性能调优分三步骤:1. 性能数据收集;2. 性能数据分析;3. 根据分析后的数据、代码以及系统特性进行调优,perf4j主要用于处理前两种情况,并且这两部分分开。
long timeSpend = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("methodToMeasure took: " + timeSpend);
// output: start[1429350898550] time[66] tag[methodToMeasure]
System.out.println(stopWatch.stop("methodToMeasure", "A simple test method"));
// output: start[1429351112097] time[3] tag[methodToMeasure] message[A simple test method]
perf4j中StopWatch的实现非常简单,它只是对上面代码的一个简单封装,为了提高精确度,它使用System.nanoTime()来纪录时间差值,另外它引入了tag的概念,从而在后期分析的时候可以将相同的操作组合在一起形成一些统计数据,在perf4j的日志分析支持tag的层级结构,它使用dot来分隔,而message只是对当前日志的一种额外说明,这里不再赘述。另外在Guava和Apache Commons Lang项目中都提供了StopWatch类,而且他们打印的格式更具可读性,perf4j这里打印的简单格式主要为了后期统计分析,因而采用了更加简单的格式。
其实以上的代码还可以进一步封装:既然最后都是要打印这些信息的,直接在 stop() 方法中打印不就可以了?因而 perf4j 提供了 LoggingStopWatch 类,它将日志信息输出到 System.err 中:methodToMeasure();
stopWatch.stop("methodToMeasure", "A simple test method");
stopWatch.setNormalAndSlowSuffixesEnabled( true);
// output:
// start[1429352833043] time[71] tag[methodToMeasure.slow]
// start[1429352833115] time[46] tag[methodToMeasure.normal]
setExceptionPriority( int exceptionPriority)
如果将上述的 LoggingStopWatch 换成 Slf4JStopWatch ,并且配置相应的 Log4J 配置文件,则有如下输出:
// 150418 19:12:21,764 [INFO ] [main] o.p.TimingLogger - start[1429355541719] time[44] tag[methodToMeasure.normal]
// 150418 19:12:21,812 [WARN ] [main] o.p.TimingLogger - start[1429355541765] time[47] tag[methodToMeasureException.normal]
// java.lang.Exception: test
// at lev-in.learn.perf4j.SimplePerfCollector.main(SimplePerfCollector.java:17)
在 perf4j 目前只实现了注解方式的 AOP 织入,因而对所有想要打印性能数据的方法需要添加 @Profiled 注解,它可以用于方法或构造函数之上:@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR})
public @ interface Profiled {
String message() default "";
String level() default "INFO";
boolean el() default true;
boolean logFailuresSeparately() default false;
long timeThreshold() default 0;
boolean normalAndSlowSuffixesEnabled() default false;
该PointCut的实现使用子工厂类创建相应的XXStopWatch实力,然后调用AgnosticTimingAspect的runProfiledMethod,该方法的实现也比较简单:在方法调用前配置StopWatch实力,方法调用结束后根据方法参数、返回值、抛出的异常使用Apache Commons JEXL语法解析出tag和message,然后调用StopWatch的stop方法(内部自动使用当前的Log框架输出log日志)。
然而有了这些 @Profiled 注解的方法以后,如何将 TimingAspect 织入这些方法中呢?首先从运行时动态加载说起:运行时织入首先在项目的 META-INF 目录中添加 aop.xml 文件,内容为(官方文档中 AspectJ 的版本为 1.6.1 ,我在使用这个版本时不识别 profiled 注解,然后如果使用 1.7.x 以后的办班,绿色那个配置是必须的,不然会出现 NoSuchMethod 的错: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.perf4j.log4j.aop.TimingAspect.aspectOf()Lorg/perf4j/log4j/aop/TimingAspect; 黄色部分用于调试,在实际运行时可以去除,不然会有一些干扰性的输出。):< aspectj >
< aspects >
< aspect name ="org.perf4j.log4j.aop.TimingAspect" />
</ aspects >
< weaver options ="-verbose -showWeaveInfo" >
<!-- Remember to include this -->
< include within ="org.perf4j.log4j.aop.TimingAspect" />
< include within ="levin.learn.perf4j.*" />
</ weaver >
</ aspectj >
对编译时织入比较简单,你只需要 perf4j-0.9.16-log4jonly.jar 而不是 perf4j-0.9.16.jar ,否则你的类会被织入多个 Aspect ;然后使用 AspectJ 编译器( ajc )编译即可,在编译时需要 aspectjrt.jar 包依赖。对于 maven 编译可以使用 aspectj-maven-plugin :< groupId >org.codehaus.mojo </ groupId >
< artifactId >aspectj-maven-plugin </ artifactId >
< version >1.7 </ version >
< configuration >
< complianceLevel >1.7 </ complianceLevel >
< showWeaveInfo >true </ showWeaveInfo >
< verbose >true </ verbose >
< weaveDependencies >
< dependency >
< groupId >org.perf4j </ groupId >
< artifactId >perf4j </ artifactId >
< classifier >slf4jonly </ classifier >
</ dependency >
</ weaveDependencies >
</ configuration >
< dependencies >
< dependency >
< groupId >org.aspectj </ groupId >
< artifactId >aspectjtools </ artifactId >
< version >${aspectj.version} </ version >
</ dependency >
</ dependencies >
< executions >
< execution >
< goals >
< goal >compile </ goal > <!-- use this goal to weave all your main classes -->
< goal >test-compile </ goal > <!-- use this goal to weave all your test classes -->
</ goals >
</ execution >
</ executions >
</ plugin >
java -jar /Users/dinglevin/.m2/repository/org/perf4j/perf4j/0.9.16/perf4j-0.9.16.jar -t 300000 perf4j-sample.log
输出结果(-t 300000表示每5分钟统计一次):
dynamicTag_iIsEven 513.4 23 957 236.3 24
dynamicTag_iIsOdd 552.3 100 937 272.4 24
failuresSeparatelyExample.failure 635.8 138 946 222.7 23
failuresSeparatelyExample.success 433.8 21 903 271.4 24
loggerExample 487.0 25 957 293.3 47
messageExample 746.9 34 1912 500.9 47
simpleBlock 467.7 14 951 307.9 48
simpleExample 533.0 1 995 306.1 48
tail -f perf4j-sample.log | java -jar /Users/dinglevin/.m2/repository/org/perf4j/perf4j/0.9.16/perf4j-0.9.16.jar
LogParser 的具体使用方法如它自己所描述:
logInputFile - The log file to be parsed. If not specified, log data is read from stdin.
-o|--out|--output outputFile - The file where generated statistics should be written. If not specified, statistics are written to stdout.
-g|--graph graphingOutputFile - The file where generated perf graphs should be written. If not specified, no graphs are written.
-t|--timeslice timeslice - The length of time (in ms) of each timeslice for which statistics should be generated. Defaults to 30000 ms.
-r - Whether or not statistics rollups should be generated. If not specified, rollups are not generated.
-f|--format text|csv - The format for the statistics output, either plain text or CSV. Defaults to text.
If format is csv, then the columns output are tag, start, stop, mean, min, max, stddev, and count.
Note that out, stdout, err and stderr can be used as aliases to the standard output streams when specifying output files.
对Google Chart API有兴趣的可以阅读这里:http://www.haijd.net/archive/computer/google/google_chart_api/api.html。
在LogParser的实现中,LogParser类本身主要用于解析传入的参数,然后使用parseLog()方法处理所有逻辑,在该方法中它将日志文件的解析代理给StopWatchLogIterator类,该Iterator使用StopWatchParser解析每一行日志,它只是简单的采用正则表达式匹配性能日志(start\\[(\\d+)\\] time\\[(\\d+)\\] tag\\[(.*?)\\](?: message\\[(.*?)\\])?);将相同tag的性能日志组合代理给GroupingStatisticsIterator,该Iterator生成给定时间间隔内的tag到TimingStatistcs的Map,其中TimingStatistics纪录了该时间间隔内时间消耗的最小值、最大值、平均值、标准方差等;将输出格式代理给GroupedTimingStatisticsFormatter,它支持text和csv两种格式;最后将Chart输出代理给StatisticsChartGenerator,默认实现采用GoogleStatisticsChartGenerator。
perf4j 还提供了几个 Log4J 的 Appender 实现用于实时的性能数据分析,可以输出 txt 、 csv 、 png 等格式的分析数据: AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender ,它主要用于配置实时统计时使用的参数,如 timeSlice 、 createRollupStatistics 、 downStreamLogLevel 、 queueSize 等,以及内部实际 Appender ,并且提供了 StatisticsCsvLayout 类以输出 csv 格式的文件。这里之所以要用 Async 方式是为了减少该 Appender 对实际性能的影响,该 Appender 只是做一些简单的检查,然后将消息添加到内部 Queue 中,由一个 Daemon 线程处理这个 Queue 并做统计信息。<!--
This AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender groups StopWatch log messages
into GroupedTimingStatistics messages which it sends on the
file appender defined below
< appender name ="CoalescingStatistics"
class ="org.perf4j.log4j.AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender" >
The TimeSlice option is used to determine the time window for which
all received StopWatch logs are aggregated to create a single
GroupedTimingStatistics log. Here we set it to 10 seconds, overrid-ing
the default of 30000 ms
< param name ="TimeSlice" value ="10000" />
< appender-ref ref ="fileAppender" />
</ appender >
<!-- This file appender is used to output aggregated performance statis-tics -->
< appender name ="fileAppender" class ="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender" >
< param name ="File" value ="logs/perfStats.log" />
< layout class ="org.perf4j.log4j.StatisticsCsvLayout" >
< param name ="Columns" value ="tag,start,stop,mean,count,tps" />
</ layout >
</ appender >
<!-- Loggers -->
The Perf4J logger. Note that org.perf4j.TimingLogger is the value of the
org.perf4j.StopWatch.DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME constant. Also, note that
additivity is set to false, which is usually what is desired - this means
that timing statements will only be sent to this logger and NOT to
upstream loggers.
< logger name ="org.perf4j.TimingLogger" additivity ="false" >
< level value ="INFO" />
< appender-ref ref ="CoalescingStatistics" />
</ logger >
This first GraphingStatisticsAppender graphs Mean execution times for the
firstBlock and secondBlock tags
< appender name ="graphExecutionTimes"
class ="org.perf4j.log4j.GraphingStatisticsAppender" >
<!-- Possible GraphTypes are Mean, Min, Max, StdDev, Count and TPS -->
< param name ="GraphType" value ="Mean" />
<!-- The tags of the timed execution blocks to graph are specified here -->
< param name ="TagNamesToGraph" value ="firstBlock,secondBlock" />
< appender-ref ref ="graphsFileAppender" />
</ appender >
This second GraphingStatisticsAppender graphs transactions per second
for the firstBlock and secondBlock tags
< appender name ="graphExecutionTPS"
class ="org.perf4j.log4j.GraphingStatisticsAppender" >
< param name ="GraphType" value ="TPS" />
< param name ="TagNamesToGraph" value ="firstBlock,secondBlock" />
< appender-ref ref ="graphsFileAppender" />
</ appender >
This file appender is used to output the graph URLs generated
by the GraphingStatisticsAppenders
< appender name ="graphsFileAppender" class ="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender" >
< param name ="File" value ="logs/perfGraphs.log" />
< layout class ="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout" >
< param name ="ConversionPattern" value ="%m%n" />
</ layout >
</ appender >
最后perf4j还提供JMX方式的性能统计数据处理与获取,首先在AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender中定义一个JmxAttributeStatisticsAppender,该Appender注册StatisticsExposingMBean,并实时更新该MBean性能统计数据以供其他管理程序查询或设置阀值而主动发送JMX Notification。JMX的Notification机制好像用的不多,因而不再详述。
1. perf4j源码(0.9.16)
2. http://perf4j.codehaus.org/devguide.html#Perf4J_Developer_Guide
3. http://www.infoq.com/articles/perf4j#.VTHH4dZ8WVc.sinaweibo