How to add extra harddriver, relocate /home in Ubuntu with VMWare player

If you want to add another HD in VMware player, we need add something in vmx file and setup in ubnutu.

1. create vmkd file , attached is 4.7 G HD.
2. add in vmx file.

# Second SCSI disk image, size 4800Mb
scsi0:1.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:1.fileName = "Ubuntu-2.vmdk"
scsi0:1.mode = "persistent"
scsi0:1.startConnected = "TRUE"
scsi0:1.writeThrough = "TRUE"

3. setup it up in Ubuntu

after start Ubuntu, go to System-> Admin -> Partition editor, find the new hard driver deails like /dev/sdb

find uuid for this new HD
# sudo vol_id --uuid /dev/sdb1
return uuid like : eea4f9a2-fad6-45b4-91b4-91bf8f13ef91

create mount point in somewhere  or if you want to relocate your /home, just use /home

add HD in /etc/fstab file
# /dev/sdc1
UUID=eea4f9a2-fad6-45b4-91b4-91bf8f13ef91 /mount/point/Public           ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       1

4. restart Ubuntu

All done.
