Managed Object - Datastore

Managed Object - Datastore
Property of
ComputeResource, Datacenter, DatastoreEventArgument, DatastoreSummary, HostDatastoreBrowser, HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults, HostDatastoreSystem, HostSystem, InvalidDatastore, UnsupportedDatastore, VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineRelocateSpec, VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator
Parameter to
ExtendVmfsDatastore, QueryAvailableDisksForVmfs, QueryVmfsDatastoreExtendOptions, RemoveDatastore
Returned by
CreateLocalDatastore, CreateNasDatastore, CreateVmfsDatastore, ExtendVmfsDatastore
See also
DatastoreCapability, DatastoreHostMount, DatastoreInfo, DatastoreSummary, HostDatastoreBrowser, VirtualMachine


Managed Object Description

Represents a storage location for virtual machine files. A storage location can be a VMFS volume, a directory on Network Attached Storage, or a local file system path.
A datastore is platform-independent and host-independent. Therefore, datastores do not change when the virtual machines they contain are moved between hosts. The scope of a datastore is a datacenter; the datastore is uniquely named within the datacenter.
Any reference to a virtual machine or file accessed by any host within the datacenter must use a datastore path. A datastore path has the form "[<datastore>] <path>", where <datastore> is the datastore name, and <path> is a slash-delimited path from the root of the datastore. An example datastore path is "[storage] path/to/config.vmx".
All references to files in the VIM API are implicitly done using datastore paths.
When a client creates a virtual machine, it may specify the name of the datastore, omitting the path; the system, meaning VirtualCenter or the host, automatically assigns filenames and creates directories on the given datastore. For example, specifying My_Datastore as a location for a virtual machine called MyVm results in a datastore location of My_Datastore\MyVm\MyVm.vmx.
Datastores are configured per host. As part of host configuration, a HostSystem can be configured to mount a set of network drives. Multiple hosts may be configured to point to the same storage location. There exists only one Datastore object per Datacenter, for each such shared location. Each Datastore object keeps a reference to the set of hosts that have mounted the datastore. A Datastore object can be removed only if no hosts currently have the datastore mounted.
Thus, managing datastores is done both at the host level and the datacenter level. Each host is configured explicitly with the set of datastores it can access. At the datacenter, a view of the datastores across the datacenter is shown.
Name Type Description
browser ManagedObjectReference
to a HostDatastoreBrowser
DatastoreBrowser used to browse this datastore.
capability DatastoreCapability Capabilities of this datastore.
host* DatastoreHostMount[] Hosts attached to this datastore.
info DatastoreInfo Specific information about the datastore.
summary DatastoreSummary Global properties of the datastore.
vm* ManagedObjectReference[]
to a VirtualMachine[]
Virtual machines stored on this datastore.
* May not be present
Methods defined in this Managed Object
DestroyDatastore, RefreshDatastore, RenameDatastore


Removes a datastore. A datastore can be removed only if it is not currently used by any host or virtual machine.
Required Privileges
Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Datastore used to make the method call.

Return Value
Type Description

Type Description
ResourceInUse Thrown if one or more hosts or virtual machines are configured to use the datastore.
RuntimeFault Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.

Show WSDL type definition
<element xmlns="" name="DestroyDatastore"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="_this" type="vim2:ManagedObjectReference"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element xmlns="" name="DestroyDatastoreResponse"> <complexType/> </element>



Explicitly refreshes the freeSpace and capacity values.
Required Privileges
Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Datastore used to make the method call.

Return Value
Type Description

Type Description
RuntimeFault Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.

Show WSDL type definition
<element xmlns="" name="RefreshDatastore"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="_this" type="vim2:ManagedObjectReference"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element xmlns="" name="RefreshDatastoreResponse"> <complexType/> </element>



Renames a datastore.
Required Privileges
Name Type Description
_this ManagedObjectReference A reference to the Datastore used to make the method call.
newName xsd:string The new name to assign to the datastore.

Return Value
Type Description

Type Description
DuplicateName Thrown if another datastore in this datacenter already has the same name.
InvalidName Thrown if the name is not a valid datastore name.
RuntimeFault Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.

Show WSDL type definition
<element xmlns="" name="RenameDatastore"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="_this" type="vim2:ManagedObjectReference"/> <element name="newName" type="xsd:string"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element xmlns="" name="RenameDatastoreResponse"> <complexType/> </element>

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