

There are two new Lite Touch task sequence templates provided in MDT 2010:
  • Capture only (CaptureOnly.xml).  This task sequence includes only the steps to sysprep the OS, reboot into Windows PE, and capture a WIM file (with the right /FLAGS value).  We would prefer that you use a full task sequence to do the complete build/sysprep/capture process, but if for some reason you can’t do that then you can consider this template to reliably perform those last few steps.这个TS仅包含了Sysprep、重启进入PE和抓取WIM文件(附带争取的/flags参数值)。我们更偏好使用完整的TS来完成从创建到抓取的过程,但如果由于某些原因你不能这么做,你可以考虑使用这个TS来完成最后的那些步骤
  • Post OS Installation Task Sequence (StateRestore.xml).  This task sequence includes all the “State Restore” phase activities: installing applications, enabling BitLocker, restoring the user state, and even the “capture only” steps described above.  This is useful in cases where you have already built the OS (maybe you deployed an already-built VHD to Hyper-V), but now you want to customize it.这个步骤包含回复状态阶段的内容:安装应用程序、打开Bitlocker、恢复用户状态甚至抓取镜像等。

There were two main database limitations in MDT 2008 Update 1:
在MDT2008 Update 1版中,数据库有两个比较大的限制
  1. We didn’t add any new “settings” columns �C the list of available settings was still the same as it was originally in BDD 2007.没有添加新的"settings'列,仍然和BDD2007的相同
  2. To add new columns to the database and to have them show up in the Deployment Workbench required making code changes to Deployment Workbench, definitely not a trivial exercise.如果在数据库增加新列,并要在工作台显示的话,就得修改工作台的代码,这绝对不是件轻松的活
With MDT 2010 Beta 2, we’ve fixed those limitations:
MDT2010 Beta2中,我们修改了这些限制
  • We’ve added lots of additional columns, enabling you to configure any setting that could be specified via CustomSettings.ini.我们增加了更多的列,使得你能够通过Customsettings.ini来配置设置
  • The upgrade process will modify any existing databases to add the new columns.升级时会修改数据库增加新列
  • The user interface in the Deployment Workbench will show any new columns without making any code changes, so you can add your own columns to the Settings table fairly easily (some SQL Server knowledge is required, obviously).工作台会自动显示任何增加的新列

If you are looking for the database node in MDT 2010 Beta 2, you can find it under the deployment share’s “Advanced Configuration” node.  That means that each deployment share can have its own database, too.如果你在寻找MDT2010 Beta 2中的数据库节点,你可以在deployment share的Advanced Configuration中找到,这意味着每个deployment share可以拥有自己的数据库
