The migrating from Rails to Erlyweb of our project is going to be finished. I got more experience on how to deal with Erlyweb. First, the project management can be more straightforward. Here is it:
Erlyweb provides erlyweb:compile(App, ..) to compile the source files under app directory. To start an app, you usually should erlydb:start(mysql, ....) and compile app files first. To make life easy, you can put some scripting like code under myproject\script directory. Here's my project source tree:
myproject + apps | + myapp | + ebin | + include | + nbproject | + src | + components | + lib | + services | + test | + www + config | * yaws.conf | * erlyweb.conf + script + ebin + src * erlyweb_app.erl
Where, config/yaws.conf contains the yaws' configuration. Here's mine:
ebin_dir = D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin <server localhost> port = 8000 listen = docroot = D:/myapp/trunk/apps/myapp/www appmods = </myapp, erlyweb> start_mod = erlyweb_app <opaque> appname = myapp environment = development </opaque> </server>
You may have noticed, all beams under D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin will be auto-loaded when yaws starts up. And you can prepare another yaws.conf for test or production environment by change the environment var in opaque
Now the config/erlyweb.conf:
{pa, ["script/ebin", "apps/myapp/ebin", "vendor/erlyweb/ebin", "vendor/eunit/ebin"]}. {i, ["vendor", "apps/myapp/include", "/usr/local/lib/yaws"]}. {production, [{dbdriver, mysql}, {database, "mydb_production"}, {hostname, "localhost"}, {username, "mememe"}, {password, "pwpwpw"}]}. {development, [{dbdriver, mysql}, {database, "mydb_development"}, {hostname, "localhost"}, {username, "mememe"}, {password, "pwpwpw"}]}. {test, [{dbdriver, mysql}, {database, "mydb_test"}, {hostname, "localhost"}, {username, "mememe"}, {password, "pwpwpw"}]}.
erlyweb_app.erl is the boot scripting code, which will be used to start db connection and compile the code. Currently I run these scripts manually. I'll talk later.
Notice: erlyweb 0.6.2 needed, which contains Haoboy's logfun patch.
%% @doc Main entrance to the entire erlyweb application. -module(erlyweb_app). -export([start/1]). -export([get_conf/1, build/1, build_test/1, build_product/1, environment/1, decompile/2, db_log/4, db_dummy_log/4 ]). -include("yaws/include/yaws.hrl"). -include("yaws/include/yaws_api.hrl"). db_log(Module, Line, Level, FormatFun) -> mysql:log(Module, Line, Level, FormatFun). db_dummy_log(_Mod, _Line, _Level, _FormatFun) -> empty. %% @doc call back function when yaws start an app %% @see man yaws.conf %% start_mod = Module %% Defines a user provided callback module. At startup of the %% server, Module:start/1 will be called. The #sconf{} record %% (defined in yaws.hrl) will be used as the input argument. This %% makes it possible for a user application to syncronize the %% startup with the yaws server as well as getting hold of user %% specific configuration data, see the explanation for the %%
To build it,
> erlc -I /opt/local/lib/yaws/include erlyweb_app.erl -o ebin
The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin
So, I start myapp by steps:
cd \myproject yaws -sname myapp -i --conf config/yaws.conf --erlang "-smp auto" 1> erlyweb_app:build(myapp).
The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin
After I made changes to myapp, I run above erlyweb_app:build(myapp). again, then everything is up to date.
And if you'd like to build it from another erl shell, try this:
erl -sname erlybird (erlybird@myhost)1> rpc:call(myapp@myhost, erlyweb_app, build, [myapp])
Yes, next version of ErlyBird will support building erlyweb apps remotely in ErlyBird's Erlang shell.