代码生成(Code Generation)介绍



在EMF中,Metamodel为EMF元模型,Model为EMF模型;在MS DSL Tools中,MetaModel为DSL元模型,模板为T4模板


  • Antlr3
    ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a languagetool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptionscontaining actions in a variety of targetlanguages. ANTLR provides excellent support for treeconstruction, tree walking, translation, error recovery, and errorreporting. There are currently about 5,000 ANTLR sourcedownloads a month.



  1. 写语法
  2. 写StringTemplate模板(可选)
  3. 在AntlrWorks调试语法
  4. 从语法生成类
  5. 使用生成的类来写应用程序

  作者写了一本介绍Antlr的专著 The Definitive Antlr Reference,我只是几年前大概看过一遍,觉得作者很牛。不过作者又出的另外一本书Language Implementation Patterns,有人说这本书更好,它将ANTLR内部的设计思想也讲得很清楚了。相比而言,之前那本书只能算是ANTLR的用户手册,而新书算是ANTLR的设计思想。


  • Irony - .NET Language Implementation Kit Irony是在Codeplex网站上的一个开源语言实现工具,官方介绍如下:
     Irony is a development kit for implementing languages on .NET platform. It uses the flexibility and power of c# language and .NET Framework 3.5 to implement a completely new and streamlined technology of compiler construction. Unlike most existing yacc/lex-style solutions Irony does not employ any scanner or parser code generation from grammar specifications written in a specialized meta-language. In Irony the target language grammar is coded directly in c# using operator overloading to express grammar constructs. Irony's scanner and parser modules use the grammar encoded as c# class to control the parsing process. See the expression grammar sample for an example of grammar definition in c# class, and using it in a working parser.



  在特定领域建模 DSM(Domain Specific)介绍中介绍了DSM的不同工具的比较,其中代码生成定义语言也可以从表中看到,下面将会介绍一下DSL tools的T4和MetaEdit+的MERL(MetaEdit+ Reporting Language):

  • MetaEdit+的MERL语言
    MetaEdit+提供代码生成编辑器,还支持生成的调试。OpenExpressApp采用类似MetaEdit+的元元模型来编写语言,所以将来的代码生成可能也会主要参考它来做。具体可参考安装程序目录中的User's Guides MetaEdit+ Workbench 代码生成章节内容



view source print ?
01 Report 'Test'
02 foreach .State [Watch]
03 'State : '
04    :State name;
05    newline
06    'Connects to: '
07    newline
08    do ~From>()~To.State [Watch]
09    '   '
10       :State name;
11       newline
12    }
13    newline
14 }
15 endreport



view source print ?
001 STRING  : "'" CHAR* "'"
002 where CHAR is any character; a ' character must be doubled
003 NUMBER  : ("0".."9")+
004 NAMECHAR    : "a".."z" | "0".."9" | " " | {_+-[]?} | INTLNAMECHAR | ESCAPECHAR
005 INTLNAMECHAR    : {äëïöü} | {áéíóú} | {àèìòù} | {âêîôû} | {ñãœçÿ} | {߀} | {¿¡«»}
007 where ECHAR is anything that is not a letter number or underscore
009 If NAME contains a space, the whole name should have a ";" after it, or one of ".>~#" forming the start of the next element in a chainClause
010 WILDNAME    : ["^"] (NAMECHAR | "*" | "#")+
011 If WILDNAME contains a space, the whole name should have a ";" after it.
012 #   Design element access and output commands (5.3.2)
013 chainOutputClause   : (propClauseWithLevel | propClause | (graphEltClause+ propClause)) [";"] [translatorNames] [";"];
014 translatorNames : ("%" <NAMECHAR>+)+;
015 propClauseWithLevel : propClause levelNumber [";"];
016 levelNumber : [";"] " "* ["-"] <NUMBER>+;
017 propClause  : ":" (<NAME> | "()");
018 graphEltClause  : (objClause | relClause | roleClause | portClause) [";"]
019 objClause   : "." typeChoiceClause
020 relClause   : ">" typeChoiceClause
021 roleClause  : "~" typeChoiceClause
022 portClause  : "#" typeChoiceClause
023 typeChoiceClause    : NAME
024     | "()"
025     | "( " WILDNAME {" | " WILDNAME}* ")"
026 #   General commands (5.3.3)
027 report  : oldreport | newreport;
028 oldreport   : "report" <STRING> clause* "endreport";
029 newreport:  [newheadersection] clause*;
030 newheadersection    : <NAME> ["(" [<NAME> ("," <NAME>)*] ")" ];
031 clause  : (comment
032 | basicClause
033 | ifClause
034 | loop
035 | subreportClause
036 | fileClause
037 | md5Clause
038 | executeClause
039 | promptAskClause
040 | variableAssign
041 | variableClause
042 | translationClause
043 | mathClause
044 | chainOutputClause
045 ;
046 comment : <comment>;
047 basicClause : atomicClause | iterableClause;
048 atomicClause    : newlineClause | separatorClause | literal | variableRef | simpleClause;
049 newlineClause   : "newline" [";"];
050 separatorClause : "sep" [";"];
051 literal : <STRING> [translatorNames] [";"];
052 variableRef     : "$" <NAME> [translatorNames] [";"];
053 simpleClause    : ("id" | "type" | "metatype" | "oid" | "projectid" | "objectid" | "project") [levelNumber] [";"] [translatorNames] [";"]
054 |
055 ("x" | "y" | "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "centerX" | "centerY" | "width" | "height" | "area") [levelNumber] [";"] [translatorNames] [";"];
056 iterableClause  : ("decompositions" | "explosions" | "containers" | "contents" | "stack" | "graphs") [";"];
057 #   Control and navigation commands (5.3.4)
058 ifClause    : "if" [condition]
059 "then" [";"] (clause* | ";")
060 ["else" [";"] clause*]
061 "endif" [";"];
062 condition   : ("not" condition)
063 | (condition "and" condition)
064 | (condition "or" condition)
065 | ("(" condition ")")
066 | expression;
067 expression  : comparison | unary;
068 unary   : comparableClause;
069 comparison  : comparableClause comp comparableClause
070 ["num"];
071 comparableClause    : atomicClause | chainClause;
072 comp    : "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "=" | "<>" | "=~" | "=/";
073 loop    : ("do" | "dowhile")
074 (chainClause | atomicClause)
075 [whereClause] [filterClause]
076 "{" clause* "}" [";"]
077 |
078 "foreach"
079 graphEltClause [";"]
080 [whereClause] [filterClause]
081 "{" clause* "}" [";"];
082 chainClause : (chainElementClause [levelNumber] [";"])+;
083 chainElementClause  : graphEltClause | propClause | iterableClause;
084 whereClause : "where" condition;
085 filterClause    : orderbyClause [uniqueClause]
086 | uniqueClause;
087 orderbyClause   : "orderby" orderCriterion ("," orderCriterion)*;
088 uniqueClause    : "unique" [clause+ ("," clause+)*];
089 orderCriterion  : clause+ ["num"] ["asc" | "desc"];
090 subreportClause : ("subreport" | "subgenerator") [";"] clause* "run" [";"];
091 #   External I/O commands (5.3.5)
092 fileClause  : outputFileClause | filenameReadClause | filenamePrintClause;
093 outputFileClause    : "filename" [";"] clause*
094 ["encoding" [";"] clause+]
095 ["md5start" [";"] clause+]
096 ["md5stop" [";"] clause+]
097 modeClause clause*
098 "close" [";"];
099 modeClause  : ("write" | "merge" | "append") [";"];
100 filenameReadClause  : "filename" [";"] clause*
101 ["encoding" [";"] clause+]
102 "read" [";"];
103 filenamePrintClause : "filename" [";"] clause* "print" [";"];
104 md5Clause   : "md5id" [";"] clause* "md5Block" [";"]
105 clause*
106 "md5sum" [";"];
107 executeClause   : ("external" | "internal") [";"]
108 clause*
109 ("execute" | "executeBlocking") [";"];
110 promptAskClause : "prompt" [";"] clause* "ask" [";"];
111 #   String and number commands (5.3.6)
112 variableClause  : variableReadClause | variableWriteClause;
113 variableReadClause  : "variable" [";"] clause+ "read" [";"];
114 variableWriteClause : "variable" [";"] clause+
115 variableModeClause clause* [";"]
116 "close" [";"];
117 variableModeClause  : ("write" | "append") [";"];
118 variableAssign  : "$" <NAME> "=" [";"] (variableAssign | basicClause | chainOutputClause);
119 translationClause   : "to" [";"] clause*
120 ["translate" [";"] clause*]
121 "endto" [";"];
122 mathClause  : "math" [";"] clause* "evaluate" [";"];
  • 微软的T4

    T4: Text Template Transformation Toolkit


What's Inside:

  • Code generation basics
  • CG techniques and best practices
  • Patterns of CG design
  • How to deploy generators
  • Many example generators

Includes generators for:

  • Database access
  • RPC
  • Unit tests
  • Documentation
  • Business logic
  • Data translation






Code Generation by Model Transformation - A Case Study in Transformation Modularity
