Optim Development Studio连接DBA和java 开发者

Optim Development Studio支持IBM DB2, IBM Informix and Oracle databases。

Optim Development Studio能够打破Java Developers and DBAs的鸿沟。详细请参考下面的信息

What’s needed to bridge the gap between Java Developers and DBAs? The web applications built upon Java® technology support interactive business operations that drive revenue. But Java application development poses many new challenges for IT organizations. Frameworks like Hibernate® and Apache® Open JPA make object-oriented development quick and easy, with less need for specialized SQL skills. However, the auto-generated data access layers may result in poor application performance and manageability. It is not surprising that developers and DBAs find it difficult to collaborate. Bridging the gap between developers and DBAs is not easy. Developers are valued based on their object-oriented design skills and the timely delivery of Java application functionality. DBAs are valued based on their skills in relational database technology and how well they can optimize performance to meet service levels.
