自从微软推出了ASP.NET MVC 1.0(此后简称MVC)这个新的网站框架之后,出现了一大批解读MVC的文章。拜读了老赵、AnyTao的一些文章,受益匪浅。本人自然没有这些大牛的实力,也不敢班门弄斧的进行所谓的深度剖析。自己的一个项目目前正在使用MVC,自然会有一些对应的代码和小窍门,于是规整了一下发表出来。一是可以让大家在使用MVC的时候有个捷径,二是自己总结,三是看看大家有什么看法和建议。
今天开篇第一个,不知道要写多少,也不知道能写多少。没有给自己定什么目标。虽然曾经和AnyTao说要多写点Blog混个MVP当当,至少Windows 7出的时候还能有个正版的号(寒自己一个 - -!!!),但是平心而论,自己还真没有到达MVP的境界。
废话说了很多,说说这篇文章吧。ModelBinder大家应该用了很多,特别是在Post Action函数里面绑定复杂的View Model的时候非常好用。微软自带的DefaultBinder几乎可以满足我们所有的要求了,但是在开发的时候发现有个需求,就是有些页面有上传文件的功能,而默认的ModelBinder似乎还不支持,于是就自己做了个ModelBinder。代码非常简单,如下。
public class UploadFilesModelBinder : IModelBinder { public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { // Default binding the normal properties. var defaultBinder = new DefaultModelBinder(); var model = defaultBinder.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext); // Bind the image. var files = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files; foreach (var property in bindingContext.ModelType.GetProperties()) { if (property.PropertyType == typeof(IHttpPostedFile)) { // Get the corresponding property name which type is IHttpPostedFile. var propertyName = property.Name; var file = files.Get(string.Format("{0}.{1}", bindingContext.ModelName, propertyName)); if (file == null) { file = files.Get(propertyName); } // Set the image into the property. if (file != null) { var fileWapper = new RequestPostedFileWrapper(file, controllerContext.HttpContext.Server); property.SetValue(model, fileWapper, null); } } } return model; } }
使用起来还算简单,比如我们现在有一个Product Creation页面,需要用户输入一些Product信息的同时上传一个Product的图片,那么我们的ViewModel可能是这样的。
public class StockProductCreateModel : ModelBase { public KeyValuePair<int, string> Category { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Cateogry ID is mandatory.")] public int CateogryID { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Name is mandatory.")] public string Name { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Description is mandatory.")] public string Description { get; set; } public IHttpPostedFile MainImage { get; set; } }
我们的图片就是定义为Public IHttpPostedFile MainImage {get; set;}这个属性。相对应的只需要在我们的View的Form里面加入一个文件上传元素就可以了。
<% using (Html.BeginForm("ProductCreate", "Stock", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })) { %> <%= Html.Hidden("model.CateogryID", Model.Category.Key)%> <p> <%= Html.Label("model.Name", "Product Name:")%> <%= Html.TextBox("model.Name", Model.Name, new { style = "width: 80%;" })%> <%= Html.ValidationMessage("model.Name")%> </p> <p> <%= Html.Label("model.Description", "Description:")%> <%= Html.TextArea("model.Description", Model.Description, new { style = "width: 80%;" }) %> <%= Html.ValidationMessage("model.Description")%> </p> <p> <%= Html.Label("model.MainImage", "Main Image:")%> <input name="model.MainImage" type="file" /> </p> <p> <%= Html.SubmitImage("Submit", "~/Content/submit.png")%> <%= Html.BackImage("/Content/back.png")%> </p> <% } %>
只需要<input type=”file” />这个元素的name属性值和刚才我们定义的Property的名字对应就可以了,比如这里定义为model.MainImage就是首先用ViewModel实例的名字(通过Controller传进来的参数名)然后是属性名;或者可以直接定义为属性名(MainImage)。
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult ProductCreate([ModelBinder(typeof(UploadFilesModelBinder))] StockProductCreateModel model) { throw new NotImplementException(); }
public interface IHttpPostedFile { bool IsAvailable { get; } string FileName { get; } void SaveAs(Size normalSize, Size thumbnailSize); }
// Save the main image if specified. if (model.MainImage.IsAvailable) { // Insert the image record. var image = new ProductImages(); image.Products = product; image.ImagePath = model.MainImage.FileName; image.Description = model.MainImageDescription; image.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now; image.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; image.IsDeleted = false; Resolve<IProductImagesRepository>().InsertEntity(image); // Save the image file. model.MainImage.SaveAs(Resolve<ISettingService>().ImageNormalSize, Resolve<ISettingService>().ImageThumbnailSize); // Update the product record set the main image. product.MainImage = image; product.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; Resolve<IProductsRepository>().UpdateEntity(product); }
public class RequestPostedFileWrapper : IHttpPostedFile { public enum ImageType : int { Original = 0, Normal = 1, Thumbnail = 2 } private HttpPostedFileBase _file; private HttpServerUtilityBase _server; private string _fileName; public bool IsAvailable { get { return _file != null && _file.ContentLength > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_file.FileName); } } public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } } public static string GetRelevantPath(ImageType type, string fileName) { return Path.Combine(Settings.ImageRoot, Path.Combine(type.ToString().ToLower(), fileName)); } private string GetServerMappedPath(ImageType type) { return _server.MapPath(GetRelevantPath(type, FileName)); } private Image GetResizedImage(Image originalImage, int width, int height) { Image ret = null; var originalWidth = originalImage.Width; var originalHeight = originalImage.Height; var rateWidth = (double)width / (double)originalWidth; var rateHeight = (double)height / (double)originalHeight; var rate = Math.Min(rateWidth, rateHeight); if (rate >= 1) { // The target size is bigger than the input image's size so no need to resize. ret = originalImage; } else { // The target size is smaller than the input image's size so resize the input image and returned. ret = new Bitmap(originalImage, (int)Math.Ceiling(originalWidth * rate), (int)Math.Ceiling(originalHeight * rate)); } return ret; } public void SaveAs(Size normalSize, Size thumbnailSize) { Image originalImage = Image.FromStream(_file.InputStream); var originalPath = GetServerMappedPath(ImageType.Original); // Save the normal file. var normalPath = GetServerMappedPath(ImageType.Normal); Image normalImage = GetResizedImage(originalImage, normalSize.Width, normalSize.Height); normalImage.Save(normalPath); // Save the thumbnail file. var thumbnailPath = GetServerMappedPath(ImageType.Thumbnail); Image thumbnailImage = GetResizedImage(originalImage, thumbnailSize.Width, thumbnailSize.Height); thumbnailImage.Save(thumbnailPath); } private void Initialize(HttpPostedFileBase file, string fileName, HttpServerUtilityBase server) { _file = file; _fileName = fileName; _server = server; } public RequestPostedFileWrapper(HttpFileCollectionBase files, HttpServerUtilityBase server, string fileName) { if (files != null && files.Count > 0) { Initialize(files[0], fileName, server); } else { Initialize(null, null, null); } } public RequestPostedFileWrapper(HttpPostedFileBase file, HttpServerUtilityBase server) { Initialize(file, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName), server); } public RequestPostedFileWrapper(HttpFileCollectionBase files, HttpServerUtilityBase server) { if (files != null && files.Count > 0) { Initialize(files[0], Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(files[0].FileName), server); } else { Initialize(null, null, null); } } }
其实这种实现方法也不是我的原创,参考了Scott Gu和Phil Haack等人关于怎么实现ValidationDictionary的方法。他们就是通过一个IValidationDictionary来将本属于表现层的ModelState传递进业务层,但是让业务层脱离对于System.Web.Mvc的依赖。也不知道这是个什么“模式”,但是发现用起来还很方便。