Inside the JVM(1)


platform independence, security, and network-mobility.


The Java Virtual Machine is an abstract computer.
A Java Virtual Machineís main job is to load class files and execute the bytecodes they contain.

native methods are the connection between a Java program and an underlying host operating system.

The Class Loader Architecture

The primordial class loader loads trusted classes, including the classes of the Java API, usually from the local disk.

Classes loaded by different class loaders are in different name-spaces and cannot gain access to each other unless the application explicitly allows it.




Precisely because the Java Virtual Machine and Java API are implemented specifically for each particular host platform, Java programs themselves can be platform independent.

 security manager?


One of the most compelling reasons for using Java as a language is that it can enhance developer productivity.


 The main disadvantage is slower execution speed. 






Javaís extra run-time housekeeping--array bounds checking, type-safe
reference casting, checking for null references, and
garbage-collection--will cause your Java program to be slower than an
equivalent C++ program.

When running on a virtual machine that interprets bytecodes, a Java
program may be 10 to 30 times slower than an equivalent C++ program
compiled to native machine code.

When running on a virtual machine that interprets bytecodes, a Java
program may be 10 to 30 times slower than an equivalent C++ program
compiled to native machine code.

可以在安装的时候把java编译成本地代码。——install-time compiled

Architectural Tradeoffs ——架构的权衡

It is suitable for solving
problems that involve networks and has utility in many problem that donít
involve networks, but its architectural tradeoffs will disqualify it for
certain types of jobs.


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