
1 软硬件环境

1.1 硬件环境


Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz






Atheros Communitions PCI-E Gigabit Etherent Controller (NDIS 6.20)

1.2 软件环境



Media Server


Media Client



VLC Player

2 安装配置

2.1 安装前准备

2.1.1 选择部署方式

Helix Server可以单独部署在一台服务器上,也可以作为集群环境部署到多台服务器上。本次仅简单部署到一台机器上。

2.1.2 下载Helix Server软件包


2.1.3 准备Helix Server License文件

对于Helix Server试用版,在Helix官方网站上输入个人信息以及Email地址之后,Helix将会发送一个邮件到你输入的Email地址中,上面会有License下载地址,下载下来即可。


2.2 安装步骤

2.2.1 解压安装文件


unzip mbrs-150-GA-linux-rhel6-64.zip �Cd .


2.2.2 执行安装程序

直接执行解压出来的文件就可以进行安装了:./servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin(如果提示没有权限执行的话,为其加上可执行权限:chmod +x servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin)。接下来就将是Helix Server的文本安装界面了,下面将会按照提示进行一步步的操作:

1) 首先,安装程序会开始解压缩文件,解压完成之后进入欢迎界面,按下回车开始进行安装:  

[root@yuanhuan install_softwares]# ./servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin

Extracting files for Helix installation........................

Welcome to the Helix Universal Media Server (RealNetworks) ( Setup for UNIX

Setup will help you get Helix Universal Media Server running on your computer.

Press [Enter] to continue...

2) 接下来会提示输入License文件的路径,将下载来的License文件的绝对路径输入即可:  

If a Helix Universal Media Server license key file has been sent to you,

please enter its directory path below. If you have not

received a Helix Universal Media Server license key file, then this server

WILL NOT OPERATE until a license key file is placed in

the server's License directory. Please obtain a free

Basic Helix Universal Media Server license or purchase a commercial license

from our website at http://www.realnetworks.com/helix/. If you need

further assistance, please visit our on-line support area

at http://www.realnetworks.com/helix/streaming-media-support/.

MachineID: 6cc5-1ca9-858e-b19a-018f-f1a2-c666-02d5

License Key File: []: /root/install_softwares/RNKey-Helix_Universal_Server_10-Stream-nullnull-6945361418389727.lic

3) License文件验证通过之后,就会出现很长的License阅读,按空格进行翻页,在License的最后会出现是否打印的选项,此处不打印即可。接着会出现是否接受License的选项,默认是接受的,直接回车即可:  

Installation and use of Helix Universal Media Server requires

acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Press [Enter] to display the license text...

[ Very long license text begin ]


[ Very long license text end ]

Choose "Yes" to print the terms of this

license agreement and continue with Helix Universal Media Server setup.

The license agreement will be saved in EULA.txt.

To skip printing, enter "No"

Print the above license agreement (EULA): [No]:

Choose "Accept" to accept the terms of this

license agreement and continue with Helix Universal Media Server setup.

If you do not accept these terms, enter "No"

and installation of Helix Universal Media Server will be cancelled.

I accept the above license: [Accept]:

4) 接下来输入安装目录,默认是当前目录,自定义为自己的安装目录即可:  

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want

Helix Universal Media Server to be installed. You must specify the full

pathname of the directory and have write privileges to

the chosen directory.

Directory: [/root/install_softwares]: /opt/helix

5) 接下来输入管理员的用户名和密码,此处自定义即可:  

Please enter a username and password that you will use

to access the web-based Helix Universal Media Server Administrator and


Username []: admin

Password []:

Confirm Password []:

6) 接下来是生成SSL证书的配置,以前用过openssl创建过SSL证书的话此步骤应该并不陌生,如果之前没用过,就按照提示一步步输入证书信息即可。特别需要注意的是其中的Common Name一项,需要设置为使用该证书的域名或者IP,其他项根据实际设置即可。  

Please enter SSL/TLS configuration information.

Country Name (2 letter code) [US]: CN

State or Province Name (full name) [My State]: Guangdong

Locality Name (e.g., city) [My Locality]: Shenzhen

Organization Name (e.g., company) [My Company]: ***

Organizational Unit Name (e.g., section) [My Department]: ***

Common Name (e.g., hostname) [My Name]:

Email Address [myname@mailhost]: [email protected]

Certificate Request Optional Name []:

7) 下面将会设置端口号,Helix关于每种服务都是用默认的端口号的,如果想直接使用默认端口号,直接回车跳过即可。如果安装部署的时候有端口号规划或者端口号冲突,此处就可以输入y进行自定义。并且安装成功之后这些端口号也还是可以修改的。  

Configure Ports (y/n): [no]:

8) 至此,Helix的配置已经基本完成,下面将会对之前的配置信息做一下摘要,确认无误之后就可以回车进行安装了。如果发现配置有问题,可以输入P进行修改。  

You have selected the following Helix Universal Media Server configuration:

Install Location: /opt/helix

Encoder User/Password: admin/****

Monitor Password: ****

Admin User/Password: admin/****

Admin Port: 12089

Secure Admin Port: 29097

RTSP Port: 554

RTMP Port: 1935

HTTP Port: 80

HTTPS Port: 443

RTSP Fast Channel Switching API Port: 8008

Server Side Playlist API Port: 8009

Content Mgmt Port: 8010

Control Port Security: Disabled

Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to

revise the above settings: [F]:

9) 等待几分钟之后,安装就会成功完成,将会看到如下信息:  

Generating SSL/TLS Key file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl genrsa -out

Certificates/key.pem 2048'

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

Generating SSL/TLS Cert file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl req -new -x509 -key

Certificates/key.pem -out Certificates/cert.pem -days 1000 -batch'

Generating SSL/TLS CSR file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl req -new -key

Certificates/key.pem -out Certificates/key.csr -batch'

Copying Helix Universal Media Server files...

Helix Universal Media Server installation is complete.

RealNetworks recommends increasing the default file descriptor

limits prior to using your Helix Universal Media Server or Proxy. Please

refer to the Installation Chapter of the Helix Systems Integration

Guide for more information on setting File Descriptor limits,

and recommended settings for your system.

If at any time you should require technical

assistance, please visit our on-line support area

at http://www.realnetworks.com/helix/streaming-media-support/.

Cleaning up installation files...


10) 安装成功之后,Helix Server是没用启动的,可以执行/opt/helix/Bin/rmserver /opt/helix/rmserver.cfg &,手动将其启动起来:  

[root@yuanhuan helix]# /opt/helix/Bin/rmserver /opt/helix/rmserver.cfg &

[1] 4956

[root@yuanhuan helix]# set ulimit -n to 102400

./Bin/rmserver.bin rmserver.cfg

Helix Universal Media Server (c) 1995-2012 RealNetworks, Inc. All rights


Version: Helix Universal Media Server (RealNetworks) ( (Build


Platform: linux-rhel6-x86_64 (64-bit)

Server Started: 18-Jul-2013 16:19:26

Using Config File: rmserver.cfg

System Info:

OS: Linux yuanhuan 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 x86_64 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Server release 6.4 (Santiago))

CPU: GenuineIntel : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz

Host: yuanhuan

MACAddr(first): 94:DE:80:34:7E:F9

MachineID: 6cc5-1ca9-858e-b19a-018f-f1a2-c666-02d5

Starting PID 4958 TID 139697123731488, procnum 0 (controller)

Creating Server Space...

Detected 8.0 GB RAM (Requesting 2.0 GB)

Server has allocated 2.0 gigabytes of memory

Starting TID 139697119557344, procnum 1 (timer)

Calibrating timers...

Interval timer enabled (1ms resolution).

Starting TID 139697117460192, procnum 2 (core)

Starting Helix Universal Media Server 15.0 Core...

I: Initializing SSL/TLS...

4 CPUs Detected...

Testing File Descriptors...

Setting per-process descriptor capacity to 68266(102400), 27...

Testing Mutex...(682.30 ops/usec)

Testing AtomicOps...(120.30 ops/usec)

I: Loading Plugins from /opt/helix/Plugins...

I: slicensepln.so 0x7f0dc4cdaf60 RealNetworks Server 15.0 Licensing Plugin

I: mp4fformat.so 0x7f0dc4a4eb80 RealNetworks Mpeg4 File Format Plugin

I: dashgenfsys.so 0x7f0dc482c240 RealNetworks DASHGen Plugin

I: hxsdp.so 0x7f0dc45fa5d0 RealNetworks SDP Stream Description Plugin

I: securitymgr.so 0x7f0dc4387860 RealNetworks DAUC Security Manager Plugin


I: vsrcplin.so 0x7f0dc41343f0 RealNetworks View Source Tag Replacement


I: vsrcplin.so 0x7f0dc41343f0 RealNetworks View Source Allowance Plugin

I: vsrcplin.so 0x7f0dc41343f0 RealNetworks View Source File System

I: httpfsys.so 0x7f0dbfd94aa0 RealNetworks HTTP File System with CHTTP


I: httpfsys.so 0x7f0dbfd94aa0 RealNetworks RFC 2397 Data Scheme File


I: mp2tslivepln.so 0x7f0dbfb2f7f0 RealNetworks MPEG2TS Live Reception Plugin

I: encfs.so 0x7f0dbf91ecf0 RealNetworks Encoder Administration File

System Plugin

I: bdstplin.so 0x7f0dbf6cc2a0 RealNetworks Broadcast Distribution Plugin

I: sdpgenfsys.so 0x7f0dbf433750 RealNetworks Dynamic SDP Generation Plugin

I: ppvmsql.so 0x7f0dbf1e7010 RealNetworks Mini-SQL PPV Database Plugin

I: miiplin.so 0x7f0dbef563c0 RealNetworks Media Import Plugin

I: avifformat.so 0x7f0dbed35af0 RealNetworks AVI File Format Plugin

I: mpeg2tsplin.so 0x7f0dbea9cab0 RealNetworks MPEG2TS Plugin

I: rn5auth.so 0x7f0dbe8720c0 RealNetworks RN5 Authenticator

I: rn5auth.so 0x7f0dbe8720c0 RealNetworks Digest Authenticator

I: mp3fformat.so 0x7f0dbe646170 RealNetworks MP3 File Format Plugin

I: dbmgr.so 0x7f0dbe41b040 RealNetworks Database Manager

I: asncfsys.so 0x7f0dbe1e3720 RealNetworks Network Optimized File System

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 RealNetworks G.7xx Renderer Plugin

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 Helix PCM Audio Renderer Plugin

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 RealNetworks AU File Format Plugin

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 Helix WAVE File Format Plugin

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 Helix AIFF File Format Plugin

I: audplin.so 0x7f0dbdf89b30 RealNetworks DVI4 Renderer Plugin

I: dashpln.so 0x7f0dbdd6d100 RealNetworks DASH Plugin

I: wmsrcpln.so 0x7f0dbdb3e6e0 RealNetworks Windows Media Live Broadcast

Source Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix JPEG File Format Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix GIF File Format Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix PNG File Format Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix RealPix Format Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix RealPix JPEG File Format Codec


I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix RealPix GIF File Format Codec Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix RealPix PNG File Format Codec Plugin

I: imgfformat.so 0x7f0dbd89fac0 Helix WBMP File Format Plugin

I: pplyplin.so 0x7f0dbd65ab50 RealNetworks Scalable Multicast Plugin

I: ptagent.so 0x7f0dbd42ccf0 RealNetworks PSS Profile Transfer Agent

I: wmmcastpln.so 0x7f0dbd215cd0 RealNetworks Windows Media Multicast


I: tagfsys.so 0x7f0dbd001a30 RealNetworks XMLTagFileSystem

I: shelfsys.so 0x7f0dbcdfb460 RealNetworks Shell File System

I: swfformat.so 0x7f0dbcbb4d10 RealNetworks Macromedia Flash 4 File

Format Plugin

I: isphoster.so 0x7f0dbc9a7630 RealNetworks ISP hosting plugin

I: smlfformat.so 0x7f0dbc78f6f0 RealNetworks SMIL File Format Plugin

I: flvff.so 0x7f0dbc53b240 Helix FLV File Format Plugin

I: cdistpln.so 0x7f0dbc325f00 RealNetworks Content Distribution Plugin

I: svrbascauth.so 0x7f0dbc10d2e0 RealNetworks Basic Authenticator

I: asfwmpln.so 0x7f0db7df3880 RealNetworks Active Stream Format Version

1 Plugin

I: tmplgpln.so 0x7f0db7bbf4b0 RealNetworks Custom Logging Plugin

I: asxplin.so 0x7f0db79b3b70 RealNetworks Asxgen File System

I: adminfs.so 0x7f0db77693d0 RealNetworks Admin File System

I: plusplin.so 0x7f0db752c170 RealNetworks PlusURL File Format Plugin

I: rtmppushpln.so 0x7f0db71d6180 RealNetworks RTMP Push Plugin

I: authmgr.so 0x7f0db6f72120 Helix Authentication Manager

I: rtplive.so 0x7f0db6d1a700 RealNetworks RTP Live Broadcast Plugin

I: redbcplin.so 0x7f0db6aed040 RealNetworks Broadcast Redundancy Plugin

I: meiffpln.so 0x7f0db68d8bc0 RealNetworks Media Export File Format


I: xmlcfg.so 0x7f0db66a7a60 RealNetworks XML Configuration Plugin

I: cdadplin.so 0x7f0db64902a0 RealNetworks Content Distribution Advise


I: ppvbasic.so 0x7f0db627f990 RealNetworks FlatFile Database Plugin

I: rtmplivepln.so 0x7f0db60273c0 RealNetworks RTMP Live Broadcast Plugin

I: rtfformat.so 0x7f0db5df20a0 Helix RealText File Format Plugin

I: allow.so 0x7f0db5bd7130 RealNetworks Server 15.0 Allowance Plugin

I: sessionmgr.so 0x7f0db5965040 RealNetworks DAUC Session Manager Plugin


I: push2cdnplin.so 0x7f0db5720740 RealNetworks Push2CDN Plugin

I: m3ugenfsys.so 0x7f0db5456f20 RealNetworks M3UGen Plugin

I: ppvallow.so 0x7f0db521fa00 RealNetworks Pay Per View Allowance Plugin

I: rmfformat.so 0x7f0db4fcbba0 RealNetworks RealMedia File Format Plugin

I: smonplin.so 0x7f0db4db67f0 RealNetworks System Monitor

I: rncache.so 0x7f0db4b93900 RealNetworks Cache Plugin

I: rtsplivepln.so 0x7f0db494a9a0 RealNetworks RTSP Live Packetizer Plugin

I: ramplin.so 0x7f0db473bfe0 RealNetworks Ramgen File System

I: flashgenfsys.so 0x7f0db452c230 RealNetworks FlashGen Plugin

I: brcvplin.so 0x7f0db4290550 RealNetworks Broadcast Reception Plugin

I: archplin.so 0x7f0db3f4d270 RealNetworks Live Archiver Plugin

I: dashstrmhdl.so 0x7f0db3c8f8d0 RealNetworks DASH Stream Handler Plugin

I: smplfsys.so 0x7f0db3a4aef0 RealNetworks Local File System

I: snmpplin.so 0x7f0db379ea90 RealNetworks Snmp Plugin

Starting TID 139697100682976, procnum 3 (rmplug)

Loading Helix Server License Files...

Starting TID 139696821761760, procnum 4 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696819664608, procnum 5 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696817567456, procnum 6 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696815470304, procnum 7 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696813373152, procnum 8 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696811276000, procnum 9 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696809178848, procnum 10 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696807081696, procnum 11 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696804984544, procnum 12 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696802887392, procnum 13 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696800790240, procnum 14 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696798693088, procnum 15 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696796595936, procnum 16 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696794498784, procnum 17 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696792401632, procnum 18 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696790304480, procnum 19 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696788207328, procnum 20 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696786110176, procnum 21 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696784013024, procnum 22 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696781915872, procnum 23 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696779818720, procnum 24 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696777721568, procnum 25 (rmplug)

Starting TID 139696775624416, procnum 26 (memreap)

Starting TID 139696773527264, procnum 27 (streamer)

Starting TID 139696771430112, procnum 28 (streamer)

Starting TID 139696769332960, procnum 29 (streamer)

Starting TID 139696767235808, procnum 30 (streamer)

Server has started 4 Streamers...

Version: Helix Universal Media Server (RealNetworks) ( (Build


2.3 检查安装结果

2.3.1 检查端口号

以root用户登录Linux系统,执行如下命令:netstat -anp |grep "LISTEN "检查端口号。  

[root@yuanhuan install_softwares]# netstat -anp |grep "LISTEN "

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1764/rpc.statd

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1717/rpcbind

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1991/sshd

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1830/cupsd

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2072/master

tcp 0 0 :::1935 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN 1717/rpcbind

tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::43314 :::* LISTEN 1764/rpc.statd

tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 1991/sshd

tcp 0 0 ::1:631 :::* LISTEN 1830/cupsd

tcp 0 0 :::12089 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN 2072/master

tcp 0 0 :::1755 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::9090 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::7077 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::8008 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::29097 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::8009 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::8010 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

tcp 0 0 :::554 :::* LISTEN 4958/./Bin/rmserver

红色部分表示Helix Server所监听的端口号都启起来了。

2.3.2 检查进程

执行如下命令检查Helix Server启动的进程:ps -ef |grep rmserver。  

[root@yuanhuan install_softwares]# ps -ef |grep rmserver

root 4956 4936 0 16:19 pts/5 00:00:00 ./Bin/rmserver.bin rmserver.cfg

root 4958 4956 0 16:19 ? 00:00:06 ./Bin/rmserver.bin rmserver.cfg

root 4959 4956 0 16:19 ? 00:00:00 ./Bin/rmserver.bin rmserver.cfg

2.3.3 检查Helix Server是否开机自启动

执行chkconfig --list |grep -i rmserver进行检查:  

[root@yuanhuan AMS_5_0_1_r1076]# chkconfig --list |grep -i rmserver

可以发现,此命令是没有输出的,说明Helix Server没有注册成为Linux服务。此时可以将启动命令:  

/opt/helix/Bin/rmserver /opt/helix/rmserver.cfg &


2.3.4 在浏览器中检查Helix Server是否运行正常

在浏览器中输入http://[配置的IP]: [端口号]/admin/index.html来登录Helix Server的管理控制台,本例中输入:,输入安装的时候配置的管理员的用户名、密码,登录成功之后将会进入下面的界面:






接下来,测试一下其中的Flash Player样例,点击右侧小的Flash Player图标,即可播放Helix自带的Flash视频样例了:


3 使用Helix发布自己的视频

3.1 发布HTTP协议的mp4视频


3.2 发布RTMP协议的flv视频


3.3 播放发布的视频


3.3.1 ffplay


ffplay rtmp://


3.3.2 VLC播放器





本文出自 “烟花易冷” 博客,转载请与作者联系!
