有2个字段,Profit, profitSum。默认profitSum的值为0。如下图
--drop table tb create table tb ( Profit decimal(10,2), profitSum decimal(10,2) ) insert into tb select 20000.0,0.00 union all select 5.00,0.00 union all select 0.00,0.00 union all select 0.00,0.00 union all select -383.40,0.00 union all select 379.80,0.00 union all select 3.50,0.00 ;with t as ( select *, row_number() over(order by @@servername) as rownum from tb ) select profit, (select sum(profit) from t t2 where t2.rownum <= t1.rownum) as profitSum from t t1 /* profit profitSum 20000.00 20000.00 5.00 20005.00 0.00 20005.00 0.00 20005.00 -383.40 19621.60 379.80 20001.40 3.50 20004.90 */
;with t(零件号, 名称, 装入上级 , 装入数量, 总数量) as ( select 'TI4.005', 'A', 'AA', 1, 1 union all select 'TI4.005', 'A', 'BB', 1, 1 union all select 'TI4.005', 'A', 'CC', 2, 2 union all select 'TI4.005', null, null, null, 4 ), tt as ( select *, row_number() over(partition by 零件号 order by 零件号) as rownum from t ) select case when 零件号 = (select top 1 零件号 from tt t2 where t1.零件号 = t2.零件号 and t2.rownum < t1.rownum order by t2.rownum desc) then null else 零件号 end as 零件号, case when 名称 = (select top 1 名称 from tt t2 where t1.零件号 = t2.零件号 and t2.rownum < t1.rownum order by t2.rownum desc) then null else 名称 end as 名称, case when 装入上级 = (select top 1 名称 from tt t2 where t1.零件号 = t2.零件号 and t2.rownum < t1.rownum order by t2.rownum desc) then null else 装入上级 end as 装入上级, 装入数量, 总数量 from tt t1 /* 零件号 名称 装入上级 装入数量 总数量 TI4.005 A AA 1 1 NULL NULL BB 1 1 NULL NULL CC 2 2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 */