke: The "Millennium Falcon Passengers" node doesn't say anything about any room, so do nothing here.
Move on to "Passengers", which explicitly says that "Passengers" have Lounge access, so change the internal result to "ALLOW".
Move to the "Jedi" node, which doesn't mention the Lounge at all.
Finally move to Luke's node, and again there's nothing there about the Lounge.
There's nowhere left to go, so the result returned is the current value of the internal result: "ALLOW"
Set the default result, "DENY".
Work out a path to Chewie:
Start at the top of the tree and move towards Chewie. The "Millennium Falcon Passengers" node doesn't say anything about anywhere, so do nothing here.
Move on to "Crew", which explicitly says that "Crew" have Engine access, so change the internal result to "ALLOW".
Move to Chewie's node, and there's an explicit rule saying that he doesn't have access to the Engines, so change the internal result to "DENY".
There's nowhere left to go, so the result returned is the current value of the internal result: "DENY"
As you can see from the examples, if a Group doesn't explicitly specify a permission for a room, then that Group inherits the access restrictions of its parent for that room. If the root node ("Millennium Falcon Passengers") doesn't specify a permission, it inherits it from the default setting ("DENY ALL" in the above examples).
This implies a couple of interesting points about the ARO tree:
The ARO tree always shows the full list of the AROs. It would not make sense to ask "Does Jabba have access to the Cockpit?" because Jabba has not been defined in this system. However, phpGACL does not check to see if AROs or ACOs exist before performing the check, so if this question was actually asked then the result would be the default "DENY".
The ARO tree may not display some defined ACOs, and relies on the default setting to define access policy. For example, say Han defined a "Bathroom" ACO. Any question like "Does Luke have access to the Bathroom?" would have the answer "DENY", because the default is "DENY" and nowhere in the ARO tree does it ever explicitly mention the Bathroom. Keep in mind when examining the ARO tree that some ACOs may not be visible.