CCVP Exams & Recommended Training

CCVP Exams & Recommended Training
Required Exam(s)
Recommended Training
642-642 QoS Quality of Service (QoS)
642-432 CVOICE Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE)
Cisco Voice over IP Fundamentals (CVF)
642-426 TUC Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications Systems (TUC)
642-444 CIPT 4.1


642-445 CIPT 5.0
Cisco IP Telephony Part 1 (CIPT1 4.1)
Cisco IP Telephony Part 2 (CIPT2 4.1)


Cisco IP Telephony Part 1 (CIPT1 5.0)
Cisco IP Telephony Part 2 (CIPT2 5.0)
642-453 GWGK Implementing Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers (GWGK)
