Precision / Recall 及 F1-score

Precision / Recall 及 F1-score_第1张图片


True positive(tp): algorithm predicts 1 and it actually is 1

True negtive(tn): algorithm predicts 0 and it actually is 0

False positive(fp):  algorithm predicts 1 and it actually is 0

False negative(fn): algorithm predicts 0 and it actually is 1


Precision: 在所有预测为1结果里面有多少是真实为1

$precision = \frac{True\ positives}{\#predicted\ positives} = \frac{tp}{tp + fp}$


Recall: 所有真实为1的有多少能够被成功预测为1

$recall = \frac{True\ positives}{\#actual\ positives} = \frac{tp}{tp + fn}$


F1-score: 偏斜集衡量指标

$F_{1}\textrm{-}score = \frac{2PR}{P+R}$


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