Net设计模式之观察者模式(Observer Pattern)(2)



假设有一股票开盘价格 16.50 元,自从上市以来价格是不断下降,而且以 1.00 元的速度下降。
在股票降到 12.00 元时,股民灵动生活买入了股票。
在股票降到 8.05 元时,股民 Jane 买了股票。


Stock ,抽象通知者
定义了委托 PriceChangedHandler ,调用了事件参数 StockDet ailsA rgs
声明了事件 PriceChanged.
股票在下跌的过程中调用方法 OnPriceChanged ,通过此方法触发事件 PriceChanged
AttachEvent 方法用来添加观察者到对象
StockDetailArgs ,事件参数继承于 EventArgs 类,有树形 CurrentPrice 用来专递价格数据
接口IObserver 和具体观察者Observer 类:
Stoc_PriceChanged 方法:当股票在以 1.00 元降价的过程中调用此方法。当价格降到符合购买者价格,而且股票没有被其他人购买的情况时,执行购买行为。
开盘价格: 16.50
收盘价格: 5.50
当价格降到 12.00 时,观察者灵动生活买入此股票
当价格降到 8.05 时,观察者 Jane 买入此股票


1 Stock 股票类
public class Stock
    private double _openPrice;
    private double _closePrice;
    public delegate void PriceChangedHandler(object sender, StockDetailArgs e);
    public event PriceChangedHandler PriceChanged;
    public double OpenPrice
        get { return _openPrice; }
        set { _openPrice = value; }
    public double ClosePrice
        get { return _closePrice; }
        set { _closePrice = value; }
    public void StartTrading()
        double current;
        //Current price decrements by $1.00 as the stock is traded  
        current = OpenPrice;
        while (current > ClosePrice)
            //Stock is fa ll ing in increments of $1.00  
            current = current - 1.00;
            //Ca ll the method to raise the event  
            //Simulate a delay of 2000 ms between mark et price updates  
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 2000 );
    protected void OnPriceChanged(double current Mark etPrice)
        //Any handlers attached to this event?
        if (PriceChanged != nu ll )
            StockDetailArgs args = new StockDetailArgs();
            args.CurrentPrice = current Mark etPrice;
            Console.WriteLine(" 当前股票价格是:" + args.CurrentPrice.ToString());
            ////Raise the event
            PriceChanged(this, args);
    /// <summary>
    /// 添加观察者
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="observer"> 观察者 </param>
    public void AttachEvent(IObserver observer)
        PriceChanged += new PriceChangedHandler(observer.Stoc_PriceChanged);
2 、事件参数 StockDetailArgs
public class StockDetailArgs: EventArgs
    private double _currentPrice;
    public double CurrentPrice
        get { return _currentPrice; }
        set { _currentPrice = value; }
3 、观察者接口 IObserver
public interface IObserver
    void Stoc_PriceChanged(object sender, StockDetailArgs e);
4 、具体观察者 Observer
public class Observer : IObserver
    private string _investorName;
    private double _buyPrice;
    private Stock _stoc;
    private bool _hasBoughtStock = false;
    public string InvestorName
        get { return _investorName; }
        set { _investorName = value; }
    public double BuyPrice
        get { return _buyPrice; }
        set { _buyPrice = value; }
    public Stock Stoc
        get { return _stoc; }
        set { _stoc = value; }
    public Observer(string investorName, double buyPrice)
        this.InvestorName = investorName;
        this.BuyPrice = buyPrice;
    public void Stoc_PriceChanged(object sender, StockDetailArgs e)
        if (e.CurrentPrice <= BuyPrice && _hasBoughtStock == false)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 在价格Price ={1}时买进了股票。" ,InvestorName,e.CurrentPrice));
            _hasBoughtStock = true;
5 、客户端代码
static void Main (string[] args)
    Stock stock = new Stock();
    stock.OpenPrice = 16.50;
    stock.ClosePrice = 5.50;
    Observer james = new Observer(" 灵动生活" , 12.00);
    Observer jane = new Observer("jane",8.05);



