
开发环境:QT5.3 ,Window平台



#include <QObject>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QSizeF>

class QPainter;
/// \brief The FakePainter class
/// 对QPainter的功能封装
class FakePainter
    enum SweepDiretction{ Counterclockwise , Clockwise};

    /// \brief ArcTo
    /// \param painter
    /// \param point            绘制圆弧的起始点
    /// \param size             绘制圆弧的X,Y半径
    /// \param rotationAngle    角度(默认 0-360)
    /// \param sweepDirection   方向,clockwise顺时针 ,Counterclockwise逆时针
    /// 绘制圆弧
    static void ArcTo( QPainter* painter , const QPointF& point , const QSizeF& size , double rotationAngle , FakePainter::SweepDiretction sweepDirection );

    /// \brief ArcDashTo
    /// \param painter
    /// \param point
    /// \param size
    /// \param rotationAngle
    /// \param sweepDirection
    /// 绘制虚线风格的圆弧
    static void ArcDashTo(QPainter* painter , const QPointF& point , const QSizeF& size , double rotationAngle , FakePainter::SweepDiretction sweepDirection);

    static void DrawDashLine(QPainter* painter, const QPointF& p1 , const QPointF& p2 );
#include "fakepainter.h"
#include <QPainter>

void FakePainter::ArcTo(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &point, const QSizeF &size, double rotationAngle, FakePainter::SweepDiretction sweepDirection){
    double sweep = sweepDirection == Clockwise ? rotationAngle * 16 : -rotationAngle *16 ;

    painter->drawArc(QRectF(point.x() , point.y() - size.height(),size.width(),size.height()* 2  ), rotationAngle, sweep );

void FakePainter::ArcDashTo(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &point, const QSizeF &size, double rotationAngle, FakePainter::SweepDiretction sweepDirection)
    double sweep = sweepDirection == Clockwise ? rotationAngle * 16 : -rotationAngle *16 ;

    QPen pen = painter->pen();

    painter->drawArc(QRectF(point.x() , point.y() - size.height(),size.width(),size.height()* 2  ), rotationAngle, sweep );

void FakePainter::DrawDashLine(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2){

    QPen pen  =painter->pen();
    pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine );

View Code



部分立体图形绘制 figure3dcontext.h/cpp

#include <qobject.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <QRectF>

/// \brief The Figure3DContext class
/// 提供快速绘制立体图形的方法
class Figure3DContext

    static void DrawHemisphere(QPainter* painter ,  const QRectF& bound );
    static void DrawCylinder(QPainter* painter ,  const QRectF& bound );
    static void DrawCube(QPainter* painter ,  const QRectF& bound );
    static void DrawCone(QPainter* painter , const QRectF& bound );
    static void DrawRoundpillars(QPainter* paitner ,const QRectF& bound );
#include "figure3dcontext.h"
#include "fakepainter.h"
#include <QPainterPath>


void Figure3DContext::DrawHemisphere(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bound){
    qreal x = bound.x() ,y = bound.y();
    qreal w = bound.width() , h = bound.height();

    QPointF pt(x , y + h * 3 / 4);
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,pt , QSizeF(w , 3*h /4) ,  180, FakePainter::Clockwise );
    FakePainter::ArcDashTo(painter,pt, QSizeF(w ,h/4 ),180, FakePainter::Clockwise);
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,pt, QSizeF(w ,h/4 ),180, FakePainter::Counterclockwise);

void Figure3DContext::DrawCylinder(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bound){
    QPainterPath path;
    qreal x = bound.x() ,y = bound.y();
    qreal w = bound.width() , h = bound.height();

    path.moveTo(x , y + h/7);
    path.lineTo(x, y + 6* h / 7 );
    path.moveTo(x+w , y+ h/7);
    path.lineTo(x + w , y + h * 6  / 7 );
    painter->drawPath( path );

    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,QPointF(x , y + h/7),QSizeF(w, h/7), 180 , FakePainter::Clockwise);
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,QPointF(x , y + h/7),QSizeF(w, h/7), 180 , FakePainter::Counterclockwise);
    FakePainter::ArcDashTo(painter,QPointF(x, y + 6* h / 7 ),QSizeF(w, h/7), 180 , FakePainter::Clockwise);
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,QPointF(x, y + 6* h / 7 ),QSizeF(w, h/7), 180 , FakePainter::Counterclockwise);

void Figure3DContext::DrawRoundpillars(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bound){
    QPainterPath path;
    qreal x = bound.x() ,y = bound.y();
    qreal w = bound.width() , h = bound.height();
    path.addEllipse(QRectF(QPointF(x+w/4 , y ), QPointF(x+w*3/4,y+2*h/10)));
    path.moveTo(x+w/4 , y + h/10);
    path.lineTo(x, y+ h*9/10 );
    path.moveTo(w+x, y+ h*9/10);
    path.lineTo(x+w*3/4, y + h/10);

    FakePainter::ArcDashTo(painter,QPointF(x , y + h*9/10),QSizeF(w,h/10),180,FakePainter::Clockwise);
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,QPointF(x , y + h*9/10),QSizeF(w,h/10),180,FakePainter::Counterclockwise);


void Figure3DContext::DrawCone(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bound){
    QPainterPath path;
    qreal x = bound.x() ,y = bound.y();
    qreal w = bound.width() , h = bound.height();

    path.moveTo(x+w/2 ,y );
    path.lineTo(x , y + h*6/7);
    path.moveTo(x+w/2, y );
    path.lineTo(x+ w , y + h*6/7);
    painter->drawPath( path );

    FakePainter::ArcDashTo(painter,QPointF(x , y+h*6/7),QSizeF(w ,  h/7) , 180 , FakePainter::Clockwise );
    FakePainter::ArcTo(painter,QPointF(x , y+h*6/7),QSizeF(w ,  h/7) , 180 , FakePainter::Counterclockwise );

void Figure3DContext::DrawCube(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bound){
    QPainterPath path;
    qreal x = bound.x() ,y = bound.y();
    qreal w = bound.width() , h = bound.height();
    path.moveTo(x , y+ h/3);
    path.lineTo(x , y + h );
    path.lineTo(x+w*2/3 , y + h );
    path.lineTo(x + w , y + 2*h/3);
    path.lineTo(x + w , y );
    path.lineTo(x + w *2 / 3 ,y + h /3 );
    path.lineTo(x , y + h /3 );
    path.lineTo(x+ w/3,y);
    path.lineTo(x+w, y );
    path.moveTo( x+ w*2/3, y + h/3);
    path.lineTo(x+2*w/3  ,y +h);
    painter->drawPath( path );

    FakePainter::DrawDashLine(painter,QPointF(x+w/3,y ) ,QPointF(x+w/3 , y + h*2/3));
    FakePainter::DrawDashLine(painter,QPointF(x+w/3 , y + h*2/3),QPointF(x+w,y + h*2/3));
    FakePainter::DrawDashLine(painter,QPointF(x+w/3 , y + h*2/3),QPointF(x,y + h ));
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交互式画板定制/开发。 支持Net,QT开发~ 

