Cisco6000 资料收集

Catalyst OS   Catalyst Operating  System
Catalyst OS 只支持2层功能,并且需要依赖传统的 Cisco IOS 软件才能支持第3层功能。
混和表示同时采用 Catalyst OS (用于支持第2层交换)和传统Cisco IOS(用于支持第3层路由选择)软件的Catalyst交换机。
Crescendo Communications 代表了 catalyst 平台软件的起源。
set    clear    show
RSM   router switch module   路由交换模块
MSFC  multilayer switch feature card  多层交换特性卡
console> show version
cisco 6500 系列交换机的模块15和模块16都是虚拟模块,并且为MSFC保留。如果集成在第一个supervisor,那么需要使用模块15。如果MSFC集成到第二个supervisor,那么需要使用模块16。
console > show port 1/1  
enter password:
console> (enable) set password
enter old password:
enter new pasword:
retype new password:
password changed.
console>(enable) set system name system-name
syste name set.
system-name > (enable) show system
system-name> (enable)show config
sw1> en
sw1# show environment
sw1#show controller
sw1#show running-config
在cisco IOS 中除非通过copy  write memory命令,否则路由器配置变更不会提交给内存。
catalyst OS 中不存在保存配置和单独运行配置的概念。任何命令行变更都会自动保存。
console (enable) show running-config
console (enable) show tech-support ?
console (enable)  session 15
console (enable) set vlan 10 1/1-1/16
console (ebable) session 15
enter configurtaion commands,one per line.ent with cntl/z
sw1-msfc3(config)#int vlan 10
sw1-msfc3(config)#ip add
cisco ios 12.0(7)XE 推出,catalyst 6500平台能够利用与cisco路由器产品线风格相似的命令行接口。成为Native IOS交换机。
catalyst OS 软件的交换机,以太网连接成为端口 port
cisco IOS 软件的交换机,以太网口成为接口interface

service timestamps

To configure the system to time-stamp debugging or system logging messages, use one of the service timestamps commands in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.
service timestamps [ debug | log] [ uptime | datetime [ msec] [ localtime] [ show-timezone] [ year] ]
no service timestamps [ debug | log]

Syntax Description

Indicates that the timestamp should be applied to debugging messages.
Indicates that the timestamp should be applied to system logging messages.
Time stamp with the time since the system was rebooted. The time stamp format for uptime is HHHH:MM:SS.
Time stamp with the date and time. The time stamp format for datetime is MMM DD HH:MM:SS.
(Optional) Include milliseconds in the time stamp.
(Optional) Time stamp relative to the local time zone.
Include the year in the datetime format.
(Optional) Include the time zone name in the time stamp.


No time-stamping.
If the service timestamps command is specified with no arguments or keywords, the default is service timestamps debug uptime.
The default for the service timestamps type datetime command is to format the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), with no milliseconds and no time zone name.
The no service timestamps command by itself disables time stamps for both debug and log messages.
To set the local timezone, use the clock timezone zone hours-offset command in global configuration mode.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

This command was introduced.
The year keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Time stamps can be added to either debugging or logging messages independently. The uptime form of the command adds time stamps in the format HHHH:MM:SS, indicating the time since the system was rebooted. The datetime form of the command adds time stamps in the format MMM DD HH:MM:SS, indicating the date and time according to the system clock.
The timestamp will be preceeded by an asterisk or period if the time is potentially inaccurate. Table 43 describes the symbols that proceed the timestamp.
Table 43 Timestamping Symbols for syslog Messages
Time is authoritative: the software clock is in sync or has just been set manually
15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:
Time is not authoritative: the software clock has not been set, or is not in sync with configured Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.
*15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:
Time is authoritative, but the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is not synchronized: the software clock was in sync, but has since lost contact with all configured NTP servers.
.15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:


In the following example, the user enables time stamps on debugging messages, showing the time since reboot:
service timestamps debug uptime

In the following example, the user enables time stamps on logging messages, showing the current time and date relative to the local time zone, with the time zone name included:
! The following line shows timestamp with uptime.
1w0d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone 
Router(config)# end 
! The following line shows timestamp with datetime.
.Mar 22 23:13:25 UTC: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

The following example shows the change from UTC to local time:
.Mar 22 23:23:10 UTC: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# config terminal 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# clock timezone PST -8 
Router(config)# end 
.Mar 22 15:28:02 PST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Related Commands

clock set
Manually sets the system clock.
Controls access to the system's NTP services.
service sequence-numbers
Stamps system logging messages with a sequence number.

service udp-small-servers

To access minor User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services available from hosts on the network, use the service udp-small-servers command in global configuration mode. To disable these services, use the no form of this command.
service udp-small-servers
no service udp-small-servers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default the UPD servers for Echo, Discard, and Chargen services are disabled.
When the servers are disabled, access to Echo, Discard, and Chargen ports causes the Cisco IOS software to send an "ICMP port unreachable" message to the sender and discard the original incoming packet.


In the following example, the UDP server (UDP services) is enabled:
Router(config)# service udp-small-servers 


To enter Setup mode, use the setup command in privileged EXEC mode.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Setup mode gives you the option of configuring your system without using the Cisco IOS Command Line Interface (CLI). For some tasks, you may find it easier to use Setup than to enter Cisco IOS commands individually. For example, you might want to use Setup to add a protocol suite, to make major addressing scheme changes, or to configure a newly installed interface. Although you can use the CLI to make these changes, Setup provides you with a high-level view of the configuration and guides you through the configuration process.
If you are not familiar with Cisco products and the CLI, Setup is a particularly valuable tool because it prompts you for the specific information required to configure your system.
Note If you use the Setup mode to modify a configuration because you have added or modified the hardware, be sure to verify the physical connections using the show version EXEC command. Also, verify the logical port assignments using the show running-config EXEC command to ensure that you configure the correct port. Refer to the hardware documentation for your platform for more information on physical and logical port assignments.
Before using the Setup mode, you should have the following information so that you can configure the system properly:
Which interfaces you want to configure
Which routing protocols you wish to enable
Whether the router is to perform bridging
Network addresses for the protocols being configured
Password strategy for your environment
When you enter the setup EXEC command after first-time startup, an interactive dialog called the System Configuration Dialog appears on the system console screen. The System Configuration Dialog guides you through the configuration process. It prompts you first for global parameters and then for interface parameters. The values shown in brackets next to each prompt reflect either the default settings or the last configured setting.
The prompts and the order in which they appear on the screen vary depending on the platform and the interfaces installed in the device.
You must progress through the System Configuration Dialog until you come to the item that you intend to change. To accept default settings for items that you do not want to change, press the Return or Enter key. The default choice is indicated by square brackets (for example, [yes]) before the prompt colon (:).
To exit Setup mode and return to privileged EXEC mode without making changes and without progressing through the entire System Configuration Dialog, press Ctrl- C.
The facility also provides help text for each prompt. To access help text, press the question mark ( ?) key at a prompt.
When you complete your changes, the system will automatically display the configuration file that was created during the Setup session. It also asks you if you want to use this configuration. If you answer Yes, the configuration is saved to NVRAM as the startup configuration file. If you answer No, the configuration is not saved and the process begins again. There is no default for this prompt; you must answer either Yes or No.


The following example displays the setup command facility to configure serial interface 0 and to add ARAP and IP/IPX PPP support on the asynchronous interfaces:
Router# setup 

         --- System Configuration Dialog ---

At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.

Continue with configuration dialog? [yes]: 

First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [yes]: 

Interface          IP-Address      OK?  Method    Status                 Protocol
Ethernet0     YES  manual    up                     up      
Serial0            unassigned      YES  not set   administratively down  down    
Serial1       YES  not set   up                     up    

Configuring global parameters:

  Enter host name [Router]: 

The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used
instead of the enable password when it exists.

  Enter enable secret [<Use current secret>]: 
The enable password is used when there is no enable secret
and when using older software and some boot images.
  Enter enable password [ww]: 
  Enter virtual terminal password [ww]: 
  Configure SNMP Network Management? [yes]: 
    Community string [public]: 
  Configure DECnet? [no]: 
  Configure AppleTalk? [yes]: 
    Multizone networks? [no]: yes 
  Configure IPX? [yes]: 
  Configure IP? [yes]: 
    Configure IGRP routing? [yes]: 
      Your IGRP autonomous system number [15]: 
  Configure Async lines? [yes]: 
    Async line speed [9600]: 57600 
    Configure for HW flow control? [yes]: 
    Configure for modems? [yes/no]: yes 
      Configure for default chat script? [yes]: no 
    Configure for Dial-in IP SLIP/PPP access? [no]: yes 
      Configure for Dynamic IP addresses? [yes]: no 
      Configure Default IP addresses? [no]: yes 
      Configure for TCP Header Compression? [yes]: no 
      Configure for routing updates on async links? [no]: 
    Configure for Async IPX? [yes]: 
    Configure for Appletalk Remote Access? [yes]: 
      AppleTalk Network for ARAP clients [1]: 20 
      Zone name for ARAP clients [ARA Dialins]: 
Configuring interface parameters:

Configuring interface Ethernet0:
  Is this interface in use? [yes]: 
  Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: 
    IP address for this interface []: 
    Number of bits in subnet field [8]: 
    Class B network is, 8 subnet bits; mask is /24
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [yes]: 
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [1]: 
    AppleTalk ending cable range [1]: 
    AppleTalk zone name [Sales]: 
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [yes]: 
    IPX network number [1]: 

Configuring interface Serial0:
  Is this interface in use? [no]: yes 
  Configure IP on this interface? [no]: yes 
  Configure IP unnumbered on this interface? [no]: yes 
    Assign to which interface [Ethernet0]: 
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [no]: yes 
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [2]: 3 
    AppleTalk ending cable range [3]: 3 
    AppleTalk zone name [myzone]: ZZ Serial 
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [no]: yes 
    IPX network number [2]: 3 

Configuring interface Serial1:
  Is this interface in use? [yes]: 
  Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: 
  Configure IP unnumbered on this interface? [yes]: 
    Assign to which interface [Ethernet0]: 
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [yes]: 
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [2]: 
    AppleTalk ending cable range [2]: 
    AppleTalk zone name [ZZ Serial]: 
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [yes]: 
    IPX network number [2]: 
Configuring interface Async1: 
    IPX network number [4]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface [none]: 
Configuring interface Async2:
    IPX network number [5]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async3:
    IPX network number [6]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async4:
    IPX network number [7]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async5:
    IPX network number [8]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async6:
    IPX network number [9]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async7:
    IPX network number [A]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async8:
    IPX network number [B]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async9:
    IPX network number [C]:  
    Default client IP address for this interface []:  
Configuring interface Async10:
    IPX network number [D]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async11:
    IPX network number [E]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async12:
    IPX network number [F]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async13:
    IPX network number [10]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async14:
    IPX network number [11]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async15:
    IPX network number [12]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async16: 
    IPX network number [13]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []:  

The following configuration command script was created:

hostname Router
enable secret 5 $1$krIg$emfYm/1OwHVspDuS8Gy0K1
enable password ww
line vty 0 4
password ww
snmp-server community public
no decnet routing
appletalk routing
ipx routing
ip routing
line 1 16
speed 57600
flowcontrol hardware
modem inout
arap network 20 ARA Dialins
line 1 16
arap enable
! Turn off IPX to prevent network conflicts.
interface Ethernet0
no ipx network
interface Serial0
no ipx network
interface Serial1
no ipx network
interface Ethernet0
ip address
appletalk cable-range 1-1 1.204
appletalk zone Sales
ipx network 1
no mop enabled
interface Serial0
no shutdown
no ip address
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
appletalk cable-range 3-3
appletalk zone ZZ Serial
ipx network 3
no mop enabled
interface Serial1
no ip address
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
appletalk cable-range 2-2 2.2
appletalk zone ZZ Serial
ipx network 2
no mop enabled
Interface Async1
ipx network 4
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async2
ipx network 5
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async3
ipx network 6
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async4
ipx network 7
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
async dynamic address
Interface Async5
ipx network 8
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async6
ipx network 9
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async7
ipx network A
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async8
ipx network B
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async9
ipx network C
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async10
ipx network D
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async11
ipx network E
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async12
ipx network F
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async13
ipx network 10
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async14
ipx network 11
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async15
ipx network 12
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async16
ipx network 13
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
router igrp 15

Use this configuration? [yes/no]: yes 

Building configuration...

Use the enabled mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration.      


Related Commands

erase nvram:
Erases a file system.
show running-config
Displays the running configuration file. Command alias for the more system:running-config command.
show startup-config
Displays the startup configuration file. Command alias for the more system:startup-config command.
show version
Displays the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images.

show aliases

To display all alias commands, or the alias commands in a specified mode, use the show aliases command in EXEC mode.
show aliases [ mode ]

Syntax Description

(Optional) Name of a specific command or configuration mode. Specifies that only aliases configured for this mode should be displayed.

Command Modes


Command History

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When used without the mode argument, this command will display all aliases currently configured on the system. Use the mode argument to display only the aliases configured for the specified command mode.
To display a list of the command mode keywords available for your system, use the show aliases ? command. For a list of command modes, refer to the "Cisco IOS Command Modes" appendix in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


The following is sample output from the show aliases exec commands. The aliases configured for commands in EXEC mode are displayed.
Router> show aliases exec 

Exec mode aliases:
  h                    help
  lo                   logout
  p                    ping
  r                    resume
  s                    show
  w                    where

Related Commands

Creates a command alias.
sw1#show interface gigabitethernet 1/1
sw1#show run interface gigabitethernet 1/1
sw1#conf t
sw1(config)#interface gigabitethernt 1/1
sw1(config-if)#switchport mode access
sw1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
sw1(config-if)#no shutdown
MLS multiplayer switch
MAC media access console
PPS  packet per second
MPPS millions of pps
SFM  switch fabic module
CEF  cisco express forwarding
supervisor II
supervisor 720
MLS-RP   multiplayer switching route processor
MLS-SE   multiplayer switching switching engine
MLSP multiplayer swtiching protocol
VTP vlan trunking protocol
CGMP cisco group management protocol
NFFC netflow feature card
CDP cisco discovery protocol
PAgp port Aggregation protcol
LACP link aggregation control protocol
NTP network time protcol
sw1(config)#interface range g 1/1 - 2
SNMP simple network management protocol
MIB managment information base
NMS network managment station  网络管理站
ISL  inter-switch link
Cos  class of service
Tos type of service

本文出自 “一颗平和的心” 博客,谢绝转载!
