MyEclipse 4.1 的ajax的支持

MyEclipse 4.1 的ajax的支持

MyEclipse 4.1 Milestone2 has enhanced the JavaScript Editor and Debugger to include the following features:

  • Editor
    • Syntax highlighting
    • Integrated outline and property views
    • Validation and syntax checking
    • Code assist for common JavaScript elements, functions, and variables
    • Code assist documentation for functions
    • Source formatting
    • Toggle comments
  • Debugger
    • Debug any web page containing JavaScript source or included JavaScript files, or standalone JavaScript files
    • Operations: Pause, Resume, Step Into, Step Over, Step to Return, Terminate
    • Views:
      • Web Browser View
      • Call Stack View
      • Variables View
      • Console View
    • Set JavaScript breakpoints in:
      • JavaScript files
      • HTML with embedded JavaScript and linked JavaScript files
      • JSP files
      • Conditional breakpoints planned for MyEclipse 4.1.1
    • Integrates with Eclipse Launch Manager
      • Quick launch from context-menu using "Debug As"
      • Launch from Eclipse Debug toolbar action
      • Use Launch Profile to modify launch configuration
      • Launch JavaScript resource from project location or deployed MyEclipse web-application

JavaScript Outline View

The JavaScript outline view depicts method and variable declarations in their associated scope. Variables can be filtered from the view. Future releases will support for more complex JavaScript constructs.


JavaScript Validation and Syntax Checking

The JavaScript Editor now has syntax validation with error and warning markers in the editor and Problems view. Varying levels of JavaScript validation can be configured in the MyEclipse preferences.

The JavaScript validation includes warnings for your javascript source code.

Code Assist for JavaScript

Code assist is provided for most common DHTML objects like document, window, element, etc. The IE and Netscape icons identify browser support for the function or property. The MyEclipse JavaScript Editor preferences enable the customization of code-assist proposals to filter browser specific proposals and to hide the icons. 


The code assist also provides proposals that include the current functions defined in the JavaScript file.

Global and local variables are also included in the code-assist proposals..

JavaScript Source Code Formatting

The JavaScript editor now has an improved source code formatting.


JavaScript Quick Comment

Quickly toggle single line comments on/off using the Ctrl+Shift+C key sequence or use the Source menubar action. Select a region or set the cursor on the line to toggle as a comment.

Enter Ctrl+Shift+C to add or remove the single line comments.

MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger

The MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger (Milestone 2) is the first fully integrated client-side Eclipse debugger for JavaScript. Feature highlights include:
  • Debug any web page containing JavaScript source or included JavaScript files, or standalone JavaScript files
  • Operations: Pause, Resume, Step Into, Step Over, Step to Return, Terminate
  • Views:
    • Web Browser View
    • Call Stack View
    • Variables View
    • Console View
  • Set JavaScript breakpoints in:
    • JavaScript files
    • HTML with embedded JavaScript and linked JavaScript files
    • JSP files
    • Conditional breakpoints planned for MyEclipse 4.1.1
  • Integrates with Eclipse Launch Manager
    • Quick launch from context-menu using "Debug As"
    • Launch from Eclipse Debug toolbar action
    • Use Launch Profile to modify launch configuration
    • Launch JavaScript resource from project location or deployed MyEclipse web-application

Features planned for MyEclipse 4.1.1:

  • Conditional JavaScript breakpoints
  • JavaScript Snippet Evaluation Editor
  • Smart Browser session organization

MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger -- Setting JavaScript breakpoints

Set breakpoints in JavaScript, HTML and JSP using traditional breakpoint setting facilities.


  <html BP image here>

Breakpoints appear in the left margin as a blue ball image,


MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger -- Quick JavaScript Launcher

Launch JavaScript debuggable resources from the Debug As actions on the toolbar and the context-menu of the HTML, JSP and JavaScript editors or from the Run menubar.



MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger -- Configuring a JavaScript Launch Profile

A custom JavaScript launch profile is created or edited using the Run>Debug... action from the menubar, toolbar, or context-menu context-menu of the HTML, JSP and JavaScript editors. The launch profile's Project and launch URL are provided. The launch URL can reference a deployed web resource, e.g., or a local file in your project workspace, e.g., file://C:/...,   

MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger -- Breakpoint/Stepping Operations in JavaScript

When a JavaScript breakpoint is encountered in the browser, the source file containing the breakpoint opened in the corresponding editor and positioned to the breakpoint line-number. The JavaScript Debugger controls allow you to then Resume execution, Step Into a function at the next line, Step Over a function at the next line, Step to End of the current function, or Terminate the current application thread,


MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger -- Support for breakpoints in include JavaScript files

The JavaScript Debugger supports breakpoints set in both top-level and included resources. In the following screenshot the breakpoint is set in a JavaScript file that is included in an HTML file.  


New JavaScript Editor

The new and improved Javascript Editor have new Outline View support for javascript variables and methods, content assist for javascript objects, and a preview capability.

Smart content assist is available for the javascript document object.   Notice, that both IE and Netscape specifc objects are shown.

The javascript editor also have preview support using a builtin browser that will enable testing of javascript.

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